Remove Forms Control Entry (RMVFCTE)

Remove FCT Entry

The RMVFCTE command removes an FCT entry from an FCT that is not in use.

Error messages for RMVFCTE

*ESCAPE Messages

Errors found. Processing of request ended.
Device type &2 for form type &1 does not exist in &3.


Keyword Description Choices Notes
FCT Forms control table Qualified object name Required, Positional 1
Qualifier 1: Forms control table Name
Qualifier 2: Library Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB
FORMTYPE Host form type Character value Required, Positional 2
DEVTYPE Device type *PRT, *PUN Optional, Positional 3

Forms Cntrl Table (FCT)

Specifies the qualified name of the FCT entry being removed.

The possible library values are:

forms-control-table-name: Specify the name of the FCT.

Host Form Type (FORMTYPE)

Specifies the host form type for the FCT entry. The value is received from the host subsystem in either a peripheral data set information record (PDIR) for SNA, or a form-mount message for BSC. It must contain from one through eight alphanumeric characters. Lowercase letters, blanks, or special characters must be enclosed in apostrophes. For example, a host form type of blanks is specified as FORMTYPE (' ') (four blanks).

Device Type (DEVTYPE)

Specifies the device type associated with the FCT entry.

The possible values are:



Error messages

*ESCAPE Messages

Errors found. Processing of request ended.
Device type &2 for form type &1 does not exist in &3.