Time zone description commands

This table lists the specific authorities required for the time zone description commands.

Commands identified by (Q) are shipped with public authority *EXCLUDE. Commands shipped with public authority *EXCLUDE shows which IBM-supplied user profiles are authorized to the command. The security officer can grant *USE authority to others.

Command Referenced object Authority needed
For object For library
CHGTIMZON Time zone description *CHANGE *EXECUTE
CRTTIMZON Time zone description   *READ, *ADD
DLTTIMZON1 Time zone description *OBJEXIST *EXECUTE
WRKTIMZON2 Time zone description *USE *USE
The time zone description specified in the QTIMZON system value cannot be deleted.
If a message is used to specify the abbreviated and full names of the time zone description, you must have *USE authority to the message file and *EXECUTE authority to the message file's library in order to see the abbreviated and full names.