Restoring journals

When you restore a journal, the system creates a new journal receiver and attaches it.

The characteristics of the new journal receiver are based on the journal receiver that was attached when the journal was saved:

  • The system creates a name that is not likely to conflict with other journal receivers that might be on the system.
  • The system attempts to assign the same owner and to create the journal receiver in the same library. If the owner of the receiver is not found, the receiver is assigned to the default owner (QDFTOWN) user profile. If the library is not found, the journal receiver is placed in the journal's library.
  • The system starts a new receiver chain.
Note: At the time a new journal receiver is created and attached, private authorities have not been restored on the system. Therefore, private authorities will not be assumed by the new journal receiver. After the Restore Authority (RSTAUT) command is run, users will receive private authority to the receiver that was attached before the restore operation. Users will not receive private authority to the new receiver. Users must be manually granted private authority to the new receiver.

You cannot restore a journal to a library that contains the same journal. If a journal must be restored (because of damage) to a library, the existing journal must be deleted first.