Workstation customizing object (WSCST) parameter

You can use the WSCST parameter to transform the printer file output to final form before writing it to a stream file. This parameter is only valid when the to stream file (TOSTMF) parameter is not set to *NONE and the device type (DEVTYPE) parameter is set to *AFPDS.

The WSCST object specified must have an attribute of TRANSFORM or CTXFORM. If the WSCST object has an attribute of TRANSFORM, the host print transform function will be used to convert the data before writing it to the stream file.

If the WSCST object has an attribute of CTXFORM, the Portable Application Solutions Environment (PASE) and the IBM® Transform Services for i (5770-TS1) licensed program must be installed. Six CTXFORM WSCST objects are included with the operating system, which will transform the output data to the Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF). These objects require option 01 (AFP to PDF Transform) of the 5770-TS1 product to be installed. These objects differ in how they map AFP font references to PDF font references.

This is the default PDF WSCST object that is used when the special value *PDF is specified. It includes tags to map all of the CJK World Type fonts included in IBM i option 43 to corresponding registered CMaps and character collections. This allows ideographic characters to be rendered without embedding these very large fonts within the document. The smaller World Type fonts are not mapped by this object and will be embedded within the output document to allow non-Latin1 SBCS languages to be presented. AFP Font Object Content Architecture (FOCA) fonts will also be embedded if available.
This object contains tags to map all of the World Type fonts included with IBM i option 43 to corresponding Type 1 fonts or registered CMaps and character collections. This generally results in the smallest possible PDF file size, but only reliably presents Latin and CJK languages. AFP FOCA fonts will be embedded if available.
This is the minimal PDF WSCST object included. It omits all font tags, so that the default font mapping is used for all font references. The default behavior is to embed all TrueType font references. AFP FOCA fonts will also be embedded if available.
This is similar to the QCTXPDF object described above except that it specifies that all AFP FOCA font references will be mapped to standard fonts rather than be embedded.
This is similar to the QCTXPDFWT object described above except that it specifies that all AFP FOCA font references will be mapped to standard fonts rather than be embedded.
This is similar to the QCTXPDFMBD object described above except that it specifies that all AFP FOCA font references will be mapped to standard fonts rather than be embedded.