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Collection Services data files: QAPMSYSVP

This database file reports instrumented data for the partition's virtual processors. One record is written per processor per interval.

Field Name Description Attribute
INTNUM Interval number: The nth sample database interval based on the start time specified in the Create Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command. PD (5,0)
DATETIME Interval date and time. The date and time of the sample interval. Logically this is the time at the end of the interval. Timestamp
INTSEC Elapsed interval seconds. The number of seconds since the last sample interval. PD (7,0)
VPID Virtual Processor identifier. Unique identifier for each of the partition's virtual processors. B (4,0)
VPACTF Active flag:
  • '1' indicates processor is varied on and available for use
  • '0' indicates processor is varied off and not available for use
C (1)
VPFLAG Processor status flag. Flag to provide for future additional status information. BINCHAR (1)
VPACTTIME Active time. The time (in milliseconds) that the processor was varied on and available for use. B (18,0)
VPCPUU Utilized processor time. The amount of unscaled processor time (in milliseconds) consumed on this virtual processor. B (18,0)
VPCPUAC Processor configured available time. The amount of configured processor time (in milliseconds) available to this processor.

In a dedicated partition, the configured available processing time is the elapsed time. In a shared partition, configured available processing time is the elapsed time times the ratio of shared processor units to processors, tracked over time as the configuration changes.

B (18,0)
VPCPUAU Processor uncapped available time. The amount of available processing time, (in milliseconds) tracked over time as the configuration changes.

The total available time includes configured available time and an additional amount of shared processor pool available time that is available to the partition because it is effectively uncapped. The uncapped available time represents the upper limit on the partition's potential utilized time based on the configuration of the partition and the shared pool.

In dedicated and effectively capped shared processor partitions, the processor uncapped available time equals the processor configured available processing time. In an effectively uncapped shared processor partition, the uncapped available time is the elapsed time multiplied by the minimum of the number of processors in the partition and the number of processors in the shared pool, tracked over time as the configuration changes.

B (18,0)
VPRUNINS Non-idle hardware instruction count. Hardware instructions completed by and summed for processor threads in run state.
Note: This value is available only for partitions running on Power8® and later hardware. However it is not available if running in Power7® or Power6® mode.
B (18,0)
VPRUNVTB Non-idle processor virtual time. The amount of run state physical processor time (in milliseconds). A processor is in run state when any of its threads are in the run state; a processor is in idle state when all of its threads are in idle state.
Note: This value is available only for partitions running on Power8® and later hardware. However it is not available if running in Power7® or Power6® mode.
B (18,0)
VPITUINS Interrupt instruction count. Hardware instructions completed by and summed for processor threads in interrupt state.
Note: This value is available only for partitions running on Power8® and later hardware. However it is not available if running in Power7® or Power6® mode.
B (18,0)
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