Change TCP/IP Server (CHGTCPSVR)

The Change TCP/IP Server (CHGTCPSVR) command is used to change a server that was previously defined using the Add TCP/IP Server (ADDTCPSVR) command. All values defined for the server can be changed except for the server special value (SRVSPCVAL).



Keyword Description Choices Notes
SVRSPCVAL Server special value Character value Required, Key, Positional 1
PGM Program to call Single values: *SAME
Other values: Qualified object name
Optional, Positional 2
Qualifier 1: Program to call Name
Qualifier 2: Library Name
SVRNAME Server name Character value, *SAME Optional, Positional 3
SVRTYPE Server type Character value, *SAME Optional, Positional 4
AUTOSTART Autostart *SAME, *YES, *NO Optional, Positional 5
TEXT Text 'description' Character value, *SAME, *BLANK Optional, Positional 6

Server special value (SVRSPCVAL)

Specifies the special value for the server to be changed.

This is a required parameter.

Specify the special value of the server to be changed.

Program to call (PGM)

Specifies the program to be called when this server is started or ended by the following commands:

Single values

The program to be called remains the same.

Qualifier 1: Program to call

Specify the name of the program to be called when this server is started or ended.

Qualifier 2: Library

Specify the name of library where the program is located.

Server name (SVRNAME)

Specifies the textual server name that will be used by Systems Director Navigator to display an entry for this server.

This is a required parameter.

The textual server name remains the same.
Specify the text name of this server.

Server type (SVRTYPE)

Specifies the server type that will be used by Work Management functions from Systems Director Navigator to find job information, such as joblogs and server status, for this server.

The server type remains the same.
Specify the server type name to be used by Systems Director Navigator to find joblog information and server status. The following rules and restrictions apply:
  • Imbedded blanks or null characters are not allowed.
  • The server job running on the system must also have the server type defined for that job. This is done by adding the server type definition using the Change Job (QWTCHGJB) API after the server job is started. See the Change Job (QWTCHGJB) API for more detail on how to define the server type within the server job. If the server type is not set within the server job or if the server type does not match what is defined on the SVRTYPE parameter, joblog information and server status will not be available using Systems Director Navigator.

Autostart (AUTOSTART)

Specifies whether the server being added should be started when the Start TCP/IP (STRTCP) command is run.

The server autostart value remains the same.
The server being added should not start when the STRTCP command runs.
The server being added should start when the STRTCP command runs.

Text 'description' (TEXT)

Specifies a text description for the server being added.

The text description remains the same.
No text is specified.
Specify no more than 50 characters of text, enclosed in apostrophes.



This command changes an existing server in the list of servers supported by the STRTCPSVR (Start TCP/IP Server) and ENDTCPSVR (End TCP/IP Server) CL commands. The user program that is to be called when the XYZ server is started or ended is changed to program MYSTARTXYZ in library MYLIB. The XYZ server will not be started automatically when the STRTCPSVR command is run specifying SERVER(*AUTOSTART), or when the STRTCP (Start TCP/IP) command is run.

Error messages

*ESCAPE Messages

TCP/IP server &1 not changed.