The end CICS user (ENDCICSUSR) command shuts down a CICS shell and specifies what happens to active work being processed by that CICS shell.

Only the IBM i job associated with the CICS shell is ended; the underlying IBM i job will still be active. As an example, if a user issued the STRCICSUSR command from the main menu, and then issued ENDCICSUSR from another IBM i session, the session that was used to issue the STRCICSUSR would be returned to the main menu.


Keyword Description Choices Notes
JOB Job name Qualified job name Required, Positional 1
Qualifier 1: Job name Name
Qualifier 2: User Name
Qualifier 3: Number 000000-999999
CTLRGN Control region Communications name Required, Positional 2
OPTION How to end *CNTRLD, *IMMED Optional, Positional 3
DELAY Delay time, if *CNTRLD 1-99999, 30 Optional, Positional 4

Job name (JOB)

The name of the IBM i job associated with the CICS shell that is to be shut down. If no CICS shell job qualifier is given, all of the jobs currently in the IBM i are searched for the simple job name. If more than one of the specified job names is found, a message is issued and a qualified job name must be specified.

The possible JOB values are:

Control region (CTLRGN)

The name of the CICS control region associated with the CICS shell. The name of the control region is also known as the CICS system ID.

How to end (OPTION)

Identifies the method used to shut down the CICS shell.

The possible OPTION values are:

Delay time, if *CNTRLD (DELAY)

Indicates the amount of time (in seconds) that is allowed to complete the controlled CICS shell shutdown. If this amount of time is exceeded and the CICS shell shutdown is not complete, the CICS shell is shut down immediately.



Error messages
