Retrieve S/36 Environment Attr (RTVS36A)

The Retrieve System/36 Attributes (RTVS36A) command allows the user to retrieve specific attribute information about the System/36 environment configuration and provide that information to a specified variable of a CL program or REXX procedure. Information about one or more attributes can be retrieved.

More information about the System/36 attributes that can be retrieved is in the help information for the Change System/36 Attributes (CHGS36A) command.


Keyword Description Choices Notes
ENV Environment name Name, #LIBRARY Optional, Key
SLIB CL var for SLIB (8) Character value Optional
FLIB CL var for FLIB (10) Character value Optional
LIBL CL var for LIBL (4) Character value Optional
DATDIFF CL var for DATDIFF (4) Character value Optional
S36ESHARE CL var for S36ESHARE (4) Character value Optional
RCDBLK CL var for RCDBLK (4) Character value Optional
CACHEDLTF CL var for CACHEDLTF (4) Character value Optional
LPPAGE CL var for LPPAGE (3) Character value Optional
FORMTYPE CL var for FORMTYPE (4) Character value Optional
DFTMSGACN CL var for DFTMSGACN (9) Character value Optional
HALTOPT CL var for HALTOPT (4) Character value Optional
EVKJOBINIT CL var for EVKJOBINIT (6) Character value Optional
EVKJOBPOL CL var for EVKJOBPOL (8) Character value Optional
EVKJOBPTY CL var for EVKJOBPTY (10) Character value Optional
SRCRCDLEN CL var for SRCRCDLEN (3) Character value Optional
CHGACT CL var for CHGACT (4) Character value Optional
ADDS36ONLY CL var for ADDS36ONLY (4) Character value Optional
ICFSUBST CL var for ICFSUBST (4) Character value Optional
MRTUSRPRF CL var for MRTUSRPRF (8) Character value Optional
MRTAUT CL var for MRTAUT (8) Character value Optional
MRTDLY CL var for MRTDLY (5) Character value Optional
MRTJOBINIT CL var for MRTJOBINIT (6) Character value Optional
MRTJOBPOL CL var for MRTJOBPOL (8) Character value Optional
MRTJOBPTY CL var for MRTJOBPTY (10) Character value Optional

Environment name (ENV)

Specifies the name of the System/36 environment from which you are retrieving attributes. The value is #LIBRARY and cannot be changed.

This is a required parameter.

CL var for SLIB (8) (SLIB)

Specifies the name of an 8-character variable to receive the name of the default session library for jobs running in the System/36 environment.

CL var for FLIB (10) (FLIB)

Specifies the name of a 10-character variable to receive the name of the default files library for jobs running in the System/36 environment.

CL var for LIBL (4) (LIBL)

Specifies the name of a 4-character variable to receive information on whether the library list is used for jobs running in the System/36 environment. A value of *YES or *NO is returned in the variable.

CL var for DATDIFF (4) (DATDIFF)

Specifies the name of a 4-character variable to receive information on whether files with the same name but different dates can be used for jobs running in the System/36 environment. A value of *YES or *NO is returned in the variable.

CL var for S36ESHARE (4) (S36ESHARE)

Specifies the name of a 4-character variable to receive information on whether programs share an open data path (ODP) to database files opened in the System/36 environment. A value of *YES or *NO is returned in the variable.

CL var for RCDBLK (4) (RCDBLK)

Specifies the name of a 4-character variable to receive information on whether record blocking is used for sequential database files sharing an open data path in the System/36 environment. A value of *YES or *NO is returned in the variable.


Specifies the name of a 4-character variable to receive information on whether deleted files are stored in a cache in the System/36 environment. A value of *YES or *NO is returned in the variable.

CL var for LPPAGE (3) (LPPAGE)

Specifies the name of a 3-character variable to receive the number of lines printed on a page for jobs running in the System/36 environment. A value ranging from 1 through 112 is returned in the variable.


Specifies the name of a 4-character variable to receive the form type of the printer form used when printing a job in the System/36 environment. A value of *STD or a user-defined form type is returned in the variable.


Specifies the name of a 9-character variable to receive the default message action used by the System/36 environment when an error occurs during the running of a CL command within a System/36 environment procedure. A value of *CONTINUE, *HALT, IGNORE, or *CANCEL is returned in the variable.

CL var for HALTOPT (4) (HALTOPT)

Specifies the name of a 4-character variable to receive the options list for continuation after an error occurs in the System/36 environment and *HALT is specified for the default message action.


Specifies the name of a 6-character variable to receive the value for the method used to start EVOKE jobs or job steps in the System/36 environment. A value of *IMMED or *JOBQ is returned in the variable.


Specifies the name of an 8-character variable to receive the value for the storage pool used for jobs started with the *IMMED option in the System/36 environment. A value of *BASE or *CURRENT is returned in the variable.


Specifies the name of a 10-character variable to receive the value for the priority at which a job is started when it is started with the *IMMED option in the System/36 environment. A value ranging from 1 through 99 or the value *SUBMITTER is returned in the variable.


Specifies the name of a 3-character variable to receive the record length in bytes for System/36 source files QS36PRC and QS36SRC. A value ranging from 52 through 132 is returned in the variable.

CL var for CHGACT (4) (CHGACT)

Specifies the name of a 4-character CL variable to receive the value indicating whether the configuration object can be updated using the Change System/36 (CHGS36) command while others are signed on to the System/36 environment. A value of *NO or *YES is returned in the variable.

CL var for ADDS36ONLY (4) (ADDS36ONLY)

Specifies the name of a 4-character CL variable to receive the value indicating whether workstation devices can be added to the System/36 environment configuration when the device signs on to the System/36 environment. A value of *NO or *YES is returned in the variable.


Specifies the name of a 4-character CL variable to receive the value indicating whether to scan intersystem communications function (ICF) start requests for substitution expressions. A value of *NO or *YES is returned in the variable.


Specifies the name of an 8-character variable to receive the user profile under which the Multiple Requester Terminal (MRT) program is running. A value of *OWNER or *FRSTUSR is returned in the variable.

CL var for MRTAUT (8) (MRTAUT)

Specifies the name of an 8-character variable to receive the user authority to files used by the MRT program. A value of *ALLUSR or *FRSTUSR is returned in the variable.

CL var for MRTDLY (5) (MRTDLY)

Specifies the name of a 5-character variable to receive the time in seconds that the system delays before ending the MRT program. A value ranging from 0 through 32767 is returned in the variable.


Specifies the name of a 6-character variable to receive the value for the method used to start an MRT job in the System/36 environment. A value of *IMMED or *JOBQ is returned in the variable.


Specifies the name of an 8-character variable to receive the value for the storage pool to be used for an MRT job started with the *IMMED option in the System/36 environment. A value of *BASE or *CURRENT is returned in the variable.


Specifies the name of a 10-character variable to receive the the value for the priority to start an MRT job started with the *IMMED option. A value ranging from 1 through 99 or the value *SUBMITTER is returned in the variable.



This command retrieves the shared file record blocking value, the halt options list, and the user profile under which the MRT is running. The file record blocking value is copied into the CL variable &RBLOCK, which must be 4 characters in length. The halt options list is copied into the CL variable &OPTION, which must be at least 4 characters in length. The user profile under which the MRT is running is copied into the CL variable &USERID, which must be 8 characters in length.

Error messages
