Collection Services data files: QAPMJSUM

These database file entries contain job summary information.

This file is produced only when *JOBMI, *JOBOS, and *SYSLVL categories are all requested from the Create Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command.

Field Name Description Attribute
INTNUM Interval number: The nth sample database interval based on the start time specified in the Create Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command. PD (5,0)
DTETIM Interval date (yymmdd) for job interval entry and job completion date, and time (hhmmss) for job completion entry. C (12)
INTSEC Elapsed interval seconds. PD (7,0)
DTECEN Century digit. C (1)
JSCBKT Job group: Identifies the type of jobs for which data is being reported within this record. Values supported are:
  • DDM: Distributed data management
  • CA4: IBM® i Access
  • PAS: Pass-through
  • MRT: Multiple requester terminal
  • S6E: System/36 environment
  • CME: Communications batch
  • AUT: Autostart batch
  • BCH: Batch jobs (not included within other groups)
  • INT: Interactive jobs (job type "I" not reported in other buckets above)
  • SPL: Spool jobs and the Start CPF job.
    Note: Every job is categorized and reported in one and only one of the above job groups.
  • INF: Interactive Feature (This group reports the data that is associated with jobs that the machine considers to be interactive. The resource that is consumed in these jobs may be included in the Interactive Feature Utilization.
C (3)
JSCPU Processing unit time (in milliseconds) used. PD (11,0)
JSTRNT Total transaction time (in seconds.) PD (15,3)
JSTRNS Number of transactions. PD (11,0)
JSPRTL Number of print lines: Number of lines written by the program. This does not reflect what is actually printed. Spooled files can be ended or printed with multiple copies. PD (11,0)
JSPRTP Number of print pages. PD (11,0)
JSSPD Total suspended time (in milliseconds.) PD (11,0)
JSRRT Total time job waited during reroutes (in milliseconds.) PD (11,0)
JSNEW New jobs. PD (11,0)
JSTERM Terminated jobs. PD (11,0)
JSJBCT Number of jobs. PD (11,0)
JSPDBR Number of synchronous database reads: Total number of physical synchronous database read operations for database functions. PD (11,0)
JSPNDB Number of synchronous nondatabase reads: Total number of physical synchronous nondatabase read operations for nondatabase functions. PD (11,0)
JSPWRT Number of writes: Total number of physical database and nondatabase write operations. PD (11,0)
JSLDBR Number of database reads (logical): Number of times the database module was called. This does not include I/O operations to readers/writers, or I/O operations caused by the CPYSPLF or DSPSPLF command. If SEQONLY(*YES) is specified, these numbers show each block of records read, not the number of individual records read. PD (11,0)
JSLDBW Number of database writes (logical): Number of times the internal database write function was called. This does not include I/O operations to readers/writers, or I/O operations caused by the CPYSPLF or DSPSPLF command. If SEQONLY(*YES) is specified, these numbers show each block of records written, not the number of individual records written. PD (11,0)
JSLDBU Number of miscellaneous database operations: Updates, deletes, force-end-of-data, and releases (logical.) PD (11,0)
JSCMPT Number of communications writes: These do not include remote workstation activity. They include only activity related to intersystem communications function (ICF) files when the I/O is for an intersystem communications function (ICF) device. PD (11,0)
JSCMGT Number of communications reads (logical): These do not include remote workstation activity. They include only activity related to intersystem communications function (ICF) files when the I/O is for an intersystem communications function (ICF) device. PD (11,0)
JSBRG Reserved PD (11,0)
JSPRG Reserved PD (11,0)
JSNDW Number of synchronous nondatabase writes: Total number of synchronous physical nondatabase write operations for nondatabase functions. PD (11,0)
JSDBW Number of synchronous database writes: Total number of synchronous physical database write operations for database functions. PD (11,0)
JSANDW Number of asynchronous nondatabase writes: Total number of asynchronous physical nondatabase write operations for nondatabase functions. PD (11,0)
JSADBW Number of asynchronous database writes: Total number of asynchronous physical database write operations for database functions. PD (11,0)
JSANDR Number of asynchronous nondatabase reads: Total number of asynchronous physical nondatabase read operations for nondatabase functions. PD (11,0)
JSADBR Number of asynchronous database reads: Total number of asynchronous physical database read operations for database functions. PD (11,0)
JSPW Number of synchronous permanent writes. PD (11,0)
JSCS Reserved PD (11,0)
JSPAGF Number of PAG faults. Total number of times the program access group (PAG) was referred to, but was not in main storage. The Licensed Internal Code no longer uses process access groups for caching data. Because of this implementation, this field will always be 0 for more current releases. PD (11,0)
JSEAO Reserved PD (11,0)
JSOBIN Number of binary overflows. PD (11,0)
JSODEC Number of decimal overflows. PD (11,0)
JSOFLP Number of floating point overflows. PD (11,0)
JSIPF Number of times a page fault occurred on an address that was currently part of an auxiliary storage I/O operation. PD (11,0)
JSWIO Number of times the process explicitly waited for outstanding asynchronous I/O operations to complete. PD (11,0)
JSSKSC Number of socket sends. PD (11,0)
JSSKBS Number of socket bytes sent. PD (11,0)
JSSKRC Number of socket receives. PD (11,0)
JSSKBR Number of socket bytes received. PD (11,0)
JSXRFR Stream file reads. PD (11,0)
JSXRFW Stream file writes. PD (11,0)
JSXSLR File system symbolic link reads. PD (11,0)
JSXDYR File system directory reads. PD (11,0)
JSDLCH File system directory lookup cache hits. PD (11,0)
JSDLCM File system lookup cache misses. PD (11,0)
JSSZWT Total seize wait time in milliseconds. PD (11,0)