Display Authorized Users (DSPAUTUSR)

The Display Authorized Users (DSPAUTUSR) command displays or prints the names of the authorized system users, in alphabetic order. The following information is provided for each user: the group profile of which the user is a member, the most recent password change date, whether the user profile has a password, the text of the user profile, whether the user has a password for password levels 0 or 1, whether the user has a password for password levels 2 or 3, whether the user has a password for use with IBM i NetServer, and the local password management value.

Note: While this command is searching for user profile information to display, another job cannot change user profiles (for example, with the Change User Profile (CHGUSRPRF) command).



Keyword Description Choices Notes
SEQ Sequence *USRPRF, *GRPPRF Optional, Positional 1
OUTPUT Output *, *PRINT Optional, Positional 2

Sequence (SEQ)

Specifies whether the list of system users is in alphabetic sequence by user profile name or by group profile name.

The list is in alphabetic sequence by user profile name.
The list is in alphabetic sequence by group profile name. The members of each group are listed in alphabetical order by user profile name.

Output (OUTPUT)

Specifies whether the output from the command is displayed at the requesting work station or printed with the job's spooled output.

The output is displayed (if requested by an interactive job) or printed with the job's spooled output (if requested by a batch job).
The output is printed with the job's spooled output.


Example 1: Displaying Authorized Users and Group Profile Names


This command shows the list of authorized users and their group profile names. The list is in alphabetic sequence by user profile name. OUTPUT(*) is also assumed; the list is shown on the display or printed depending on whether the command was submitted at a work station or as part of the batch input stream.

Example 2: Printing Output


This command causes authorized system user profile names and their group profile names to be printed. The output is printed in alphabetic sequence by group profile name.

Error messages

*ESCAPE Messages

Not able to allocate internal system object.
Internal error detected reason code &1.