Delay Job (DLYJOB)

The Delay Job (DLYJOB) command causes your current job to wait for a specified number of seconds, or until a specified time of day, before running resumes.

Note: A value must be specified for either the Job delay time (DLY) parameter or the Resume job time (RSMTIME) parameter but not for both.


Keyword Description Choices Notes
DLY Job delay time 1-999999 Optional, Positional 1
RSMTIME Resume job time Time Optional, Positional 2

Job delay time (DLY)

Specifies the number of seconds to delay the job. The DLY keyword allows a maximum value of 999999 seconds (approximately 11 days, 14 hours). This is a required parameter if the Resume job time (RSMTIME) parameter is not specified.

Specify the number of seconds to delay the job.

Resume job time (RSMTIME)

Specifies the time of day the job resumes running. When specifying a resume time, the date is implied by the time specified. If the resume time is later than the current time of day, the date is assumed to be the current date. If the resume time is earlier than the current time of day, then tomorrow's date is assumed (the delay lasts until that time tomorrow). This is a required parameter if the Job delay time (DLY) parameter is not specified.

Specify the time of day the job resumes running.


Example 1: Delaying a Job for 15 Seconds


This command delays running of the job for 15 seconds.

Example 2: Delaying a Job Until Midnight

DLYJOB   RSMTIME('000000')

This command delays running of the job until midnight tonight.

Error messages
