Using optical volumes

These topics describe the Work with Optical Volumes options on the Optical Support Utilities main menu.

These options are organized hierarchically, with volumes as the highest in the order and files as the lowest in the order. You can use the appropriate “Work with...” command to access these panels directly without having to go through the Optical Support Utilities main menu. Each display presents the selected information and the options that are available. Some options might not apply to all optical devices or volumes.

The primary menu for working with optical volumes is the Work with Optical Volumes display. There are several variations of the display to accommodate alternative formats and extended attribute information.

You can select the Work with Optical Volumes display by choosing Work with optical volumes on the Optical Support Utilities menu. You can also run the Work with Optical Volumes (WRKOPTVOL) command on the command line.

The Work with Optical Volumes (WRKOPTVOL) command applies to the following volumes:

  • Start of changeVolumes in CD-ROM, DVD, or RMS devicesEnd of change
  • Volumes in optical media library devices
  • Volumes in virtual optical devices
  • Volumes in LAN-attached optical library devices