International system values: Language

The Language system value is also known as QLANGID. You can use this system value to set the default language to use on the system.

Quick reference
Location From IBM® Navigator for i, select Configuration and Service > System Values. Right-click on International and click Properties, then select the Language/Characters tab.
Special authority None.
Default value Varies for different countries/regions.
Changes take effect Immediately, but they do not affect jobs that are already started.
Lockable No.

What can I do with this system value?

You can specify the default language to use on the system. On the Sort Sequence page, you can specify what sort sequence table to use. You have the following options:

  • Use shared weight sort table associated with language
  • Use unique weight sort table associated with language

The possible values depend on whether double-byte capability is installed on the system. To view whether your system is double-byte capable, see International system values: Double-byte capable.

This system value has the following possible values:

Afrikaans (AFR)
Albanian (SQI)
Arabic (ARA)
Belgian Dutch (NLB)
Belgian French (FRB)
Belgium English (ENB)
Brazilian Portuguese (PTB)
Bulgarian (BGR)
Byelorussian (BEL)
Canadian French (FRC)
Catalan (CAT)
Croatian (HRV)
Czech (CSY)
Danish (DAN)
Dutch (NLD)
English Australian (ENA)
English Upper Case (ENP)
Estonian (EST)
Farsi (FAR)
Finnish (FIN)
French (FRA)
German (DEU)
Greek (ELL)
Hebrew (HEB)
Hungarian (HUN)
Icelandic (ISL)
Irish Gaelic (GAE)
Italian (ITA)
Japanese Katakana (JPN)
Korean (KOR)
Lao (LAO)
Latvian (LVA)
Lithuanian (LTU)
Macedonian (MKD)
Norwegian - Bokmal (NOR)
Norwegian - Nynorsk (NON)
Polish (PLK)
Portuguese (PTG)
Rhaeto-Romanic (RMS)
Romanian (ROM)
Russian (RUS)
Serbian (SRB)
Serbian Cyrillic (SRB)
Serbian Latin (SRL)
Simplified Chinese (CHS)
Slovakian (SKY)
Slovenian (SLO)
Spanish (ESP)
Swedish (SVE)
Swiss French (FRS)
Swiss German (DES)
Swiss Italian (ITS)
Thai (THA)
Traditional Chinese (CHT)
Turkish (TRK)
UK English (ENG)
US English (ENU)
Ukrainian (UKR)
Urdu (URD)
Vietnamese (VIE)