Remove Node List Entry (RMVNODLE)

The Remove Node List Entry (RMVNODLE) command removes an entry from an existing node list object.


Keyword Description Choices Notes
NODL Node list Qualified object name Required, Positional 1
Qualifier 1: Node list Name
Qualifier 2: Library Name, *CURLIB, *LIBL
RMTLOCNAME Remote location Element list Optional
Element 1: Name or address Character value
Element 2: Type *SNA, *IP
CPNAME SNA node name Single values: *RMTLOC
Other values: Element list
Element 1: Network identifier Communications name, *NETATR
Element 2: Control point Communications name

Node list (NODL)

Specifies the qualified name of the node list object from which the entry is removed.

The node list name can be qualified by one of the following library values:

All libraries in the library list for the current thread are searched until the first match is found.
The current library for the job is searched. If no library is specified as the current library for the job, the QGPL library is used.
Specify the name of the library to be searched.

The possible values are:

Specify the name of the node list from which the entry is removed.

Remote location (RMTLOCNAME)

Specifies the name and address type of the system to remove from the node list object. The name can be an SNA network ID and control point name, an internet protocol host name, or an internet address.

An SNA node name is specified using the format nnnnnnnn.cccccccc, where nnnnnnnn is the network ID and cccccccc is the control point name. If only the control point name is specified, the local network ID (LCLNETID) network attribute is used as the value of the network identifier (ID) of the system being removed from the node list.

The possible Name or Address value is:

Specify the remote location name to remove from the node list.

The possible Address Type values are:

The node name has a Systems Network Architecture (SNA) address type.
The node name has an Internet Protocol (IP) address type.

SNA node name (CPNAME)

Specifies the SNA node name that is being removed from the node list object. This system is specified as two elements: the network ID and the control point name.


  1. The RMTLOCNAME parameter is recommended for use in specifying the network ID and the control point name.
  2. When the RMTLOCNAME parameter is used to specify the name of a system to remove from the node list, *RMTLOC must be specified for this parameter.

The possible values are:

The network ID and control point name are specified using the RMTLOCNAME parameter.

The possible Network ID values are:

The local network ID (LCLNETID) network attribute is used as the value of the network identifier (ID) of the system being removed from the node list.
Specify the network ID of the system to remove from the node list.

The possible Control Point Name value is:

Specify the control point name of the system to remove from the node list.

Note: This field is left blank when *RMTLOC is specified as the network ID.


Example 1: Removing a System in the Local Network from a Node List


This command removes the entry for system AS400A01, which is in the local network, from the node list NODL02 in library MYLIB. The entry has an SNA address type.

Example 2: Removing a Host Name from a Node List


This command removes the entry for host name MYSYS.NET1.LOCAL from the node list NODL02 in library MYLIB. The entry has an address type of IP.

Example 3: Removing an Internet Address from a Node List


This command removes the entry for internet address from the node list NODL02 in library MYLIB. The entry has an address type of IP.

Error messages

*ESCAPE Messages

Network ID &1 not in correct format.
Control point &1 not in correct format.
Node list &4 in &9 damaged.
Node list entry does not exist.
Remote location name not in correct format.
Object &2 in library &3 not found.
Not authorized to object &2 in &3.
Cannot allocate object &2 in library &3.
One or more libraries in library list deleted.
Cannot allocate one or more libraries on library list.
Library &1 not found.
Not authorized to use library &1.
Cannot assign library &1.