What's New in 7.2?

This section describes the enhancements made to ILE RPG in 7.2.

Free-form Control, File, Definition, and Procedure statements
  • Free-form Control statements begin with CTL-OPT and end with a semicolon.
  • Free-form File definition statements begin with DCL-F and end with a semicolon.
    The following statements define three files
    1. An externally-described DISK file opened for input and update.
    2. An externally-described WORKSTN file opened for input and output.
    3. A program-described PRINTER file with record-length 132.
     DCL-F custFile usage(*update) extfile(custFilename);
     DCL-F screen workstn;
     DCL-F qprint printer(132) oflind(qprintOflow);
  • Free-form data definition statements begin with DCL-C, DCL-DS, DCL-PI, DCL-PR, or DCL-S, and end with a semicolon.
    The following statements define several items
    1. A named constant MAX_ELEMS.
    2. A standalone varying length character field fullName.
    3. A qualified data structure with an integer subfield num and a UCS-2 subfield address.
    4. A prototype for the procedure 'Qp0lRenameUnlink'.
     DCL-C MAX_ELEMS 1000;
     DCL-S fullName VARCHAR(50)
                    INZ('Unknown name');
       num INT(10);
       address UCS2(100);
     DCL-PR Qp0lRenameUnlink INT(10) EXTPROC(*DCLCASE);
  • Free-form Procedure definition statements begin with DCL-PROC and end with a semicolon. The END-PROC statement is used to end a procedure.

    The following example shows a free-form subprocedure definition.

     DCL-PROC getCurrentUserName EXPORT;
        DCL-PI *n CHAR(10) END-PI;
        DCL-S curUser CHAR(10) INZ(*USER);
        RETURN curUser;
  • The /FREE and /END-FREE directives are no longer required. The compiler will ignore them.
  • Free-form statements and fixed-form statements may be intermixed.
             IF endDate < beginDate;
    C                   GOTO      internalError
             duration = %DIFF(endDate : beginDate : *days);
             . . .
    C     internalError TAG
CCSID support for alphanumeric data
  • The default alphanumeric CCSID for the module can be set to many more CCSIDs including UTF-8 and hexadecimal.
  • Alphanumeric data can be defined with a CCSID. Supported CCSIDs include
    • Single-byte and mixed-byte EBCDIC CCSIDs
    • Single-byte and mixed-byte ASCII CCSIDs
    • UTF-8
    • Hexadecimal
CCSID of external alphanumeric subfields
Use CCSID(*EXACT) for an externally-described data structure to indicate that the alphanumeric subfields should have the same CCSID as the fields in the file.
CCSID conversion is not performed for hexadecimal data
CCSID conversion is not allowed for implicit or explicit conversion of hexadecimal data.
Hexadecimal data includes
  • Hexadecimal literals
  • Alphanumeric and graphic data defined with CCSID(*HEX)
  • Alphanumeric and graphic data in buffers for externally-described files when the DATA keyword is in effect for the file and the CCSID of the field in the file is 65535
  • Alphanumeric and graphic data in externally-described data structures defined with CCSID(*EXACT) when the CCSID of the field in the file is 65535
Implicit conversion for concatenation
The compiler will perform implicit conversion between alphanumeric, graphic, and UCS-2 data for concatenation expressions.
Open database files without conversion to the job CCSID
Use Control keyword OPENOPT(*NOCVTDATA) or File keyword DATA(*NOCVT) to specify that a database file will be opened so that alphanumeric and graphic data will not be converted to and from the job CCSID for input and output operations.
Temporarily change the default CCSIDs, date format, or time format
Use the /SET and /RESTORE directives to set default values for date formats, time formats, and CCSIDs.
Control the length returned by %SUBDT
An optional third parameter for %SUBDT allows you to specify the number of digits in the result. For example, you can return the value of the years as a four-digit value: %SUBDT(MyDate:*YEARS:4).
Increased precision for timestamp data
Timestamp data can have between 0 and 12 fractional seconds.
Open Access files
An Open Access file is a file which has all its operations handled by a user-written program or procedure, rather than by the operating system. This program or procedure is called an "Open Access Handler" or simply a "handler". The HANDLER keyword specifies the handler.
New XML-INTO options
  • XML namespaces are supported by the "ns" and "nsprefix" options.
  • XML names with characters that are not supported by RPG for subfield names are supported by the "case=convert" option.
Support for CCSID conversions that cause a loss of data when a source character does not exist in the target character set
Control-specification keyword CCSIDCVT(*EXCP : *LIST).
  • Use CCSIDCVT(*EXCP) to get an exception if a CCSID conversion loses data due to the source character not having a match in the target character set.
  • Use CCSIDCVT(*LIST) to get a listing of every CCSID conversion in the module, with a diagnostic message indicating whether the conversion has the potential of losing data.
VALIDATE(*NODATETIME) to allow the RPG compiler to skip the validation step when working with date, time and timestamp data

Use Control-specification keyword VALIDATE(*NODATETIME) to allow the RPG compiler to treat date, time, and timestamp data as character data, without performing the checks for validity.

This may improve the performance of some date, time, and timestamp operations.

Warning: Skipping the validation step can lead to serious data corruption problems. You should only use this feature when you are certain that your date, time, and timestamp data is always valid.
Table 1. Changed Language Elements In 7.2: Control specification keywords
Element Description
CCSID keyword
  • CCSID(*EXACT) instructs the compiler to be aware of the CCSID of all alphanumeric data in the module.
    • Alphanumeric and graphic literals have the CCSID of the source file
    • Alphanumeric data is always considered to have a CCSID

    When CCSID(*EXACT) is not specified, the RPG compiler may make incorrect assumptions about CCSIDs of data in literals, variables, or the input and output buffers of database files.

  • CCSID(*GRAPH:ccsid) supports *HEX, *JOBRUN.
  • CCSID(*UCS2:ccsid) supports *UTF16.
DFTACTGRP keyword DFTACTGRP(*NO) is assumed if there are any free-form Control specifications, and at least one of the ACTGRP, BNDDIR, or STGMDL keywords is used.
OPENOPT keyword OPENOPT(*{NO}CVT) controls the default for the DATA keyword for database files.
  • OPENOPT(*CVTDATA) indicates that DATA(*CVT) should be assumed for DISK and SEQ files if the DATA keyword is not specified for the file.
  • OPENOPT(*NOCVTDATA) indicates that DATA(*NOCVT) should be assumed for DISK and SEQ files if the DATA keyword is not specified for the file.
Table 2. Changed Language Elements In 7.2: Directives
Element Description
/FREE and /END-FREE directives These directives are no longer necessary to indicate the beginning and ending of free-form code. They are ignored by the compiler.
Table 3. Changed Language Elements In 7.2: Definition-specification keywords
Element Description
CCSID keyword
  • Supported for alphanumeric data
  • Supported for externally-described data structures to control the CCSID of alphanumeric subfields
  • The parameter can be *HEX and *JOBRUN for graphic data
  • The parameter can be *UTF16 for UCS-2 data.
DTAARA keyword In a free-form definition:
  • *VAR is not used. If the name is specified without quotes, it is assumed to be the name of a variable or named constant.
  • For a data structure, *AUTO is used to specify that it is a Data Area Data Structure. *USRCTL is used to specify that the data area can be manipulated using IN, OUT and UNLOCK operations.
EXTFLD keyword In a free-form subfield definition
  • The parameter is optional
  • If the parameter is specified without quotes, it is assumed to be the name of a previously-defined named constant.
EXTNAME keyword In a free-form data structure definition
  • If the file-name or format-name parameter is specified without quotes, it is assumed to be the name of a previously-defined named constant.
EXPORT and IMPORT keywords In a free-form definition
  • *DCLCASE may be specified for the external name indicating that the external name is identical to the way the stand-alone field or data structure is specified, with the same mixed case letters.
EXTPROC keyword In a free-form prototype definition or a procedure-interface definition
  • *DCLCASE may be specified for the external procedure or method name indicating that the external name is identical to the way the prototype or procedure interface is specified, with the same mixed case letters.
  • If the procedure interface name is specified as *N, the external name is taken from the DCL-PROC statement.
LIKE keyword In a free-form definition, the LIKE keyword has an optional second parameter specifying the length adjustment.
LEN keyword In a free-form definition, the LEN keyword is allowed only for a data structure definition. For other free-form definitions, the length is specified as part of the data-type keyword.
CLASS, DATFMT, PROCPTR, TIMFMT, and VARYING keywords These keywords are not used in a free-form definition. The information specified by these keywords is specified as part of the related data-type keywords.
FROMFILE, PACKEVEN, and TOFILE keywords These keywords are not allowed in a free-form definition.
OVERLAY keyword The parameter cannot be the name of the data structure for a free-form subfield definition. The POS keyword is used instead.
Table 4. Changed Language Elements In 7.2: Literals
Element Description
Timestamp literals Timestamp literals can have between 0 and 12 fractional seconds.
Table 5. Changed Language Elements In 7.2: Order of statements
Element Description
File and Definition statements File and Definition statements can be intermixed.
Table 6. Changed Language Elements In 7.2: Built-in functions
Element Description
%CHAR When the operand is a timestamp, the length of the returned value depends on the number of bytes in the timestamp. If the format is *ISO0, the number of bytes can be between 14 and 26. If the format is *ISO, the number of bytes can be 19, or between 21 and 32.
%DEC When the operand is a timestamp, the number of digits can be between 14 and 26, depending on the number of fractional seconds in the timestamp.
%DIFF When the operand is a timestamp, an optional fourth parameter specifies the number of fractional seconds to return.
%SECONDS When %SECONDS is used to add seconds to a timestamp, the parameter can have decimal positions specifying the number of fractional seconds.
  • An optional third parameter specifies the number of digits in the result.
  • If the first operand is a timestamp, and the second operand is *SECONDS, an optional fourth operand indicates the number of fractional seconds in the result.
  • The first parameter can be a timestamp.
  • The first parameter can be *SYS.
  • If the first parameter is date, timestamp, or *SYS, a second optional parameter can be a value between 0 and 12 indicating the number of fractional seconds.
  • If the first parameter is character or numeric, a third optional parameter can be a value between 0 and 12 indicating the number of fractional seconds.
Table 7. Changed Language Elements In 7.2: Fixed form Definition Specification
Element Description
Length entry The length entry for a timestamp can be 19, or a value between 21 and 32.
Decimal-positions entry The decimal-positions entry for a timestamp can be a value between 0 and 12.
Table 8. New Language Elements In 7.2: Directives
Element Description
/SET directive Temporarily set a new value for the following Control statement keywords:
  • CCSID(*CHAR:ccsid)
  • CCSID(*GRAPH:ccsid)
  • CCSID(*UCS2:ccsid)
  • DATFMT(format)
  • TIMFMT(format)

These values are used to supply a default value for definition statements when the value is not explicitly provided on the definition.

/RESTORE directive Restore the previous setting to the value it had before the most recent /SET directive that set the value.:
  • CCSID(*UCS2)
Table 9. New Language Elements In 7.2: Free-form statements
Element Description
CTL-OPT Begins a free-form Control statement
DCL-F Begins a free-form File definition
DCL-C Begins a free-form Named Constant definition
DCL-DS Begins a free-form Data Structure definition
DCL-SUBF Begins a free-form Subfield definition. Specifying "DCL-SUBF" is optional unless the subfield name is the same as an operation code allowed in free-form calculations.
END-DS Ends a free-form Data Structure definition. If there are no subfields, it can be specified after the last keyword of the DCL-DS statement.
DCL-PI Begins a free-form Procedure Interface definition
DCL-PR Begins a free-form Prototype definition
DCL-PARM Begins a free-form Parameter definition. Specifying "DCL-PARM" is optional unless the parameter name is the same as an operation code allowed in free-form calculations .
END-PI Ends a free-form Procedure Interface definition. If there are no parameters, it can be specified after the last keyword of the DCL-PI statement.
END-PR Ends a free-form Prototype definition. If there are no parameters, it can be specified after the last keyword of the DCL-PR statement.
DCL-S Begins a free-form Standalone Field definition
DCL-PROC Begins a free-form Procedure definition
END-PROC Ends a free-form Procedure definition
Table 10. New Language Elements in 7.2: Control specification keywords
Element Description
CCSIDCVT(*EXCP | *LIST) Allows you to control how the compiler handles conversions between data with different CCSIDs.
VALIDATE (*NODATETIME) Specifies whether Date, Time and Timestamp data must be validated before it is used.
Table 11. New Language Elements In 7.2: File definition keywords
Element Description
DATA(*{NO}CVT) Controls whether a file is opened so that database performs CCSID conversion to and from the job CCSID for alphanumeric and graphic fields.
HANDLER(handler {:communication-area}) Specifies that the file is an Open Access file.
DISK{(*EXT | record-length)} Device keywords to specify the device type of a free-form File definition.
  • The default device type is DISK.
  • The default parameter for each device-type keyword is *EXT, indicating that it is an externally-described file.
PRINTER{(*EXT | record-length)}
SEQ{(*EXT | record-length)}
SPECIAL{(*EXT | record-length)}
WORKSTN{(*EXT | record-length)}
USAGE(*INPUT *OUTPUT *UPDATE *DELETE) Specifies the usage of the file in a free-form file definition.
KEYED{(*CHAR : key-length)} Indicates that the file is keyed in a free-form file definition.
Table 12. New Language Elements In 7.2: Free-form data-type keywords
Element Description
CHAR(length) Fixed-length alphanumeric data type
VARCHAR(length {:prefix-size}) Varying-length alphanumeric data type
GRAPH(length) Fixed-length Graphic data type
VARGRAPH(length {:prefix-size}) Varying-length Graphic data type
UCS2(length) Fixed-length UCS-2 data type
VARUCS2(length {:prefix-size}) Varying-length UCS-2 data type
IND Indicator data type
INT(digits) Integer data type
UNS(digits) Unsigned integer data type
PACKED(digits {:decimals}) Packed decimal data type
ZONED(digits {:decimals}) Zoned decimal data type
BINDEC(digits {:decimals}) Binary decimal data type
FLOAT(size) Float data type
DATE{(format)} Date data type
TIME{(format)} Time data type
TIMESTAMP {(fractional seconds)} Timestamp data type
POINTER{(*PROC)} Pointer data type. The optional parameter *PROC indicates that it is a procedure pointer.
OBJECT{(*JAVA : class-name)} Object data type. The parameters are optional if it is defining the return type of a Java™ constructor.
Table 13. New Language Elements In 7.2: Free-form data definition keywords
Element Description
EXT Indicates that a data structure is externally described. This keyword is optional if the EXTNAME keyword is specified as the first keyword for a data structure definition.
POS(subfield-start-position) Specifies the starting position of a subfield in the data structure.
PSDS Specifies that the data structure is a Program Status Data Structure.