Display HyperSwap Status (DSPHYSSTS)

The Display HyperSwap Status command displays the status of the HyperSwap drive pairs configured on the specified cluster node and ASP devices.



Keyword Description Choices Notes
OUTPUT Output *, *PRINT Optional, Positional 1
ASPDEV ASP device Name, *ALL, *SYSBAS Optional
NODE Cluster node Name, * Optional

Output (OUTPUT)

Specifies whether the output from the command is shown at the requesting workstation or printed with the job's spooled output.

Output requested by an interactive job is shown on the display. Output requested by a batch job is printed with the job's spooled output.
The output is printed with the job's spooled output.

ASP device (ASPDEV)

The name of the Auxiliary Storage Pool (ASP) group for which HyperSwap status is shown.

HyperSwap status is displayed for all disk units currently owned by the node.
HyperSwap status is displayed for disk unit pairs in the System ASP (ASP 1) and User ASPs (ASP numbers 2 through 32).
The name of the ASP device description of a primary ASP for which HyperSwap status is shown.

Cluster node (NODE)

The cluster node name for which HyperSwap status is shown.

Specifies HyperSwap status is displayed for the local node.
Specifies HyperSwap status is displayed for the current cluster resource group (CRG) primary node if the ASPDEV parameter specifies an ASP device that is in a CRG.
Specify the cluster node name for which HyperSwap is shown.


Example 1: Displaying the HyperSwap status for the local node


This command shows current status of HyperSwap on the local node. The default ASP Device for this command is *ALL, so all ASP's will be shown.

Example 2: Printing the HyperSwap status for the local node


This command writes the current status of HyperSwap for the local node to the job's spooled output. The default ASP Device for this command is *ALL, so all ASP's will be printed.

Example 3: Displaying the HyperSwap status for SYSBAS on a node named NODE01


This command displays the current HyperSwap status for SYSBAS on cluster node NODE01.

Error messages

*ESCAPE Messages

Object &2 in library &3 not found.
Not authorized to object &2 in &3.
&1 command failed.