Db2 for i catalog views
The views contained in a Db2® for i catalog are described in this section.
The database manager maintains a set of tables containing information about the data in each relational database. These tables are collectively known as the catalog. The catalog tables contain information about tables, user-defined functions, distinct types, parameters, procedures, packages, views, indexes, aliases, sequences, variables, constraints, triggers, XSR objects, and languages supported by Db2 for i. The catalog also contains information about all relational databases that are accessible from this system.
There are three classes of catalog views:
- IBM® i catalog
tables and views
The IBM i catalog tables and views are modeled after the ANS and ISO catalog views, but are not identical to the ANS and ISO catalog views. These tables and views are compatible with prior releases of Db2 for i.
These tables and views exist in schemas QSYS and QSYS2.
The catalog tables and views contain information about all tables, parameters, procedures, functions, distinct types, packages, XSR objects, views, indexes, aliases, sequences, variables, triggers, and constraints in the entire relational database. When an SQL schema is created, an additional subset of these views are created into the schema that only contain information about tables, packages, views, indexes, and constraints in that schema.
- ODBC and JDBC catalog views
The ODBC and JDBC catalog views are designed to satisfy ODBC and JDBC metadata API requests. For example, SQLCOLUMNS. These views are compatible with views on DB2® LUW Version 8. These views will be modified as ODBC or JDBC enhances or modifies their metadata APIs.
These views exist in schema SYSIBM.
- ANS and ISO catalog views
The ANS and ISO catalog views are designed to comply with the ANS and ISO SQL standard (the Information Schema catalog views). These views will be modified as the ANS and ISO standard is enhanced or modified.
There are several columns in these views that are reserved for future standard enhancements.
There are two versions of these views:
- The first version of
these views exist in schema INFORMATION_SCHEMA1. Only rows associated with
objects to which the user has some privilege are included in the views.
This version is compatible with the ANS and ISO SQL standard.
If you use of this set of catalog views to prevent users from seeing any information about objects to which they have no privilege, you should revoke privileges to the other catalog views from users and PUBLIC.
- The second version of these views exist in schema SYSIBM. All rows are included in these views whether or not the user has some privilege to the objects associated with rows in the views. These views are compatible with views on DB2 LUW Version 8 and will generally perform better than the ANS and ISO views in QSYS2.
For example, assume that a user has the SELECT privilege to the QSYS2.TABLES and SYSIBM.TABLES catalog views but does not have any privilege to a table called WORK.EMPLOYEE. The following SQL statement will not return a result row:
However, the following SQL statement will return a result row:
- The first version of
these views exist in schema INFORMATION_SCHEMA1. Only rows associated with
objects to which the user has some privilege are included in the views.
This version is compatible with the ANS and ISO SQL standard.

Names in the Catalog: In general, all names stored in columns of a catalog table are undelimited and case sensitive. For example, assume the following table was created:
CREATE TABLE "colname"/"long_table_name"
("long_column_name" CHAR(10),
If the following select statement is used to return information about the mapping between SQL names and system names, the following select statement could be used:
WHERE TABLE_NAME = 'long_table_name' AND
TABLE_SCHEMA = 'colname'
The following rows would be returned:
long_table_name | "long0001" | long_column_name | LONG_00001 |
long_table_name | "long0001" | INTCOL | INTCOL |
System Names in the Catalog: In general, the longer SQL column names should be used rather than the short system column names. The short system column names for IBM i catalog tables and views are explicitly maintained for compatibility with prior releases and other DB2 products. The short system column names for the ODBC and JDBC catalog views and the ANS and ISO catalog views are not explicitly maintained and may change between releases.
Null Values in the Catalog: If the information in a column is not applicable, the null value is returned. Using the table created above, the following select statement, which queries the NUMERIC_SCALE and the CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH, would return the null value when the data was not applicable to the data type of the column.
WHERE TABLE_NAME = 'long_table_name' AND
TABLE_SCHEMA = 'colname'
The following rows would be returned:
long_column_name | ? | 10 |
INTCOL | 0 | ? |
Because numeric scale is not valid for a character column, the null value is returned for NUMERIC_SCALE for the "long_column_name" column. Because character length is not valid for a numeric column, the null value is returned for CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH for the INTCOL column.
Install and Backup Considerations: Certain catalog tables and any views created over the catalog tables and views should be regularly saved:
- The catalog table QSYS.QADBXRDBD contains relational database information. This table should be regularly saved.
- When an ILE external function or procedure or an SQL function or procedure is restored, information is automatically inserted into these catalog tables. This does not occur for non-ILE external functions and procedures. In order to back up the definitions of non-ILE external functions or procedures, ensure that the catalog tables SYSROUTINES and SYSPARMS are saved or ensure you have a back up of the SQL source statements that were used to create these functions and procedures.
- All catalog views in the QSYS2 or SYSIBM schemas are system objects. This means that any user views created over these catalog views must be deleted when the operating system is installed. All dependent objects must be deleted as well. To avoid this requirement, you can save views before installation and then restore them afterwards.
- Catalog tables in the QSYS library are also system objects. However, the catalog tables in the QSYS library are not deleted during installation. Hence, any views created over these tables are preserved throughout the installation process.
Granting Privileges to Catalog Views: Tables and views in the catalog are like any other database tables and views. If you have authorization, you can use SQL statements to look at data in the catalog views in the same way that you retrieve data from any other table. The tables and views in the catalogs are shipped with the SELECT privilege to PUBLIC. This privilege may be revoked and the SELECT privilege granted to individual users.
QSYS Catalog Tables: Most of the catalog views are based on the following tables in the QSYS library (sometimes called the database cross reference files). These tables are not shipped with the SELECT privilege to PUBLIC and should not be used directly:
QADBFDEP | ![]() ![]() |
QADBFCST | ![]() ![]() |
Use of SELECT *: New columns are likely to be added to tables and views in the catalog as new functionality is implemented and as the ISO/ANSI standards evolve. For this reason, it is recommended that SELECT * not be used when accessing catalog tables and views unless your application is prepared to tolerate these new columns.