Remove RJE Communication Entry (RMVRJECMNE)

Rmve RJE Comm Entry

The RMVRJECMNE command removes an SNA or BSC communications entry from a session description for an inactive session. It also deletes the corresponding communications or BSC file after a reader or writer is removed.

Error messages for RMVRJECMNE

*ESCAPE Messages

Errors found. Processing of request ended.
&1 does not exist in session description &3.


Keyword Description Choices Notes
SSND RJE session description Qualified object name Required, Positional 1
Qualifier 1: RJE session description Name
Qualifier 2: Library Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB
FILE BSC/CMN file Qualified object name Required, Positional 2
Qualifier 1: BSC/CMN file Name
Qualifier 2: Library Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB

RJE Session Desc (SSND)

Specifies the qualified name of the session description that contains the communications or BSC file entry being removed.

The possible library values are:

session-description-name: Specify the name of the session description that contains the communications or BSC file entry being removed.


Specifies the qualified name of the communications or BSC file entry being removed.

The possible library values are:

communications-or-BSC-file-name: Specify the name of the communications or BSC file entry being removed.

Note: If you specified *LIBL when the entry was added, you must also specify *LIBL (rather than the actual library name) for this command.



Error messages

*ESCAPE Messages

Errors found. Processing of request ended.
&1 does not exist in session description &3.