The SYSTEM_STATUS_INFO view returns a single row containing details about the current partition.

The information returned is similar to the detail seen from the Work with System Status (WRKSYSSTS) and the Work with System Activity (WRKSYSACT) commands. It does not reset the statistical columns; to do this, use the associated table function, SYSTEM_STATUS table function.

The following table describes the columns in the view. The schema is QSYS2.

Column Name System Column Name Data Type Description
TOTAL_JOBS_IN_SYSTEM TOTAL_JOBS INTEGER The total number of user and system jobs that are currently in the system. The total includes:
  • All jobs on job queues waiting to be processed.
  • All jobs currently active (being processed).
  • All jobs that have completed running but still have output on output queues to be produced.
MAXIMUM_JOBS_IN_SYSTEM MAX_JOBS INTEGER The maximum number of jobs that are allowed on the system. When the number of jobs reaches this maximum, you can no longer submit or start more jobs on the system. The total includes:
  • All jobs on job queues waiting to be processed.
  • All jobs currently active (being processed).
  • All jobs that have completed running but still have output on output queues to be produced.
ACTIVE_JOBS_IN_SYSTEM ACT_JOBS INTEGER The number of jobs active in the system (jobs that have been started, but have not yet ended), including both user and system jobs.
INTERACTIVE_JOBS_IN_SYSTEM INTER_JOBS DECIMAL(5,2) The percentage of interactive performance assigned to this logical partition. This value is a percentage of the total interactive performance available to the entire physical system.
ELAPSED_TIME ELAP_TIME INTEGER The time that has elapsed, in seconds, between the measurement start time and the current system time.
ELAPSED_CPU_USED ELAP_USED DECIMAL(5,2) The average of the elapsed time during which the processing units were in use.
The percentage of the total shared processor pool capacity used by all partitions using the pool during the elapsed time. Returns null if this partition does not share processors.
The percentage of the uncapped shared processing capacity for the partition used since the last time statistics were reset. Returns null if this partition cannot use more that its configured processing capacity.
CONFIGURED_CPUS CONFIGCPUS INTEGER Total number of configured CPUs for the partition.
This attribute indicates whether this partition is sharing processors. If the value indicates the partition does not share physical processors, then this partition uses only dedicated processors. If the value indicates the partition shares physical processors, then this partition uses physical processors from a shared pool of physical processors.
Partition shares processors. The partition is limited to using its configured capacity.
Partition shares processors. The partition can use more than its configured capacity.
Contains the null value if the partition does not share processors.
CURRENT_CPU_CAPACITY CPU_CAP DECIMAL(5,2) The current processing capacity specifies the processor units that are being used in the partition. For a partition sharing physical processors, the current processing capacity represents the share of the physical processors in the pool it is running. For a partition using dedicated processors, the current processing capacity represents the number of virtual processors that are currently active in the partition.
AVERAGE_CPU_RATE CPU_RATE DECIMAL(5,2) The average CPU rate expressed as a percentage where 100% indicates the processor is running at its nominal frequency. A value above or below 100% indicates how much the processor has been slowed down (throttled) or speeded up (turbo) relative to the nominal frequency for the processor model. For instance, a value of 120% indicates the processor is running 20% faster against its nominal speed.
AVERAGE_CPU_UTILIZATION CPU_AVG DECIMAL(5,2) The average CPU utilization for all the active processors.
MINIMUM_CPU_UTILIZATION CPU_MIN DECIMAL(5,2) The CPU utilization of the processor that reported the minimum amount of CPU utilization.
MAXIMUM_CPU_UTILIZATION CPU_MAX DECIMAL(5,2) The CPU utilization of the processor that reported the maximum amount of CPU utilization.
Always contains the null value.
MAIN_STORAGE_SIZE MAIN_STG BIGINT The amount of main storage, in kilobytes, in the system.
SYSTEM_ASP_STORAGE SYS_STG BIGINT The storage capacity of the system auxiliary storage pool (ASP number 1) in millions of bytes. This value represents the amount of space available for storage of both permanent and temporary objects.
TOTAL_AUXILIARY_STORAGE AUX_STG BIGINT The total auxiliary storage, in millions of bytes, on the system.
SYSTEM_ASP_USED SYS_RATE DECIMAL(5,2) The percentage of the system storage pool (ASP number 1) currently in use.
CURRENT_TEMPORARY_STORAGE TEMP_CUR INTEGER The current amount of storage, in millions of bytes, in use for temporary objects.
TEMP_MAX INTEGER The largest amount of storage, in millions of bytes, used for temporary objects at any one time since the last IPL.
PERMANENT_ADDRESS_RATE PERM_RATE DECIMAL(6,3) The percentage of the maximum possible addresses for permanent objects that have been used.
TEMPORARY_ADDRESS_RATE TEMP_RATE DECIMAL(6,3) The percentage of the maximum possible addresses for temporary objects that have been used.
TEMPORARY_256MB_SEGMENTS TEMP_256MB DECIMAL(5,2) The percentage of the maximum possible temporary 256MB segments that have been used.
TEMPORARY_4GB_SEGMENTS TEMP_4GB DECIMAL(5,2) The percentage of the maximum possible temporary 4GB segments that have been used.
PERMANENT_256MB_SEGMENTS PERM_256MB DECIMAL(5,2) The percentage of the maximum possible permanent 256MB segments that have been used.
PERMANENT_4GB_SEGMENTS PERM_4GB DECIMAL(5,2) The percentage of the maximum possible permanent 4GB segments that have been used.
HOST_NAME HOST_NAME VARCHAR(255) Name of the system where this information was generated.
PARTITION_ID PART_ID INTEGER The identifier for the partition in which this view is being run.
NUMBER_OF_PARTITIONS NUM_PART INTEGER The number of partitions on the system. This includes partitions that are currently powered on (running) and partitions that are powered off.
ACTIVE_THREADS_IN_SYSTEM ACT_THREAD INTEGER The number of initial and secondary threads in the system (threads that have been started, but have not yet ended), including both user and system threads.
RESTRICTED_STATE REST_STATE VARCHAR(3) Whether the system is in restricted state.
System is not in restricted state.
System is in restricted state.


Review the storage and CPU status for the partition.