Viewing the Program Source

The Display Module Source display shows the source of an ILE program object one module object at a time. The source of an ILE module object can be shown if the module object was compiled using one of the following debug view options:
The source of an OPM program can be shown if the following conditions are met:
  1. The OPM program was compiled with OPTION(*LSTDBG) or OPTION(*SRCDBG). (Only RPG and COBOL programs can be compiled with *LSTDBG.)
  2. The ILE debug environment is set to accept OPM programs; that is the value of OPMSRC is *YES. (The system default is OPMSRC(*NO).)
There are two methods to change what is shown on the Display Module Source display:
  • Change to a different module
  • Change the view of a module

When you change a view, the ILE source maps to equivalent positions in the view you are changing to. When you change the module, the runnable statement on the displayed view is stored in memory and is viewed when the module is displayed again. Line numbers that have breakpoints set are highlighted. When a breakpoint, step, or message causes the program to stop, and the display to be shown, the statement where the breakpoint occurred is highlighted.