Remove Directory Server Inst (RMVDIRINST)

The Remove Directory Server Instance (RMVDIRINST) command is used to remove a Directory Server instance. The user database library and change log library can be specified to be removed, and the instance configuration library is removed, and also the configuration and schema files for the instance are removed. The server instance can be created by running the Add Directory Server Instance (ADDDIRINST) command.



Keyword Description Choices Notes
INSTANCE Instance Name Required, Positional 1
DLTLIB Delete instance libraries *NO, *YES Optional

Instance (INSTANCE)

Specifies the name of the Directory Server instance to be removed.

This is a required parameter.

This is the system default Directory Server instance.
Specify a Directory Server instance name. The name has a minimum of one character and a maximum of eight characters.

Delete instance libraries (DLTLIB)

Specifies whether to delete the user database and change log libraries for the Directory Server instance to be removed.

Do not delete the user database and change log libraries.
Delete the user database and change log libraries.


Example 1: Remove the Instance But Keep the Instance Libraries


This command is used to remove the Directory Server instance named 'MYINST1'. The libraries for the user database and change log for the instance are not removed.

Example 2: Remove the Instance and the Instance Libraries


This command is used to remove the Directory Server instance named 'MYINST2'. The libraries for the user database and change log for the instance are also removed.

Error messages

*ESCAPE Messages

Server instance &1 cannot be deleted while the server is in use.
Directory server instance &1 not found.
The caller of the API must have &1 and &2 special authority to configure the server.