Setting and Removing Watch Conditions

You use a watch condition to monitor if the current value of an expression or a variable changes while your program runs. Setting watch conditions is similar to setting conditional breakpoints, with one important difference:
  • Watch conditions stop the program as soon as the value of a watched expression or variable changes from its current value.
  • Conditional job breakpoints stop the program only if a variable changes to the value specified in the condition.
The watches an expression or a variable through the contents of a storage address, computed at the time the watch condition is set. When the content at the storage address is changed from the value it had when the watch condition was set or when the last watch condition occurred, the program stops.
Note: After a watch condition has been registered, the new contents at the watched storage location are saved as the new current value of the corresponding expression or variable. The next watch condition will be registered if the new contents at the watched storage location change subsequently.