Change Job MLB Attributes (CHGJOBMLBA)

The Change Job MLB Attributes (CHGJOBMLBA) command allows a user to change the media library resource allocation attributes for a job.


  1. The job being changed must use the same user profile as the user issuing the command, or the issuer must have job control special authority (*JOBCTL).
  2. Only a user with job control special authority (*JOBCTL) can change the resource allocation priority.


Keyword Description Choices Notes
JOB Job name Single values: *
Other values: Qualified job name
Optional, Key, Positional 1
Qualifier 1: Job name Name
Qualifier 2: User Name
Qualifier 3: Number 000000-999999
MLB Library device Name, *ALL Optional, Key, Positional 2
RSCALCPTY Resource allocation priority 1-99, *SAME, *DEV, *JOB Optional
INLMNTWAIT Initial mount wait time 1-600, *SAME, *DEV, *JOB, *IMMED, *NOMAX Optional
EOVMNTWAIT End of volume mount wait time 1-600, *SAME, *DEV, *JOB, *IMMED, *NOMAX Optional

Job name (JOB)

Specifies the name of the job whose attributes are being changed.

Single values

The job whose information is changed is the job from which this command is entered.

Qualifier 1: Job name

Specify the job name of the job whose attributes are to be changed.

If no job qualifier is given, all jobs currently in the system are searched for the job name. If more than one occurrence of the specified name is found, a qualified job name must be specified.

Qualifier 2: User

Specify the user name of the job whose attributes are to be changed.

Qualifier 3: Number

Specify the job number of the job whose attributes are to be changed.

Library device (MLB)

Specifies the name of the tape media library device whose attributes are to be changed. The device name must have been created previously on the system using the Create Device Media Library (CRTDEVMLB) command.

The attribute change is to apply to all the media library devices.
Specify the name of the tape media library device whose attributes are to be changed.

Resource allocation priority (RSCALCPTY)

Specifies the media library device resource allocation priority for this job. If the resource allocation priority has not been changed for a media library device for the job, *DEV is used.

The value does not change.
The resource allocation priority will be retrieved from the device description.
The priority of the job is used as the resource allocation priority.
Specify the priority this job is given when requesting a resource, from 1 (highest) through 99 (lowest).

Initial mount wait time (INLMNTWAIT)

Specifies the maximum amount of time a request will wait for the allocation of a tape resource for the initial mount. If the initial mount wait time has not changed for a media library device for the job, *DEV is used.

The value does not change.
The initial mount wait time will be retrieved from the device description.
The initial mount wait time is determined by rounding the default wait time attribute of the job requesting the allocation to the next highest minute.
The request will not wait for a tape resource to become available.
The request will wait until a tape resource is available.
Specify the number of minutes a request will wait for allocation of a tape resource.

End of volume mount wait time (EOVMNTWAIT)

Specifies the maximum amount of time a request will wait for allocation of a tape resource to mount the next volume. If the end of volume mount wait time has not changed for a media library device for the job, *DEV is used.

The value does not change.
The end of volume mount wait time will be retrieved from the device description.
The end of volume mount wait time is determined by rounding the default wait time attribute of the job requesting the allocation to the next highest minute.
The request will not wait for a tape resource to become available.
The request will wait until a tape resource is available.
Specify the number of minutes a request will wait for allocation of a tape resource.


Example 1: Changing the resource allocation priority for the current job


This command changes the resource allocation priority for all tape media library devices for the current job to 50.

Example 2: Changing the initial mount wait time for a specific job


This command changes the initial mount wait time for all tape media library devices for the specified job to 2 minutes.

Example 3: Changing the resource allocation priority for all tape media libraries used by the current job


This command changes the resource allocation priority for all tape media library devices for the current job to 50.

Example 4: Changing the resource allocation priority for a specific tape media library used by the current job


This command changes the resource allocation priority for TAPMLB01 for the current job to 50.

Error messages

*ESCAPE Messages

End of duplicate names.
Job &3/&2/&1 not found.
Job &3/&2/&1 not valid job type for function.
Not authorized to control job &3/&2/&1.
Command ended due to error.
Device &1 not a media library device.
&3/&2/&1 not authorized to change attribute.
Device &1 not found.
Not authorized to device &1.