%ABS (Absolute Value of Expression)

%ABS(numeric expression)

%ABS returns the absolute value of the numeric expression specified as the parameter. If the value of the numeric expression is non-negative, the value is returned unchanged. If the value is negative, the value returned is the value of the expression but with the negative sign removed.

%ABS may be used either in expressions or as parameters to keywords. When used with keywords, the operand must be a numeric literal, a constant name representing a numeric value, or a built-in function with a numeric value known at compile-time.

For more information, see Arithmetic Operations or Built-in Functions.

Figure 1. %ABS Example
D*Name +++++++++ETDsFrom+++To/L+++IDc.Keywords+++++++++++++++++++++++++
D f8         s              8f   inz (-1)
D i10        s             10i 0 inz (-123)
D p7         s              7p 3 inz (-1234.567)

    f8  = %abs (f8);        // "f8" is now 1.
    i10 = %abs (i10 - 321); // "i10" is now 444.
    p7  = %abs (p7);        // "p7" is now 1234.567.