The start CICS user (STRCICSUSR) command starts a CICS user shell associated with an active CICS control region for the user who initiated this command. The command also specifies whether a CICS transaction is to be initiated when the CICS user shell has been started.


Keyword Description Choices Notes
CTLRGN Control region Communications name, CICS Optional, Positional 1
TRANID Transaction ID Communications name, *DATA, *NONE Optional, Positional 2
DATA Initial TIOA data Character value, *NONE Optional, Positional 3

Control region (CTLRGN)

The name of the CICS control region with which the CICS user shell will be associated. The name of the CICS control region is also known as the CICS system ID.

Transaction ID (TRANID)

The name of the CICS transaction identifier used to initiate a CICS program identifier defined in the CICS program processing table.

The possible TRANID values are:

Initial TIOA data (DATA)

Indicates the data that is to be used to prime the CICS terminal input/output area (TIOA) for the first RECEIVE command.

The possible DATA values are:



Error messages
