Save Object using BRM (SAVOBJBRM)

The Save Object using BRM (SAVOBJBRM) command allows you to save individual objects or a group of objects that are in the same library.

For job queues, message queues and logical files, only the object definitions are saved, not the contents. The contents of output queues can be saved using SPLFDTA(*ALL), otherwise, only the output queue object definition is saved. The contents of save files can be saved using SAVFDTA(*YES), otherwise, only the save file object definition is saved.

The system saves the specified objects by writing a copy of each object on tape, or in a save file. The objects are not affected in the system unless the command specifies that the storage should be freed.

Virtual media and devices can be used with this command. The following restrictions apply to the use of virtual media and virtual devices.

To use this command, you must have the Backup Recovery and Media Services for IBM i licensed program installed.


  1. You must have authority to the SAVOBJ or SAVCHGOBJ commands to use this command.
  2. You must have *USE authority to any auxiliary storage pool device specified for the Auxiliary storage pool (ASPDEV) parameter.
  3. You must have either the *SAVSYS special authority or you must have:
    • Read authority for, or be the owner of, each library specified.
    • Object existence authority for each object in the library.
  4. When saving to a save file, only one library can be specified.
  5. No object being saved can be changed by a job that is running at the time the save operation occurs unless save-while-active is used.
  6. *NONE must be specified for the Spooled file data (SPLFDTA) parameter if the value for the Target release (TGTRLS) parameter resolves to a release prior to V5R4M0. Use backup spooled file lists to save spooled files to target releases prior to V5R4M0.
  7. This command should not be used by control group *EXIT item processing as results will be unpredictable.

You can save data to a Tivoli Storage Manager (TSM) server using this command. To save data to a TSM server, the following conditions must be met:

You can save data to an optical device using this command. The following restrictions apply when using optical devices.


Keyword Description Choices Notes
LIB Library Generic name, name Required, Positional 1
OBJ Object Single values: *ALL
Other values (up to 50 repetitions): Generic name, name
Required, Positional 2
DEV Device Single values: *NONE
Other values (up to 4 repetitions): Name, *MEDCLS
Required, Positional 3
OBJTYPE Object type Single values: *ALL
Other values (up to 50 repetitions): Character value
MBR Member Generic name, name, *ALL Optional
MEDPCY Media policy Name, *NONE, *SYSPCY Required, Positional 4
PRLRSC Parallel device resources Element list Optional
Element 1: Minimum resources 1-32, *NONE, *AVAIL
Element 2: Maximum resources 1-32, *MIN, *AVAIL
SAVACT Save active *NO, *LIB, *SYSDFN, *SYNCLIB Optional
SAVACTWAIT Save active wait time Element list Optional
Element 1: Object locks 0-99999, 120, *NOMAX
Element 2: Pending record changes 0-99999, *LOCKWAIT, *NOMAX, *NOCMTBDY
Element 3: Other pending changes 0-99999, *LOCKWAIT, *NOMAX
SAVACTMSGQ Save active message queue Qualified object name Optional
Qualifier 1: Save active message queue Name, *NONE, *WRKSTN
Qualifier 2: Library Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB
CTLGRP Control group Name, *NONE, *ARCGRP, *BKUGRP, *SYSGRP, *SYSTEM Optional
ENDOPT End of media option *REWIND, *LEAVE, *UNLOAD Optional
USEOPTBLK Use optimum block size *BKUPCY, *DEV, *NO, *YES Optional
SEQNBR Sequence number 1-16777215, *END Optional
TGTRLS Target release Character value, *CURRENT Optional
UPDHST Update history *YES, *NO Optional
CLEAR Clear *NONE, *AFTER, *ALL Optional
PRECHK Object pre-check *NO, *YES Optional
ACCPTH Save access paths *SYSVAL, *NO, *YES Optional
PVTAUT Private authorities *NO, *YES Optional
DTACPR Data compression *DEV, *NO, *YES Optional
COMPACT Data compaction *DEV, *NO Optional
SAVFDTA Save contents of save files *YES, *NO Optional
SPLFDTA Spooled file data *NONE, *ALL Optional
QDTA Queue data *NONE, *DTAQ Optional
SAVTYPE Type of save *FULL, *CUML, *INCR Optional
REFDATE Reference date Character value, *REF Optional
REFTIME Reference time Character value, *REF Optional
OBJJRN Journaled objects *NO, *YES Optional
OMITOBJ Objects to omit Values (up to 300 repetitions): Element list Optional
Element 1: Object Qualified object name
Qualifier 1: Object Generic name, name, *NONE, *ALL
Qualifier 2: Library Generic name, name, *ALL
Element 2: Object type Character value
ASPDEV Auxiliary storage pool Name, *SYSBAS, *, *CURASPGRP Optional
EXPDATE Expiration date Date, *MEDPCY, *PERM Optional
MOVPCY Move policy Name, *MEDPCY, *ADSM, *NONE Optional
MEDCLS Media class Character value, *MEDPCY, *ADSM, *SYSPCY Optional
LOC Location Name, *MEDPCY, *ANY, *HOME Optional
SAVF Save to save file *MEDPCY, *NO, *YES Optional
SAVFASP Save file ASP Character value, *MEDPCY, *SYSTEM Optional
SAVFEXP Retain save files Date, *MEDPCY, *PERM, *NONE Optional
MAXSTG ASP storage limit 1-99, *MEDPCY Optional
VOLSEC Secure volume *MEDPCY, *ADSM, *NO, *YES Optional
MINVOL Required volumes 1-9999, *MEDPCY, *NONE Optional
MARKDUP Mark volumes for duplication *MEDPCY, *NO, *YES Optional
MARKHST Mark history for duplication *MEDPCY, *NO, *YES Optional

Library (LIB)

Specifies which library contains the objects that you want to save.

This a required parameter.

Specify the generic name of the libraries that contain objects to be saved. A generic name is a character string of one or more characters followed by an asterisk (*); for example, ABC*. The asterisk (*) substitutes for any valid characters. A generic name specifies all libraries with names that begin with the generic prefix, for which the user has authority. If an asterisk is not included with the generic (prefix) name, the system assumes it to be the complete library name.
Specify the name of the library that contains objects to be saved.

Object (OBJ)

Specifies the names of one or more objects or the generic name of each group of objects to be saved. All the objects must be in the library specified on the Library (LIB) parameter. If the Object type (OBJTYPE) parameter is not specified, all the object types listed in the description of that parameter are saved, provided they are in the specified library and have the specified names.

This is a required parameter.

You can type multiple values for this parameter.

Single values

All the objects in the specified library are saved, depending on the values specified on the Object type (OBJTYPE) parameter.

Other values (up to 50 repetitions)

Specify one or more names of specific objects to save. Both generic names and specific names can be specified in the same command.
Specify one or more generic names of groups of objects in the specified library to be saved. A generic name is a character string that contains one or more characters followed by an asterisk (*). If an * is not specified with the name, the system assumes that the name is a complete object name.

Device (DEV)

Specifies the device or devices to be used by this command.

Single values

Devices for this policy or control group are selected based on device types that support the density for the media class specified in the media policy. The *MEDCLS special value is used for devices that are part of a device pool, such as several systems that share a single or set of devices. Devices are specified in the Work with Devices display.

Note: If you want to use more than one device for a serial save operation, the *MEDCLS can be repeated up to four times, once for each device used, except for virtual tape devices which is limited to a single value. The Parallel Device Resource (PRLRSC) parameter must be *NONE or the PRLRSC minimum and maximum must have a value of 1. BRMS will attempt to use the maximum number of devices that can be allocated for a save operation.

Note: If you want to use more than one device for a parallel save operation the *MEDCLS must only be specified once and the PRLRSC minimum and maximum responses must be greater than one.

Other values (up to 4 repetitions)

Specifies the name of the devices to be used for the save operation. the specified device name must already be in the BRMS device table.

Note: Multiple systems can share the use of a tape device or a media library device (MLB). When the device is a tape device (not an MLB device), BRMS can help you manage the use of the stand alone device by multiple systems if you indicate the device is shared.

You can save data to a TSM (ADSM) server using this command. You can only specify one TSM type server in the list of devices or *MEDCLS, which must select a TSM server. The device type can either be *APPC, which supports SNA network protocol, or *NET, which supports TCPIP protocol.

There is no device for this save operation. Save files are used to store the saved data. Data in a save file created with device *NONE will never be copied by BRMS. It is intended for online access only.
Specify the names of one or more devices used for the save operation. If you are using more than one device (up to a maximum of four), specify the names of the devices in the order in which they are used.

Note: When doing a serial save, only one media library device or one virtual device can be specified. When doing a parallel save, multiple media library devices or virtual devices can be specified.

Note: PRLRSC must be *NONE when DEV is *NONE.

Note: When doing a serial save, only one media library device or one virtual device can be specified. When doing a parallel save, multiple media library devices or virtual devices can be specified.

Object type (OBJTYPE)

Specifies the types of system objects to save. For a complete list of object types that can be saved, move the cursor to Object type (OBJTYPE) parameter and press the F4 key.

You can type multiple values for this parameter.

Single values

All object types that are specified by name and are in the specified library are saved. If *ALL is also specified on the Object (OBJ) parameter, then all the objects in the library that are of the types that can be saved are saved.

Other values (up to 50 repetitions)

Specify the value for each of the types of object that are saved such as command (*CMD), file (*FILE), or program (*PGM).

Member (MBR)

Specifies the database file members that are saved. You can choose a specific member, a generic member name or all members. To use the Member (MBR) parameter for a member or generic member, the Object (OBJ) parameter cannot be *ALL, generic, or a list, and the Object type (OBJTYPE) parameter must be *FILE.

All members are saved from the specified file.
Specify the name of the member to be saved from the given file.
Specify the generic name of the members to be saved from the specified file. A generic name is a character string that contains one or more characters followed by an asterisk (*). If an * is not specified with the name, the system assumes that the name is a complete member name.

Media policy (MEDPCY)

Specifies the media policy that you want to use with this save command.

Media policies are used to determine:

The media policy you specify must be a media policy that is in the BRMS media policy table.

This a required parameter.

The media policy specified in the system policy is assigned to output volumes from this save operation.
No media policy is specified for this save operation. Media policy values must be supplied with the save command for each parameter that has a default of *MEDPCY.

Note: If you specify *NONE, and you are saving data to a TSM (ADSM) server, you must specify the *ADSM special value in the MOVPCY, MEDCLS and VOLSEC parameters which are part of the media policy values for this save operation. You must still supply the additional media policy values for the remaining parameters with *MEDPCY as the default. The TSM management class STANDARD, and the TSM node *LCL, are used as default values for the save operation.

Specify the name of the media policy that you want to use with this save operation.

Parallel device resources (PRLRSC)

Specifies the minimum and maximum number of device resources to be used in a parallel save operation.

Note: Transferring save files to tape does not support parallel operations.

Element 1: Minimum Resources

Specifies the minimum number of device resources required for a parallel save.

Note: If a Media Library Device (MLB) is being used and the required resources are not available, the command will wait for the MLB to become available for a time period specified by the user. The wait time is determined by the value specified on the *MLB device description for INLMNTWAIT. If a *TAP device is being used and the required resources are not available, the command will fail.

No device resources are to be used. The save will be performed as a serial save. *NONE must be specified when using a virtual tape device, an optical device, or a virtual optical device.
Use any available devices up to the maximum of what was used for a save. Specifying this value for the minimum will allow BRMS to use any available resources, but will complete using one resource if only one is available at the start of the command.
Specify the minimum number of device resources to be used with this save command.

Element 2: Maximum Resources

Specifies the maximum number of device resources.

Uses the value specified for the minimum number of device resources.
Use any available devices for the save operation. Specifying this value for the maximum will allow BRMS to use any available resources but at a minimum the value specified in the minimum element.
Specify the maximum number of device resources to be used with this save command.

Save active (SAVACT)

Specifies if an object can be updated while it is being saved.

Note: If your system is in a restricted state and the SAVACT parameter is specified, the save operation is performed as if SAVACT(*NO) was specified.

Note: If you are using the MONSWABRM command as part of an *EXIT special operation in a control group, the Save while active field must have a valid save while active value for the entry that you want to save while active. Save while active entries that are valid for MONSWABRM to work are *LIB, *SYNCLIB, *SYSDFN, *SYNC, *NWSSTG, *NWSSYNC or *YES. The Monitor Save While Active (MONSWABRM) command reviews the save while active message queue and looks for the message indicating the end of library synchronization. When synchronization is detected, you can issue a command to the system.

Objects that are in use are not saved. Objects cannot be updated while being saved.
Objects in a library can be saved while they are in use by another job. All of the objects in a library reach a checkpoint together and are saved in a consistent state in relationship to each other.

Note: Libraries with thousands of objects may be too large for this option.

Objects in a library can be saved while they are in use by another job. All of the objects and all of the libraries in the save operation reach a checkpoint together and are saved in a consistent state in relationship to each other.

Note: Multiple checkpoints will occur when using *SYNCLIB with an incremental *ALLUSR backup item if new libraries were added to the system since the last save because synchronization is only within commands, not across libraries. New libraries are saved using Save Library (SAVLIB) command. Changed libraries are saved using the Save Changed Object (SAVCHGOBJ) command with a reference date and time that is the earliest occurance of either that last full or last incremental backup. BRMS uses its own reference dates rather than those in the object description information to protect incremental saves from being affected by native save operations.

Note: The *SYNCLIB choice cannot be used for the *IBM save type.

Note: If the libraries are being saved to save files or to TSM servers, each library is saved individually rather than as a group. Synchronization messages are therefore sent individually for each library rather than for the libraries as a group and synchronization is only within one library, not across libraries.

Objects in a library can be saved while they are in use by another job. Objects in a library may reach checkpoints at different times and may not be in a consistent state in relationship to each other.

Note: Specifying this value eliminates some size restrictions and can allow a library to be saved that could not be saved with SAVACT(*LIB).

Save active wait time (SAVACTWAIT)

Specifies the amount of time to wait for an object that is in use, or for transactions with pending changes to reach a commit boundary, before continuing the save operation.

Element 1: Object locks

Specifies the amount of time to wait for the object to become available for each object that is in use. If an object remains in use for the specified time, the object is not saved.

For each object that is in use, specifies the amount of time to wait for the object to become available. If an object remains in use for the specified time, the object is not saved.

The system waits up to 120 seconds for each individual object lock before continuing the save operation.
No maximum wait time exists.
Specifies the time (in seconds) to wait for each individual object lock before continuing the save operation. Valid values range from 0 through 99 999.

Element 2: Pending record changes

For each group of objects that are checkpointed together, specifies the amount of time to wait for transactions with pending record changes to reach a commit boundary. The Save active prompt (SAVACT) parameter determines which objects are checkpointed together. If 0 is specified, all objects being saved must be at commit boundaries. If any other value is specified, all objects that are journaled to the same journals as the objects being saved must reach commit boundaries. If a commit boundary is not reached in the specified time, the save operation is ended, unless the value *NOCMTBDY is specified.

The system waits up to the value specified on Element 1 for commit boundaries for record changes.
The system will save objects without requiring transactions with pending record changes to reach a commit boundary. Therefore, objects may be saved with pending transactions.

If you restore an object that was saved with pending transactions, you cannot use the object until you apply or remove journal changes (APYJRNCHG or RMVJRNCHG command) to reach commit boundaries. You will need all journal receivers that contain information about the pending transactions to apply or remove the changes. Until you apply or remove the changes, any future save of that object will include the pending transactions, even if you do not specify *NOCMTBDY.


  1. The value of the Target release (TGTRLS) parameter must be *CURRENT, V5R3M0 or later release to use *NOCMTBDY.
  2. The value of the Object detail (OBJDTL) parameter must be *YES or *MBR to use *NOCMTBDY.
  3. The name of the saved library cannot begin with the letter Q or # when using *NOCMTDBY.
No maximum wait time exists.
Specifies the time (in seconds) to wait for transactions with pending record changes to reach a commit boundary. Valid values range from 0 through 99 999.

Element 3: Other pending changes

For each library, specifies the amount of time to wait for transactions with other pending changes to reach a commit boundary. Other pending changes include the following:

If a commit boundary is not reached for a library in the specified time, the library is not saved.

The system waits up to the value specified on Element 1 for the types of transactions that are listed above to reach a commit boundary.
No maximum wait time exists.
Specifies the time (in seconds) to wait for the types of transactions that are listed above to reach a commit boundary. Valid values range from 0 through 99 999.

Save active message queue (SAVACTMSGQ)

Specifies the message queue that the save operation uses to notify the user that the checkpoint processing for the library is complete. A separate message is sent for each library to be saved when the *SYSDFN or *LIB value is specified on the Save active (SAVACT) parameter. When the *SYNCLIB value is specified on the Save active (SAVACT) parameter, one message is sent for all libraries in the save operation.

Note: When multiple save operations are generated by BRMS, then one message is sent for each command generated.

This parameter can be used to save the objects at a known, consistent boundary to avoid additional recovery procedures following a restore operation. Applications can be stopped until the checkpoint processing complete message is received.

Qualifier 1: Save active message queue

No notification message is sent.
The notification message is sent to the work station message queue.
Specify the name of the message queue that the notification message is sent to.

Qualifier 2: Library

The library list is used to locate the message queue.
The current library for the job is used to locate the message queue. If no library is specified as the current library for the job, the QGPL library is used.
Specify the name of the library where the message queue is located.

Restrictions: If MONSWABRM is used to monitor the save while active message queue, and LIB(*MSGQ) is specified for the MONSWABRM, the name specified here must match the name on the MSGQ parameter for the MONSWABRM command.

MONSWABRM always uses the message queue from library QUSRBRM.

Control group (CTLGRP)

Specifies the name of the control group that you want to associate with the objects saved by this command. The control group name is stored with the media information and can be used with the Control group (CTLGRP) parameter on other BRMS commands to filter the media information or recover saved objects by control group.

Note: None of the attributes of the control group are used for the save. However, the TEXT field will be updated with text of the control group entries for SAVxxxBRM commands.

If you are using version control for the items you are saving, this save operation will be recorded as part of the specified version control. Version control is specified in the media policy associated with this control group and can be reviewed by using the Work with Media Policies display.

Do not specify a control group name for this command.
The name of the default archive control group.

Note: The BRMS Advanced feature (Option 2) is required to use this value.

The name of the default backup control group used to save all user data.
The name of the default system control group used to save all system data.
The name of the default system control group used to save the entire system.
Specify the name of the control group to be assigned to the items you are saving.

End of media option (ENDOPT)

Specifies the operation that is automatically done on the tape or optical volume after the save operation ends. If more than one volume is included, this parameter applies only to the last volume used; all other volumes are rewound and unloaded when the end of the volume is reached.

Note: For optical devices, *UNLOAD is the only special value supported, *REWIND and *LEAVE will be ignored.

If you specify *LEAVE and the device is a shared device, the device will not be varied off after the save operation. If you specify *LEAVE and the device is not a shared device, the device will be varied off after the save operation.

The volume is automatically rewound, but not unloaded, after the operation has ended.
The volume does not rewind or unload after the operation ends. It remains at the current position on the device.
The volume is automatically rewound and unloaded after the operation ends.

Use optimum block size (USEOPTBLK)

Specifies whether or not the optimum block size is used for the save operation.

Note: This parameter is ignored if the Device (DEVICE) parameter specified is an optical device.

Use the value from the backup policy for the Use optimum block size parameter.
Use the value specified on the Work with Devices display for the Use optimum block size parameter.
The optimum block size supported by the device is not used. Save commands use the default block size supported by all device types. The tape volume can be duplicated to any media format using the Duplicate Tape (DUPTAP) command or the Duplicate Media using BRM (DUPMEDBRM) command.
The optimum block size supported by the device is used for Save commands. If the block size used is larger than a block size that is supported by all device types then:
  • Performance may improve.
  • The tape file that is created is only compatible with a device that supports the block size used. Commands such as Duplicate Tape (DUPTAP) and Duplicate Media using BRM (DUPMEDBRM) do not duplicate files unless the files are being duplicated to a device which supports the same block size that was used.
  • The value for the Data Compression (DTACPR) parameter is ignored.

Sequence number (SEQNBR)

Specifies, when tape is used, the sequence to use for the save operation. If you are saving to a BRMS volume that is expired, BRMS will begin writing information at the beginning of the volume, even though you have specified *END. If you are saving to a BRMS volume, BRMS will redirect the output to begin at the logical end of the output volume (after the end of the last active file), depending on the output device that you are using. For example, a 3490 device can write to any sequence number whereas a 6525 device can only write to sequence number 1 or *END.

The save operation begins after the sequence number of the last active file on the volume.
file-sequence-number (1-16,777,215)
Specify the sequence number of the file to be used for the save operation.

Target release (TGTRLS)

Specifies the release of the operating system on which you intend to restore the objects being saved.

The objects are to be restored on a system that is running the same release of the operating system currently running on your system. For example, if V5R2M0 is running on the system, *CURRENT means that you intend to restore the objects on a system with V5R2M0 installed. The objects can also be restored on a system with any subsequent release of the operating system installed.
The objects are to be restored on a system that is running on the previous release with modification level 0 of the operating system. For example if V5R2M0 is running on your system, *PRV means you intend to restore the objects on a system with V5R1M0 installed. The object can also be restored on a system with any subsequent release of the operating system installed.

Note: Not all objects can be targeted to another release. Objects that are new to a release typically cannot be saved to a previous release.

Specify the release in the format VxRxMx, where Vx is the version, Rx is the release, and Mx is the modification level. For example, V5R2M0 is version 5, release 2, modification level 0.

The objects can be restored on a system with the specified release or with any subsequent release of the operating system installed.

Note: Not all objects can be targeted to another release. Objects that are new to a release typically cannot be saved to a previous release.

Valid values depend on the current version, release, and modification level, and they change with each new release. If you specify a release-level that is earlier than the earliest release level supported by this command, an error message is sent indicating the earliest supported release.

Update history (UPDHST)

Specifies whether the save history information of each saved object is changed with the date, time, and location of this save operation. The save history information for an object is displayed using the Display Object Description (DSPOBJD) command.

The possible values are:

The last save date, time, and location is updated in each object saved.
The save history information contained in the description of each object saved is not updated.

Clear (CLEAR)

Specifies whether uncleared volumes or save files encountered during the save operation are automatically cleared.

None of the uncleared volumes or save files encountered during the save operation are automatically cleared. If the save operation cannot proceed because an uncleared volume is encountered, an inquiry message is sent to the operator, allowing the ending of the save operation, or specifying that the currently selected volume be cleared so the operation can continue.

If a save file is not cleared, the inquiry message is sent to the work station message queue for an interactive job, or to the operator for a batch job. All volumes used to perform the save operation should be cleared, or the save file must be empty, before the save command is issued.

All the uncleared volumes after the initial volume are automatically cleared. This option is not valid for save or restore operations to a save file. If the operation cannot proceed because the first volume is uncleared, an inquiry message is sent to the system operator, allowing him to end the operation or to specify that the currently selected volume be cleared so the operation can continue.
All the uncleared volumes or save files encountered during the save operation are automatically cleared. If tapes are used and a sequence number is specified, the volume is cleared and, starting with that sequence number, all volumes following the first volume are cleared.

Object pre-check (PRECHK)

Specifies whether the save operation ends if any of the selected objects cannot be saved.

The save operation for a library continues, saving only those objects that can be saved.
If after all specified objects are checked, one or more objects cannot be saved, the save operation for a library ends before any data is written. If multiple libraries are specified, the save operation continues with the next library.

Save access paths (ACCPTH)

Specifies whether the logical file access paths that are dependent on the physical files being saved are also saved. The access paths are saved only if all members on which the access paths are built are included in this save operation. Informational messages are sent indicating the number of logical file access paths saved with each physical file. All physical files on which an access path is built must be in the same library. This parameter does not save logical objects; it only controls the saving of the access paths. Information on the restoring of saved access paths is in the Backup and Recovery Book.

Attention: If the based-on physical files and the logical files are in different libraries, the access paths are saved. However, if the logical files and the based-on physical files are in different libraries and the logical files or physical files do not exist at restore time (such as during disaster recovery or the files were deleted) the access paths are not restored. They are rebuilt. For the fastest possible restore operation for logical files and the based-on physical files must be in the same library and must be saved at the same time.

The system value QSAVACCPTH determines whether to save the logical file access paths that are dependent on the physical files that are being saved.
Only those objects specified on the command are saved. No logical file access paths are saved.
The specified physical files and all eligible logical files access paths over them are saved.

Private authorities (PVTAUT)

Specifies whether to save private authorities with the objects that are saved. Saving private authorities will increase the amount of time it takes to save the objects, but it can simplify the recovery of an object or a group of objects. It will not simplify the recovery of an entire system.

No private authorities are saved.
Private authorities are saved for each object that is saved.

Note: You must have save system (*SAVSYS) or all object (*ALLOBJ) special authority to specify this value.

Data compression (DTACPR)

Specifies whether data compression is used.

If the save is to tape and the target device supports compression, hardware compression is performed. Otherwise, no data compression is performed.

Note: If *DEV is specified on both the Data compression (DTACPR) parameter and the Data compaction (COMPACT) parameter, only device data compaction is performed if device data compaction is supported on the device. Otherwise, data compression is performed if supported on the device.

If *YES is specified on the Data compression (DTACPR) parameter and *DEV is specified on the Data compaction (COMPACT) parameter, both device data compaction and device data compression are performed if supported on the device.

No data compression is performed.
If the target device supports compression, hardware compression is performed. if compression is not supported, software compression is performed.

Data compaction (COMPACT)

Specifies whether data compaction is performed.

Note: This parameter is ignored if the Device (DEVICE) parameter specified is an optical device.

Device data compaction is performed if the data is saved to tape and all devices specified on the Device (DEV) parameter support the compaction feature.

Note: If *DEV is specified on both the Data compression (DTACPR) parameter and the Data compaction (COMPACT) parameter, only device data compaction is performed if device data compaction is supported on the device. Otherwise, data compression is performed if supported on the device.

If *YES is specified on the Data compression (DTACPR) parameter and *DEV is specified on the Data compaction (COMPACT) parameter, both device data compaction and device data compression are performed if supported on the device.

No data compaction is performed.

Save contents of save files (SAVFDTA)

Specifies for save file objects, whether the description of a save file, or both the description and the contents of a save file, are saved on the tape or in another save file.

The description and contents of save files are saved.
Only the description of a save file is saved.

Spooled file data (SPLFDTA)

Specifies whether to save the spooled file data and attributes for saved output queues. The saved spooled files and attributes can be viewed after the save using the Work with Saved Spooled Files (WRKSPLFBRM) command.

Specifies no spooled file data or attributes are saved with saved output queues.
Specifies all available spooled file data and attributes are saved with saved output queues.

Queue data (QDTA)

Specifies, for queue objects, whether the description of a queue, or both the description and the contents of a queue, are saved.

The possible values are:

Only the description of a queue is saved.
The description and contents of a standard data queue are saved. Only the description of a Distributed Data Management (DDM) data queue is saved.

Type of save (SAVTYPE)

Specifies whether all objects in a library are to be saved or only those objects that have changed.

Note: If a backup includes new libraries and BRMS has no history of a full backup of these libraries, then a full backup will be performed regardless of the type of incremental specified.

Save all objects in the library.
Only save items that have changed. *CUML indicates that the incremental save includes all objects that have been changed since the last full save.
Only save changed items. *INCR indicates that the incremental save includes all objects that have been changed since the last incremental save.

Reference date (REFDATE)

Works in conjunction with an incremental (save changed objects) save performed under BRMS control.

Uses the date of the last full BRMS save for this save operation as the beginning point for this incremental save.
Specify a date for this save operation to use as a beginning point for this incremental save.

Reference time (REFTIME)

Works in conjunction with an incremental (save changed objects) save performed under BRMS control.

Uses the time of the last full BRMS save for this save operation as the beginning point for this incremental save.
Specify a time in hour, minute, second (hhmmss) format for this save operation to use as a beginning point for this incremental save.

Journaled objects (OBJJRN)

This parameter is ignored for SAVOBJBRM. Since the command does not support *INCR and *CUML backup types, the OBJJRN parameter does not apply.

Omit object (OMITOBJ)

Specifies the objects to be excluded from the save operation. Up to 300 objects or generic object values can be specified.

If the OMITOBJ parameter is not specified, no objects are excluded from the save operation.

Element 1: Object

Qualifier 1: Object

No objects are excluded from the save operation.
Objects in the specified libraries are excluded, depending on the value specified for the object type.
Specify the generic name of the object. A generic name is a character string of one or more characters followed by the asterisk (*); for example, ABC*. The asterisk (*) substitutes for any valid characters. A generic name specifies all objects with names that begin with the generic prefix, for which the user has authority. If an asterisk is not included with the generic (prefix) name, the system assumes it to be the complete object name.
Specify the name of the object that will be excluded from the save operation.

Qualifier 2: Library

The specified objects are excluded from all libraries that are part of the save operation.
Specify the generic name of the library. A generic name is a character string of one or more characters followed by the asterisk (*); for example, ABC*. The asterisk (*) substitutes for any valid characters. A generic name specifies all libraries with names that begin with the generic prefix, for which the user has authority. If an asterisk is not included with the generic (prefix) name, the system assumes it to be the complete library name.
Specify the name of the library that contains the object to be excluded from the save operation.

Element 2: Object type

All object types are excluded from the save operation, depending on the value specified for the object name.
Specify the type of the object to be excluded from the save operation.

Auxiliary storage pool device (ASPDEV)

Use this parameter to specify the auxiliary storage pools from which libraries and objects can be included in the save operation.

Specifies libraries or objects from only the system (1) and basic user auxiliary storage pools (2-32) are included in the save.
Specifies libraries or objects from the system auxiliary storage pool (1), all basic user auxiliary storage pools (2-32), and if the current thread has an auxiliary storage pool group, all independent auxiliary storage pools in the auxiliary storage pool group are included in the save.
Specifies libraries or objects from only the auxiliary storage pool group currently set for the job are included in the save. Libraries or objects from the system (1) and basic user auxiliary storage pools (2-32) are omitted from the save.
Specifies libraries or objects from the named auxiliary storage pool device are included in the save operation. This must be the name of a primary or secondary auxiliary storage pool. Libraries or objects from the system (1) and basic user auxiliary storage pools (2-32) are omitted from the save.

Expiration date (EXPDATE)

Specifies the expiration that you want to use for output volumes created as a result of this save operation.

The value for this parameter is specified in the media policy that is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter of this save command.

Note: If *NONE is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter, you cannot specify *MEDPCY in this parameter.

Output volumes from this save operation are assigned a permanent expiration.
Specify an expiration date with or without date separators that will be assigned to output volumes from this save operation.

Move policy (MOVPCY)

Specifies the move policy that you want to use for output volumes created as a result of this save operation.

If this save operation that you are performing is saving data to a device of category *NET or *APPC, you must specify the special value *ADSM (TSM server) for the MOVPCY parameter, since a TSM server controls the use of media in this case, not BRMS.

The value for this parameter is specified in the media policy that is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter of this save command.

Note: If *NONE is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter, you cannot specify *MEDPCY in this parameter.

Media movement is controlled by TSM server specifications.
There is not a move policy associated with the output volumes that are created as a result of this save operation.
Specify a move policy that will be assigned to output volumes from this save operation.

Media class (MEDCLS)

Specifies the media class that you want to use for selection of output volumes used in this save operation.

If this save operation that you are performing is saving data to a device of category *NET or *APPC, you must specify the special value *ADSM (TSM server) for the MEDCLS parameter, since a TSM server controls the use of media in this case, not BRMS.

The value for this parameter is specified in the media policy that is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter of this save command.

Note: If *NONE is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter, you cannot specify *MEDPCY in this parameter.

The save operation uses media that is selected and controlled by TSM server specifications.
There is not a media class associated with the output volumes that are selected for this save operation.
The value for the media class in the system policy will used to select output volumes for this save operation.
Specify a media class that will be used to select output volumes for this save operation.

Location (LOC)

Specifies the location that you want to use for selection of output volumes used in this save operation.

The value for this parameter is specified in the media policy that is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter of this save command.

Note: If *NONE is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter, you cannot specify *MEDPCY in this parameter.

Volumes from any location are selected as output volumes for this save operation.
Volumes from the home location are selected as output volumes for this save operation.
Specify the location from which volumes are selected as output volumes for this save operation.

Save to save file (SAVF)

Specifies whether the output from this save operation is saved to a save file.

Note: If the save operation that you are performing is saving data using media of class *ADSM (TSM server), you must specify *NO in this parameter. If you specify SAVF(*MEDPCY), then the value of the Save to save file field in the referenced media policy must be *NO.

The value for this parameter is specified in the media policy that is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter of this save command.

Note: If *NONE is specified in the Media policy) (MEDPCY parameter, you cannot specify *MEDPCY in this parameter.

Output from this save operation is not saved to a save file.
Output from this save operation is saved to a save file.

Save file ASP (SAVFASP)

Specifies the system (1) or basic user auxiliary storage pool (2-32) to which a save file is created as a result of this save operation.

The value for this parameter is specified in the media policy that is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter of this save command.

Note: If *NONE is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter, you cannot specify *MEDPCY in this parameter.

The save file is saved to the system (1) auxiliary storage pool.
Specify the name of the auxiliary storage pool to which you are saving the save file.
Specify the system (1) or basic user auxiliary storage pool number (2-32) for the save file that is created as a result of the save operation.

Note: UDFS, primary and secondary auxiliary storage pools are not supported for this parameter.

Retain save files (SAVFEXP)

Specifies how long save files are to be kept that are created as a result of this save operation.

The value for this parameter is specified in the media policy that is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter of this save command.

Note: If *NONE is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter, you cannot specify *MEDPCY in this parameter.

Save files generated from the save operation are not kept.
Save files generated from the save operation are kept permanently.
Specify the date that indicates how long save files created from this save operation are to be kept.

ASP storage limit (MAXSTG)

Specifies the maximum percentage auxiliary storage pool (ASP) utilization that is acceptable during a save operation. For example, an entry of 90 would mean that a save process would continue until the auxiliary storage pool utilization exceeded 90%. If the upper limit is reached, the save process is stopped and a message sent to the BRMS log.

The value for this parameter is specified in the media policy that is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter of this save command.

Note: If *NONE is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter, you cannot specify *MEDPCY in this parameter.

Specify the maximum auxiliary storage pool utilization limit.

Secure volume (VOLSEC)

Specifies whether you want to apply volume security to volumes in this media class. Volumes that are secured can only be read by users with the special authorities *ALLOBJ or *SAVSYS.

If the save operation that you are performing is saving data to a device of category *NET or *APPC, you must specify the special value *ADSM (TSM server) for the VOLSEC parameter, since a TSM server controls volume security in this case, not BRMS

The value for this parameter is specified in the media policy that is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter of this save command.

Note: If *NONE is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter, you cannot specify *MEDPCY in this parameter.

Volume security is controlled by TSM server specifications.
Volume security has not been applied to this media class. Volumes that do not have volume security can be read by anyone.
Only users with special authorities *ALLOBJ or *SAVSYS can read media volumes in this media class.

Require volumes (MINVOL)

Specifies the minimum number of expired volumes that must be present before any save can be done using this media policy. The value can also be checked by user jobs using the Check Expired Media for BRM (CHKEXPBRM) command.

Note: If the save operation that you are performing is saving data using media of class *ADSM (TSM server), you must specify *NONE in this parameter. If you specify MINVOL(*MEDPCY), then the value of the Required volumes field in the referenced media policy must be *NONE.

The value for this parameter is specified in the media policy that is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter of this save command.

Note: If *NONE is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter, you cannot specify *MEDPCY in this parameter.

There is no check done to determine the minimum number of required volumes before a save operation begins.
Specify the number of expired media volumes that must be available before any BRMS save operation will begin. The number can range from 1 to 9999.

Mark volumes for duplication (MARKDUP)

Specifies whether media volumes will be marked for duplication. When *YES is selected, all volumes used during a save operation are marked for duplication. You can use VOL(*SEARCH) on the Duplicate Media using BRM command to duplicate the saved items after the save has completed.

Note: If the save operation that you are performing is saving data using media of class *ADSM (TSM server), you must specify *NO in this parameter. If you specify MARKDUP(*MEDPCY), then the value of the Mark for duplication attribute in the referenced media policy must be *NO.

The value for this parameter is specified in the media policy that is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter of this save command.

Note: If *NONE is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter, you cannot specify *MEDPCY in this parameter.

Volumes written to during a save operation will not be marked for duplication.
Volumes written to during the save operation will be marked for duplication.

Mark history for duplication (MARKHST)

Specifies whether history items will be marked for duplication. When *YES is selected, all history items created during a save operation are marked for duplication. You must use VOL(*SCHHST) on the Duplicate Media using BRM command to duplicate the saved items.

Note: If the save operation that you are performing is saving data using media of class *ADSM (TSM server), you must specify *NO in this parameter. If you specify MARKHST(*MEDPCY), then the value of the Mark history for duplication attribute in the referenced media policy must be *NO.

Note: This parameter is ignored if the Device (DEVICE) parameter specified is an optical device.

The value for this parameter is specified in the media policy that is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter of this save command.

Note: If *NONE is specified in the Media policy (MEDPCY) parameter, you cannot specify *MEDPCY in this parameter.

History items created during the save operation will not be marked for duplication.
History items created during the save operation will be marked for duplication.


Example 1: Saving Objects of a Particular Type


This command saves selected file objects whose names begin with the letters 'AP' and the file object named GLMST from library MYLIB using device TAP09.

Example 2: Saving Generic Objects from a Library


This command saves all objects that begin with the letters 'DIST' from library MYLIB using device TAP09.

Example 3: Saving Objects of a Particular Type in Parallel


In this example all objects are saved that begin with AP or the object called GLMST if they are object type *FILE. The objects are found in library MBALIB. They will be saved to two device resources in MLB01.

Example 4: Saving Objects of a Particular Type on an Auxiliary Storage Pool Device


This command saves selected file objects whose names begin with the letters 'AP' and the file object named GLMST from library MYLIB which reside on auxiliary storage pool device PRIMETIME using device TAP09.

Error messages

*ESCAPE Messages

Feature not installed.
Feature not licensed.
BRMS product initialization required.
All CPF37xx messages could be signaled. xx is from 01 to FF.
All CPF38xx messages could be signaled. xx is from 01 to FF.
All CPF98xx messages could be signaled. xx is from 01 to FF.