i5OSSystemCertificateStoreFile class Javadoc information


Class i5OSSystemCertificateStoreFile


All Implemented Interfaces:

java.io.Serializable, java.lang.Comparable<java.io.File>

public class i5OSSystemCertificateStoreFile
extends java.io.File

This class provides a new File implementation which points to the *SYSTEM certificate store file. It provides a mechanism for the user to load the *SYSTEM certificate store without forcing them to know the actual path to the store.

To load the *SYSTEM certificate store into a keystore, first create an i5OSSystemCertificateStoreFile.

From here, the keystore can be loaded in 2 ways:
  • Using an i5OSLoadStoreParameter:
    //create an i5OSSystemCertificateStoreFile
    	    File starSystemFile = new i5OSSystemCertificateStoreFile();
    	 //use that file to create an i5OSLoadStoreParameter   
    	    i5OSLoadStoreParameter lsp = new i5OSLoadStoreParameter(starSystemFile, pwd);
    	 //load the certificate store into a keystore
    	    KeyStore ks = KeyStore.getInstance("IBMi5OSKeyStore");
  • Using a FileInputStream:
    //create an i5OSSystemCertificateStoreFile
    	    File starSystemFile = new i5OSSystemCertificateStoreFile();
    	 //create an input stream to the starSystemFile 
         FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(starSystemFile);
    	 //load the certificate store into a keystore
    	    KeyStore ks = KeyStore.getInstance("IBMi5OSKeyStore");
    	    ks.load(fis, pwd);
SDK 1.5
See also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary

Fields inherited from class java.io.File
pathSeparator, pathSeparatorChar, separator, separatorChar

Constructor Summary


Creates a File() pointing to the *System certificate store file.

Method Summary

Methods inherited from class java.io.File
canRead, canWrite, compareTo, createNewFile, createTempFile, createTempFile, delete, deleteOnExit, equals, exists, getAbsoluteFile, getAbsolutePath, getCanonicalFile, getCanonicalPath, getName, getParent, getParentFile, getPath, hashCode, isAbsolute, isDirectory, isFile, isHidden, lastModified, length, list, list, listFiles, listFiles, listFiles, listRoots, mkdir, mkdirs, renameTo, setLastModified, setReadOnly, toString, toURI, toURL
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor detail


public i5OSSystemCertificateStoreFile()

Creates a File() pointing to the *System certificate store file.