What's new for IBM® i 7.2

Read about new or significantly changed information for the SQL CLI topic collection.

  • Support for Extended Timestamp Precision. See the SQLSetConnectAttr() function SQL_ATTR_TIMESTAMP_PREC attribute for more information on how the new connection attribute can be used to tailor the behavior of CLI applications that use Timestamps. For more information on using extended timestamp precision, see Working with Extended Timestamp Precision .
  • SQL MetaData API changes.
    • SQLProcedureColumns. As part of the support for specifying default values for function and procedure parameters, the SQLProcedureColumns function has changed the attributes of the COLUMN_DEF result set column from a VARCHAR(3) to a DBCLOB(65535). Prior to this release, defaults for parameters were not supported so the COLUMN_DEF column was a VARCHAR(3) with a value of NULL for all parameters. In addition, the result set column REMARKS on the SQLProcedureColumns function was changed to a NVARCHAR(2000) to reflect new length limits in the underlying, metadata catalogs in Db2 for i.
    • SQLColumnAttribute. The SQLColumnAttribute function has changed the attributes of the REMARKS result set column to NVARCHAR(2000).

How to see what's new or changed

To help you see where technical changes have been made, this information uses:
  • The Start of change image to mark where new or changed information begins.
  • The End of change image to mark where new or changed information ends.

In PDF files, you might see revision bars (|) in the left margin of new and changed information.

To find other information about what's new or changed this release, see the Memo to users.