Add Workload Product Entry (ADDWLCPRDE)

The Add Workload Product Entry (ADDWLCPRDE) command adds a product entry to an existing workload group. The product entry identifies the license term and feature of the product that will be limited by the number of processors defined for the workload group.

To remove a product entry from a workload group, use the Remove Workload Product Entry (RMVWLCPRDE) command. To make a change to the feature or license term for a product entry, remove the existing entry and add a new product entry.

Product entries that cover the same license term or feature cannot be added to multiple workload groups.

You can add product entries for products which have not yet been installed on the system or logical partition, so long as a specific license term and feature number are specified. When the product is installed, its local usage count will be limited to the processor core limit of its respective workload group.



Keyword Description Choices Notes
WLCGRP Workload group Simple name Required, Positional 1
PRDID Product identifier Character value Required, Positional 2
LICTRM License term Character value, *ALLINS Required, Positional 3
FEATURE Feature Character value, *ALLINS Required, Positional 4

Workload group (WLCGRP)

Specifies the workload group to which the product entry is being added.

This is a required parameter.

Specify the name of the workload group. The workload group must already exist on the current system or logical partition.

Product identifier (PRDID)

Specifies the seven-character identifier of the product for which the product entry is being added.

This is a required parameter.

Specify the product identifier.

License term (LICTRM)

Specifies the license term of the specified product to be associated with the specified workload group. This allows you to associate different installed releases of a product with different workload groups.

This is a required parameter.

All installed releases for the specified product will be associated with the specified workload group.

At least the *BASE option of the product specified for the Product identifier (PRDID) parameter must be installed. Product entries will be added for each installed release of the product. If the product is not currently installed, *ALLINS will not be allowed.

The license term can be passed as one of the following two formats:

Specify the license term in Vx, VxRy, or VxRyMz format, where x and y can be a number from 0 through 9, and z can be a number 0 through 9 or a letter A through Z.

Specify the license term in vv, vvrr, or vvrrmm format, where vv and rr can be a number from 00 through 35, and mm can be a number 00 through 09 or a letter 0A through 0Z. This format must be used if the version or release of the product is greater than 9.

Feature (FEATURE)

Specifies the feature of the specified product to be associated with the specified workload group. This allows you to associate different installed features of a product with different workload groups.

This is a required parameter.

All installed features for the specified product will be associated with the specified workload group.

At least the *BASE option of the product specified for the Product identifier (PRDID) parameter must be installed. Product entries will be added for each installed feature of the product. If the product is not currently installed, *ALLINS will not be allowed.

Specify the product feature to be associated with the specified workload group.


Example 1: Add a Product Entry for Single Release and Feature

            LICTRM(V1R2M0)  FEATURE(5001)

This command adds a product entry to workload group MYGROUP for the software product with identifier 1MYPROD. The license term in the product entry is restricted to release V1R2M0. The only product feature in the product entry is 5001. Product 1MYPROD does not have to be installed when this command is run.

Example 2: Adding a Generic Product Entry


This command adds one or more product entries to workload group GROUP2. At least the *BASE option of product 1234ABC must be installed when this command is run. Product entries will be added for each installed license term and feature.

Error messages

*ESCAPE Messages

Workload group &1 not found.
Product entry not added to workload group &4.
Product identifier &1 not valid.