Simple Network Management Protocol APIs
The Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) APIs include the:
Before using the SNMP APIs, read the
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) Support manual. It describes how to configure a System i® product to use SNMP and
discusses SNMP agents, subagents, managers, and management information
base (MIBs). The
manual also discusses "Using the SNMP Subagent DPI API."
You can get more information about SNMP and Distributed Protocol Interface (DPI®) from Requests for Comment (RFC) on the Internet. A file called ways_to_get_rfcs has details about obtaining RFCs. To receive these details send an E-MAIL message as follows:
To: rfc-info@ISI.EDUSubject: gettingrfcs
help: ways_to_get_rfcs
DPI is described in RFC 1592, "Simple Network Management Protocol Distributed Protocol Interface," Version 2.0.