Restart system values: Maximum time for immediate shutdown

The Maximum time for immediate shutdown system value is also known as QPWRDWNLMT. You can use this system value to specify the time limit before an immediate shutdown occurs.

Quick reference
Location From IBM® Navigator for i, select Configuration and Service > System Values. Right-click on Restart and click Properties, then select the General tab.
Special authority None.
Default value 900 seconds.
Changes take effect Immediately.

What can I do with this system value?

You can specify the maximum amount of time (in seconds) to wait for the system to power down normally after a user has requested an immediate power-down, or after a user has requested a controlled power-down and the time specified on the delay parameter has expired. This time limit value is ignored when a user requests a power-down after a power failure has occurred on a system with an uninterruptible power supply.

If the value is set to 0 (or a very small value), a time-out condition occurs, and the system does not finish the power-down operation even though the system processing has ended.

In addition, this value should be set to a value greater than the Maximum time for immediate end (QENDJOBLMT) system value. (To change the Maximum time for immediate end system value, expand Configuration and Service > System Values > Jobs, and then select Cleanup.)