%UNSH (Convert to Unsigned Format with Half Adjust)

%UNSH(numeric or character expression)

%UNSH is the same as %UNS except that if the expression is a decimal, float or character value, half adjust is applied to the value of the expression when converting to integer type. No message is issued if half adjust cannot be performed.

For more information, see Conversion Operations or Built-in Functions.

Figure 1. %UNS and %UNSH Example
D p7              s              7p 3 inz (8236.567)
D s9              s              9s 5 inz (23.73442)
D f8              s              8f   inz (173.789)
D c15a            s             15a   inz (' 12345.6789 +')
D c15b            s             15a   inz (' + 5 , 6 7 ')
D result1         s             15p 5
D result2         s             15p 5
D result3         s             15p 5
D array           s              1a   dim (200)
D a               s              1a

 // using numeric parameters
    result1 = %uns (p7) + 0.1234; // "result1" is now 8236.12340
    result2 = %uns (s9);          // "result2" is now   23.00000
    result3 = %unsh (f8);         // "result3" is now  174.00000
 // using character parameters
     result1 = %uns (c15a);        // "result1" is now 12345.0000
     result2 = %unsh (c15b);       // "result2" is now     6.00000
    // %UNS and %UNSH can be used as array indexes
    a = array (%unsh (f8));