Mail server journal entries

Use this information to help you understand the codes and messages used in journal entries when using the Mail Server Framework. Typically this is utilized when the directory type is *SDD. The new directory types *SMTP an *SMTPMSF have their own method of journaling which can be accessed with the WRKSMTPEMM command. The directory type *SMTPMSF will use the following journal entries when an email is inserted into MSF, but not before.

Journal entry abbreviations

Abbreviation Definition
LIN Local in, received a note for local delivery. The IP address that follows is the host that sent the note.
RIN Relay in, received a note to relay to another SMTP daemon. The IP address that sent it follows.
R Recipient
O Originator
U Undelivered recipient
QTMSINQ Input queue of SMTP
QTMSOUTQ Output queue of SMTP
QTMSBSSQ Holding queue where messages are placed when system storage threshold is exceeded.
QTMSRTQ1 First level retry queue
QTMSRTQ2 Second level retry queue
RRSL Recipient resolved

Each journal entry has a 2-character subtype or code preceding it. The first character of the subtype or code consists of the function identifier for the entry. The second character of the subtype or code consists of the action that this journal entry is documenting. The function identifiers are listed in the following table.

Function identifier Description
7 Bridge Server Entry
8 SMTP Client
9 SMTP Server
A MSF Non Delivery
B MSF Local Delivery
C MSF Message Forwarding
D POP Create Message
E Send Mail API
F Domino® MTA
G Tunneling Snap-in
H SNADS (Switcher)
I MIME Parser (a local delivery snap-in)
L FAX (Local Delivery)
O Filtering
P MSF SMTP exit for Address Resolution

All of the journal entries documented here use the log entry (LG) type.

Log entries for the SMTP client

Type Action Subtypes or codes Comments
LG Dequeuing of container for processing 8B Just after floater tag is set log dequeue of Mail.
LG Successful mail delivery
Log mail successfully sent. Log each recipient.
LG Undeliverable mail 83 Log undelivered mail.
LG 1st level timeout 8C Log when adding to 1st level retry queue.
LG 2nd level timeout 8D Log when adding to 2nd level retry queue.
LG Mail is ready to be retried
Log when retried mail put back on QTMSOUTQ.
LG COD being sent back to originator 87 Log when cofirm on delivery (COD) is enqueued on BRSR queue.
LG Cannot process, resource busy 86 Log when mail gets put back on QTMSOUTQ because connection matric is full.
LG Examine recipient records 86 Log when mail gets put back on QTMSOUTQ because the recipient status changed, that is, the MS record resolved ready to deliver the message.
LG Undeliverable 87 Log transfer of mail to QTMSINQ for undelivered notice in two places.
LG MX query 8K Log a res_send failure and errno of why if failed along with query buffer.

Log entries for the SMTP server

Type Action Subtypes or codes Comments
LG Receiving mail
Log reception of mail just after receiving ending sequence CRLF <.> CRLF (local). Originator and recipient are logged. Message size nnnnn where nnnnn is the number of bytes. MSGID
LG Receiving relayed mail
Log MAIL just after receiving ending sequence CRLF <.> CRLF (relayed). Originator and recipient are logged.
LG Passing off mail to Bridge server 97 Log entry of MAIL into QTMSINQ (incoming mail).
LG Passing off mail to client for remote delivery 96 Log entry of MAIL into QTMSOUTQ (relayed mail).
LG CONNECTION REFUSED 9S Log connections refused based on restricted connection settings. is the IP address rejected.
LG RELAY REFUSED 9V Log relays refused based on restricted relay settings. is the IP address rejected.
LG Rejected by SMTP server 9W The message has been rejected by the SMTP server.

Log entries for the bridge server

Type Action Subtypes or codes Comments
LG Getting mail off of the IN queue 7A Log mail being dequeued from QTMSINQ.
LG Passing off mail to SNADS 7O Record successful transfer to QSNADS.
LG Putting container on the BUSY queue because of space usage 7L Record when mail is enqueued on QTMSBSSQ because of threshold overflow.
LG Getting mail off of BUSY queue 7M Record dequeuing mail from QTMSBSSQ. Space was reclaimed and the mail can now be processed.
LG Passing message to MSF
Record when message gets inserted into framework.
LG Creation of COD message
Record when COD message gets inserted into framework. Log the MSF MSGID because the new COD message is being created.
LG Cannot deliver this piece of mail to a recipient
Log the fact that you were creating an undeliverable notice. Log the MSGID of the new undeliverable message notice.

Message Switching Facility (MSF) exits and creates functions

Type Action Subtypes or codes Comments
LG Creation of nondelivery message
Record nondelivery message being inserted into MSF.
LG Mail is delivered into a POP mail box
Record delivery of message to local pop mail box. The ipaddress is the pop mailbox directory. Recipient is also listed.
LG Sending COD message into MSF
Record insertion of COD message into the MSF.
LG Checking availability CN SMTP message Forwarding MSF exit. Record MSGID that was put back on QMSF queue due to SMTP not being started.
LG Enqueuing the mail
Log mail being put onto QTMSOUTQ.
LG Use of the Sendmail API
Record creation of message by SendMail API. Message size nnnnn where nnnnn is size of message (all attachments).
LG Mail is targeted to a SNADS bridged remote system
Record when message is tunneled. Include system sent to recipient.
LG Mail tunneled through a SNADS bridge is received.
Record receiving tunneled message for local delivery recipient.
LG Address resolution SNADS switches either from/to H1 SNADS switched a message into the MSF.
LG Reinsertion of parsed MIME note into framework
Log when the parsed MIME message is reinserted into the MSF.
LG Rejected by Filtering OW Message has been rejected. Whether it was discarded or kept is noted. If it has been rewritten and delivered, that is noted.
LG Typed by SMTP Address Resolution MSF exit program P2 Message has been tagged as follows:
  • POP LclDel: Tagged for the POP local delivery exit program to deliver.
  • SMTP MsgFwd: Tagged for forwarding to SMTP to send.
  • SMTP NonDel: Marked for nondelivery notification.
  • Parse: Sent to the parser code.
  • PutBk: Put back into the framework for some other exit to handle (for example, Domino or SNADS).
  • chg to SNADS: Changed the address type to SNADS.