Auxiliary Storage Lower Limit Exit Program

  Required Parameter: None

  Exit Point Name: QIBM_QWC_QSTGLOWACN  

  Exit Point Format Name: STGL0100

The Auxiliary Storage Lower Limit exit program is called when the available storage in the system auxiliary storage pool (ASP) goes below the lower limit. The exit program is called only if the QSTGLOWACN system value is set to *REGFAC. The lower limit is specified by the QSTGLOWLMT system value.

When the storage lower limit is reached, the operating system submits a job that calls the user-written exit program through the registration facility. There are no input or output parameters.

This exit point supports any number of exit programs. (For information about adding an exit program to an exit point, see Registration Facility APIs.)

If available storage in the system ASP is still below the auxiliary storage lower limit after the exit program has completed, another job is submitted to call the exit program after half an hour. (Changing the QSTGLOWACN and QSTGLOWLMT system values can cause the exit program to run again during this time.) Otherwise, the exit program will be called when available storage goes below the limit again.

The job is submitted to run in the QSYSWRK subsystem (using the QSYSJOBD job description) under the QPGMR user profile. No other action is taken if the job does not run.


  1. The Auxiliary Storage Lower Limit exit point ignores any return codes or error messages that are sent from the exit programs.

  2. It is recommended that the Auxiliary Storage Lower Limit exit program exist in a library in the system ASP or in a basic user ASP. It will not be found if it exists in a library in an independent ASP.

Authorities and Locks

User Profile Authority
All object (*ALLOBJ) and security administrator (*SECADM) special authorities are needed to add exit programs to the registration facility or to remove exit programs from the registration facility.

Required Parameter


Exit program introduced: V4R2

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