The End DPR Apply (ENDDPRAPY) command ends an instance of the DataPropagator for iSeries Apply process on the local system. You should end the Apply process before any planned system down time. Also, you might want to end the Apply process during periods of peak use on the system.

Error Messages for ENDDPRAPY

*ESCAPE Messages

Unable to find the local relational database name.
The apply job table, IBMSNAP_APPLY_JOB in library ASN, is not available.
The Apply process for apply qualifier "" is not active.
The apply job table was not found.
The ENDDPRAPY command failed.
An Apply job record was not found in the Apply Job table.


Keyword Description Choices Notes
USER User Name, *CURRENT Optional, Positional 1
OPTION How to end *CNTRLD, *IMMED Optional, Positional 2
APYQUAL Apply qualifier Character value, *USER Optional, Positional 3
CTLSVR Control server Character value, *LOCAL Optional, Positional 4

User (USER)

This is the apply qualifier associated with the instance of apply. This parameter is used only if the APYQUAL parameter has a value of *USER.

The Apply process of the user associated with the current job is ended.
user name
The Apply process of the specified user is ended.

How to end (OPTION)

Specifies how to end the Apply process.

The Apply process completes all of its tasks and then ends normally. This might take a considerable period of time if the Apply process is completing a subscription.
The Apply process completes all of its tasks with the ENDJOB OPTION(*IMMED) command. The tasks end immediately, without any clean-up. You can use this option safety when the Apply process is sleeping. Use it only after a controlled end has been attempted unsuccessfully.

Apply qualifier (APYQUAL)

Specifies the apply qualifier used by an instance of Apply. All subscriptions that are grouped together with this apply qualifier are being run by this apply instance.

The user name specified on the USER parameter is the apply qualifier.
Specifies the name that is used to group the subscriptions that are being run by this Apply instance. You can specify a maximum of 18 characters for the apply qualifier name. This name follows the same naming conventions as an RDB name. The subscriptions being run are identified by the records in the IBMSNAP_SUBS_SET table with this value in the APPLY_QUAL column.

Control server (CTLSVR)

Specifies the database name of the control server where the subscription control tables are located.

The subscription control tables are located on the local relational database.
A relational database name. You can press F4 (Prompt) on this parameter to choose from the list of RDBs in the RDB directory. You can also use the Work with RDB Directory Entries (WRKRDBDIRE) command to find this name.



Error messages

*ESCAPE Messages

Unable to find the local relational database name.
The apply job table, IBMSNAP_APPLY_JOB in library ASN, is not available.
The Apply process for apply qualifier "" is not active.
The apply job table was not found.
The ENDDPRAPY command failed.
An Apply job record was not found in the Apply Job table.