GOTO statement

The GOTO statement branches to a user-defined label within an SQL function, SQL procedure, or SQL trigger.


Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram label1: GOTOlabel2


Specifies the label for the GOTO statement. The label name cannot be the same as the routine name or another label within the same scope. For more information, see References to SQL labels.
Specifies the labelled statement where processing is to continue. The labelled statement and the GOTO statement must both be in the same scope:
  • If the GOTO statement is defined in a FOR statement, label2 must be defined inside the same FOR statement, excluding a nested FOR statement or nested compound statement.
  • If the GOTO statement is defined outside a FOR statement, label2 must not be defined within a FOR statement or nested compound statement.
  • If the GOTO statement is defined in a condition handler, label2 must be defined inside the same handler.
  • If the GOTO statement is defined outside a condition handler, label2 must not be defined within a condition handler.

If label2 is not defined within a scope that the GOTO statement can reach, an error is returned.


Using a GOTO statement: It is recommended that the GOTO statement be used sparingly. This statement interferes with normal sequence of processing SQL statements, thus making a routine more difficult to read and maintain. Before using a GOTO statement, determine whether another statement, such as IF or LEAVE, can be used in place, to eliminate the need for a GOTO statement.

Effect on open cursors: When a GOTO statement transfers control out of a compound statement, all open cursors that are declared in the compound statement that contains the GOTO statement are closed, unless they are declared to return result sets or unless *ENDACTGRP is specified.

Effect on ATOMIC compound statements: When a GOTO statement transfers control out of an ATOMIC compound statement, the savepoint that was implicitly started when the ATOMIC compound statement was entered is released.

Considerations for SQLSTATE and SQLCODE variables: The GOTO statement does not affect the SQLSTATE and SQLCODE SQL variables. At the end of the GOTO statement the SQLSTATE and SQLCODE SQL variables reflect the result of the last statement executed before that GOTO statement.


In the following statement, the parameters rating and v_empno are passed in to the procedure. The time in service is returned as a date duration in output parameter return_parm. If the time in service with the company is less then 6 months, the GOTO statement transfers control to the end of the procedure and new_salary is left unchanged.

CREATE PROCEDURE adjust_salary
  (IN v_empno CHAR(6),
   IN rating INTEGER,
   OUT return_parm DECIMAL(8,2))
       DECLARE new_salary DECIMAL(9,2);
       DECLARE service DECIMAL(8,2);
            SELECT salary, CURRENT_DATE - hiredate
               INTO new_salary, service
               FROM employee
               WHERE empno = v_empno;
            IF service < 600
              THEN GOTO exit1;
            END IF;
            IF rating = 1
             THEN SET new_salary = new_salary + (new_salary * .10);
             ELSEIF rating = 2
             THEN SET new_salary = new_salary + (new_salary * .05);
            END IF;
            UPDATE employee
               SET salary = new_salary
               WHERE empno = v_empno;

       EXIT1: SET return_parm = service;