Example: Calling Db2 for i CLI functions in an PASE for i program

This example shows an PASE for i program that accesses Db2® for i using the Db2 for i SQL call level interfaces.

Note: By using the code examples, you agree to the terms of the Code license and disclaimer information.
/* i5/OS PASE DB2 for i5/OS example program
 * To show an example of an PASE for i program that accesses
 * DB2 for i via SQL CLI
 * Program accesses System i Access database, QIWS/QCUSTCDT, that
 * should exist on all systems
 * Change system name, userid, and password in fun_Connect()
 * procedure to valid parms
 * Compilation invocation:
 * xlc -I./include -bI:./include/libdb400.exp -o paseclidb4 paseclidb4.c 
 * FTP in binary, run from QP2TERM() terminal shell 
 * Output should show all rows with a STATE column match of MN  */ 
/* Change Activity: */ 
/* End Change Activity */ 

#define SQL_MAX_UID_LENGTH 10 
#define SQL_MAX_PWD_LENGTH 10 
#define SQL_MAX_STM_LENGTH 255 

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "sqlcli.h"
SQLRETURN fun_Connect( void );
SQLRETURN fun_DisConnect( void );
SQLRETURN fun_ReleaseEnvHandle( void );
SQLRETURN fun_ReleaseDbcHandle( void );
SQLRETURN fun_ReleaseStmHandle( void );
SQLRETURN fun_Process( void );
SQLRETURN fun_Process2( void );
void fun_PrintError( SQLHSTMT );
SQLRETURN nml_ReturnCode;
SQLHENV nml_HandleToEnvironment;
SQLHDBC nml_HandleToDatabaseConnection;
SQLHSTMT nml_HandleToSqlStatement;
SQLINTEGER Nmi_RecordNumberToFetch = 0;
SQLCHAR chs_SqlStatement01[ SQL_MAX_STM_LENGTH + 1 ];
SQLINTEGER nmi_PcbValue;
SQLINTEGER nmi_vParam;
char *pStateName = "MN";
void main( ) {
      char*pszId = "main()";
        SQLRETURN nml_ConnectionStatus;
        SQLRETURN nml_ProcessStatus;
        nml_ConnectionStatus = fun_Connect();
        if ( nml_ConnectionStatus == SQL_SUCCESS ) {
           printf( "%s: fun_Connect() succeeded\n", pszId );
      } else {
           printf( "%s: fun_Connect() failed\n", pszId );
           exit( -1 );
      } /* endif */
        printf( "%s: Perform query\n", pszId );
        nml_ProcessStatus = fun_Process();
        printf( "%s: Query complete\n", pszId );
        nml_ConnectionStatus = fun_DisConnect();
        if ( nml_ConnectionStatus == SQL_SUCCESS ) {
           printf( "%s: fun_DisConnect() succeeded\n", pszId );
      } else {
           printf( "%s: fun_DisConnect() failed\n", pszId );
           exit( -1 );
      } /* endif */

        printf( "%s: normal exit\n", pszId );
} /* end main */
SQLRETURN fun_Connect()
        static char *pszId = "fun_Connect()";
        SQLCHAR chs_As400System[ SQL_MAX_DSN_LENGTH ];
        SQLCHAR chs_UserName[ SQL_MAX_UID_LENGTH ];
        SQLCHAR chs_UserPassword[ SQL_MAX_PWD_LENGTH ];
        nml_ReturnCode = SQLAllocEnv( &nml_HandleToEnvironment );
        if ( nml_ReturnCode != SQL_SUCCESS ) {
           printf( "%s: SQLAllocEnv() succeeded\n", pszId );
           fun_PrintError( SQL_NULL_HSTMT );
           printf( "%s: Terminating\n", pszId );
           return SQL_ERROR;
      } else {
           printf( "%s: SQLAllocEnv() succeeded\n", pszId );
      } /* endif */
      strcpy( chs_As400System, "AS4PASE" );
      strcpy( chs_UserName, "QUSER" );
      strcpy( chs_UserPassword, "QUSER" );
      printf( "%s: Connecting to %s userid %s\n", pszId, chs_As400System, chs_UserName );
      nml_ReturnCode = SQLAllocConnect( nml_HandleToEnvironment,
                                        &nml_HandleToDatabaseConnection );
      if ( nml_ReturnCode != SQL_SUCCESS ) {
         printf( "%s: SQLAllocConnect\n", pszId );
         fun_PrintError( SQL_NULL_HSTMT );
         nml_ReturnCode = fun_ReleaseEnvHandle();
         printf( "%s: Terminating\n", pszId );
         return SQL_ERROR;
    } else {
         printf( "%s: SQLAllocConnect() succeeded\n", pszId );
    } /* endif */
    nml_ReturnCode = SQLConnect( nml_HandleToDatabaseConnection,
                                 SQL_NTS );
    if ( nml_ReturnCode != SQL_SUCCESS ) {
       printf( "%s: SQLConnect(%s) failed\n", pszId, chs_As400System );
       fun_PrintError( SQL_NULL_HSTMT );
       nml_ReturnCode = fun_ReleaseDbcHandle();
       nml_ReturnCode = fun_ReleaseEnvHandle();
       printf( "%s: Terminating\n", pszId );
       return SQL_ERROR;
  } else {
       printf( "%s: SQLConnect(%s) succeeded\n", pszId, chs_As400System );
       return SQL_SUCCESS;
  } /* endif */
} /* end fun_Connect */
SQLRETURN fun_Process()
        char*pszId = "fun_Process()";
      charcLastName[ 80 ];
      nml_ReturnCode = SQLAllocStmt( nml_HandleToDatabaseConnection,
                                   &nml_HandleToSqlStatement );
      if ( nml_ReturnCode != SQL_SUCCESS ) {
         printf( "%s: SQLAllocStmt() failed\n", pszId );
         fun_PrintError( SQL_NULL_HSTMT );
         printf( "%s: Terminating\n", pszId );
         return SQL_ERROR;
    } else {
         printf( "%s: SQLAllocStmt() succeeded\n", pszId );
    } /* endif */
    strcpy( chs_SqlStatement01, "select LSTNAM, STATE " );
    strcat( chs_SqlStatement01, "from QIWS.QCUSTCDT " );
    strcat( chs_SqlStatement01, "where " );
    strcat( chs_SqlStatement01, "STATE = ? " );
    nml_ReturnCode = SQLPrepare( nml_HandleToSqlStatement,
                                 SQL_NTS );
    if ( nml_ReturnCode != SQL_SUCCESS ) {
       printf( "%s: SQLPrepare() failed\n", pszId );
       fun_PrintError( nml_HandleToSqlStatement );
       nml_ReturnCode = fun_ReleaseStmHandle();
       printf( "%s: Terminating\n", pszId );
       return SQL_ERROR;
  } else {
       printf( "%s: SQLPrepare() succeeded\n", pszId );
  } /* endif */
    Nmi_vParam = SQL_TRUE;
    nml_ReturnCode = SQLSetStmtOption( nml_HandleToSqlStatement,
                                       ( SQLINTEGER * ) &Nmi_vParam );
    if ( nml_ReturnCode != SQL_SUCCESS ) {
       printf( "%s: SQLSetStmtOption() failed\n", pszId );
       fun_PrintError( nml_HandleToSqlStatement );
       nml_ReturnCode = fun_ReleaseStmHandle();
       printf( "%s: Terminating\n", pszId );
       return SQL_ERROR;
  } else {
       printf( "%s: SQLSetStmtOption() succeeded\n", pszId );
  } /* endif */
    Nmi_vParam = SQL_TRUE;
    nml_ReturnCode = SQLSetStmtOption( nml_HandleToSqlStatement,
                                       ( SQLINTEGER * ) &Nmi_vParam );
    if ( nml_ReturnCode != SQL_SUCCESS ) {
       printf( "%s: SQLSetStmtOption() failed\n", pszId );
       fun_PrintError( nml_HandleToSqlStatement );
       nml_ReturnCode = fun_ReleaseStmHandle();
       printf( "%s: Terminating\n", pszId );
       return SQL_ERROR;
  } else {
       printf( "%s: SQLSetStmtOption() succeeded\n", pszId );
  } /* endif */
    nmi_PcbValue = 0;
    nml_ReturnCode = SQLBindParam( nml_HandleToSqlStatement,
                                              ( SQLPOINTER ) pStateName,
                                              ( SQLINTEGER *) &nmi_PcbValue );
    if ( nml_ReturnCode != SQL_SUCCESS ) {
       printf( "%s: SQLBindParam() failed\n", pszId );
       fun_PrintError( nml_HandleToSqlStatement );
       nml_ReturnCode = fun_ReleaseStmHandle();
       printf( "%s: Terminating\n", pszId );
       return SQL_ERROR;
  } else {
       printf( "%s: SQLBindParam() succeeded\n", pszId );
  } /* endif */
    nml_ReturnCode = SQLExecute( nml_HandleToSqlStatement );
    if ( nml_ReturnCode != SQL_SUCCESS ) {
       printf( "%s: SQLExecute() failed\n", pszId );
       fun_PrintError( nml_HandleToSqlStatement );
       nml_ReturnCode = fun_ReleaseStmHandle();
       printf( "%s: Terminating\n", pszId );
       return SQL_ERROR;
  } else {
       printf( "%s: SQLExecute() succeeded\n", pszId );
  } /* endif */
    nml_ReturnCode = SQLBindCol( nml_HandleToSqlStatement,
                                 ( SQLPOINTER ) &cLastName,
                                 ( SQLINTEGER ) ( 8 ),
                                 ( SQLINTEGER * ) &nmi_PcbValue );
    if ( nml_ReturnCode != SQL_SUCCESS ) {
       printf( "%s: SQLBindCol() failed\n", pszId );
       fun_PrintError( nml_HandleToSqlStatement );
       nml_ReturnCode = fun_ReleaseStmHandle();
       printf( "%s: Terminating\n", pszId );
       return SQL_ERROR;
  } else {
       printf( "%s: SQLBindCol() succeeded\n", pszId );
  } /* endif */
    do {
           memset( cLastName, '\0', sizeof( cLastName ) );
           nml_ReturnCode = SQLFetchScroll( nml_HandleToSqlStatement,
                                            Nmi_RecordNumberToFetch );
           if ( nml_ReturnCode == SQL_SUCCESS ) {
              printf( "%s: SQLFetchScroll() succeeded, LastName(%s)\n", pszId, cLastName);
         } else {
         }/*endif */
    } while ( nml_ReturnCode == SQL_SUCCESS );
    if ( nml_ReturnCode != SQL_NO_DATA_FOUND ) {
       printf( "%s: SQLFetchScroll() failed\n", pszId );
       fun_PrintError( nml_HandleToSqlStatement );
       nml_ReturnCode = fun_ReleaseStmHandle();
       printf( "%s: Terminating\n", pszId );
       return SQL_ERROR;
  } else {
       printf( "%s: SQLFetchScroll() completed all rows\n", pszId );
  } /* endif */
    nml_ReturnCode = SQLCloseCursor( nml_HandleToSqlStatement );
    if ( nml_ReturnCode != SQL_SUCCESS ) {
       printf( "%s: SQLCloseCursor() failed\n", pszId );
       fun_PrintError( nml_HandleToSqlStatement );
       nml_ReturnCode = fun_ReleaseStmHandle();
       printf( "%s: Terminating\n", pszId );
       return SQL_ERROR;
  } else {
       printf( "%s: SQLCloseCursor() succeeded\n", pszId );
  } /* endif */
    return SQL_SUCCESS;
} /* end fun_Process */
SQLRETURN fun_DisConnect()
       char*pszId = "fun_DisConnect()";
     nml_ReturnCode = SQLDisconnect( nml_HandleToDatabaseConnection );
     if ( nml_ReturnCode != SQL_SUCCESS ) {
        printf( "%s: SQLDisconnect() failed\n", pszId );
        fun_PrintError( SQL_NULL_HSTMT );
        printf( "%s: Terminating\n", pszId );
        return 1;
   } else {
        printf( "%s: SQLDisconnect() succeeded\n", pszId );
   } /* endif */
     nml_ReturnCode = fun_ReleaseDbcHandle();
     nml_ReturnCode = fun_ReleaseEnvHandle();
     return nml_ReturnCode;
} /* end fun_DisConnect */
SQLRETURN fun_ReleaseEnvHandle()
       char*pszId = "fun_ReleaseEnvHandle()";
     nml_ReturnCode = SQLFreeEnv( nml_HandleToEnvironment );
     if ( nml_ReturnCode != SQL_SUCCESS ) {
        printf( "%s: SQLFreeEnv() failed\n", pszId );
        fun_PrintError( SQL_NULL_HSTMT );
        return SQL_ERROR;
   } else {
        printf( "%s: SQLFreeEnv() succeeded\n", pszId );
        return SQL_SUCCESS;
   } /* endif */
} /* end fun_ReleaseEnvHandle */
SQLRETURN fun_ReleaseDbcHandle()
       char*pszId = "fun_ReleaseDbcHandle()";
     nml_ReturnCode = SQLFreeConnect( nml_HandleToDatabaseConnection );
     if ( nml_ReturnCode != SQL_SUCCESS ) {
        printf( "%s: SQLFreeConnect() failed\n", pszId );
        fun_PrintError( SQL_NULL_HSTMT );
        return SQL_ERROR;
   } else {
        printf( "%s: SQLFreeConnect() succeeded\n", pszId );
        return SQL_SUCCESS;
   } /* endif */
} /* end fun_ReleaseDbcHandle */
SQLRETURN fun_ReleaseStmHandle()
       char*pszId = "fun_ReleaseStmHandle()";
     nml_ReturnCode = SQLFreeStmt( nml_HandleToSqlStatement, SQL_CLOSE );
     if ( nml_ReturnCode != SQL_SUCCESS ) {
        printf( "%s: SQLFreeStmt() failed\n", pszId );
        fun_PrintError( nml_HandleToSqlStatement );
        return SQL_ERROR;
   } else {
        printf( "%s: SQLFreeStmt() succeeded\n", pszId );
        return SQL_SUCCESS;
   } /* endif */
} /* end fun_ReleaseStmHandle */
void fun_PrintError( SQLHSTMT nml_HandleToSqlStatement )
       char*pszId = "fun_PrintError()";
     SQLINTEGER nmi_NativeErrorCode;
     SQLCHAR chs_ErrorMessageText[ SQL_MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH + 1 ];
     SQLSMALLINT nmi_NumberOfBytes;
     nml_ReturnCode = SQLError( nml_HandleToEnvironment,
                                sizeof( chs_ErrorMessageText ),
                                &nmi_NumberOfBytes );
     if ( nml_ReturnCode != SQL_SUCCESS ) {
        printf( "%s: SQLError() failed\n", pszId );
   } /* endif */
     printf( "%s: SqlState - %s\n", pszId, chs_SqlState );
     printf( "%s: SqlCode - %d\n", pszId, nmi_NativeErrorCode );
     printf( "%s: Error Message:\n", pszId );
     printf( "%s: %s\n", pszId, chs_ErrorMessageText );
} /* end fun_PrintError */