Software Product APIs
Software product APIs let you work with software products and program temporary fixes (PTFs) on your system. With these APIs, you can:
- Work with the software license management for a product
- Create and delete product definition and product load objects
- Package one or more product loads for a specified product option
- Retrieve product information about a specific product load
- Create PTFs, retrieve PTF information, and log PTF information
- Retrieve a list of products
You may write exit programs that are called by programs and by program temporary fixes (PTFs).
For information about packaging and managing software products, see the
System Manager
Use manual. The steps for packaging
a product are the same whether you use the System Manager licensed program
commands or the APIs in this section.
The software product APIs are:
- Accept Software Agreement (QLPACAGR) records the acceptance of the software agreement for a product.
- Add License Key Information (QLZAADDK) allows you to add license key information to the license repository.
- Add or Remove Product Support (QSZSPTPR) adds or removes support to a product.
- Add Product License Information (QLZADDLI) adds license information to a product or feature.
- Allocate Licensed Internal Code (LIC) Space (QLPALCSP) is used prior to upgrading to the next release of the operating system to have licensed internal code (LIC) allocate any additional LIC space required for that release.
- Change User Entitlement Attribute (QLZACUEA) provides an interface to change the user entitlement attribute for a user profile.
- Check Target Release (QSZCHKTG) verifies that a valid target release value is specified on a CL command that supports the TGTRLS parameter.
- Control PTF Order (QESCPTFO) allows you to prepare an order for individual PTFs, cumulative PTF package, PTF Group, summary information for available PTFs, and Preventive Service Planning (PSP) information.
- Copy Program Temporary Fix to Save File (QPZCPYSV) allows you to copy PTFs for the selected product from the media and store them in *SERVICE.
- Create Product Definition (QSZCRTPD) creates a product definition object.
- Create Product Load (QSZCRTPL) creates a product load object.
- Create Program Temporary Fix (QPZCRTFX) creates a PTF save file and optionally creates a PTF cover letter.
- Create PTF Group (QpzCreatePtfGroup) creates a PTF group.
- Delete Product Definition (QSZDLTPD) deletes a product definition object.
- Delete Product Load (QSZDLTPL) deletes a single product load object.
- Delete PTF Group (QpzDeletePtfGroup) deletes a PTF group from the system.
- Delete Registered Application Files (QSZDLTAF, QszDltRegAppFiles) deletes the files listed in the files tag for the given component.
- Generate CD-ROM Premastering Information (QLPCDINF, QlpGenCdPremasteringInfo) generates the distribution set map file. This API also retrieves information about the files that were saved when the job was enabled for CD-ROM premastering using the Handle CD-ROM Premastering State (QLPCDRST, QlpHandleCdState) API.
- Generate License Key (QLZAGENK) generates a license key to enable users to access a product or a feature of a product.
- Generate Program Temporary Fix Name (QPZGENNM) generates a unique name for PTF save files and cover letters.
- Handle CD-ROM Premastering State (QLPCDRST, QlpHandleCdState) enables and disables the job for CD-ROM premastering. This API also queries the current CD-ROM premastering job state.
Install Licensed Programs (QLPINSLP) allows you to install multiple licensed programs at the same time.
- Install Secondary Language (QLPISLNG) installs the secondary language that is specified during interactive mode or batch mode of installation.
- List Product in a Save File (QLPLPRDS) generates a list containing product ID, release level, option, load type, and language ID for all product loads found in a save file.
- List Program Temporary Fixes (QpzListPTF) returns a list of PTFs for the specified product, option, load, and release.
- List PTF Group Details (QpzListPtfGroupDetails) lists information for a specific PTF group on the system.
- List PTF Groups (QpzListPtfGroups) returns a list of all PTF groups that are known to the system.
- List Registered Application Information (QSZLSTRA, QszListRegAppInfo) retrieves the results of a query of the iSeries Registered Application Information Repository.
- Log Program Temporary Fix Information (QPZLOGFX) logs that a PTF has been received on the system and can be displayed or loaded from device *SERVICE.
Map release (QSZMPRLS) maps a Version/Release/Modification (VRM) value to a format used to support IBM i Licensed Programs.
- Package Product Option (QSZPKGPO) packages one or more product loads for a specified product option.
- Release License (QLZARLS) releases a use of the license for the product.
- Request License (QLZAREQ) requests a use of the license for the product.
- Retrieve License Information (QLZARTV) retrieves the license information for a software product.
- Retrieve License Key Information (QLZARTVK) retrieves the license key information for the specified product, license terms, and features for the specified systems from the license repository.
- Retrieve Product Information (QSZRTVPR) retrieves information about a specific product load for a software product.
- Retrieve Program Temporary Fix Information (QPZRTVFX) returns information about a specific program temporary fix (PTF).
- Retrieve Software Agreement (QLPRAGR) retrieves the software agreement acceptance status of a licensed program.
- Retrieve Workload Group Information (QLZRTVWC) retrieves information for the specified workload group. This information includes the configured processing capacity for the workload group and the products associated with the workload group.
- Select Product (QSZSLTPR) displays or retrieves a list of products.
- Set Application Server Support (QLZASPAS) provides an interface to set the support value for IBM i Application Server Processor Entitlements on the current partition.
- Set Install Language (QINSTLNG) allows you to set the install language for the next operating system install.
- Update IBM i Registered Application Information Repository (QSZUPDRA, QszUpdRegAppInfoRepository) updates information about one or many separately installable pieces of an application-called component.
The software product exit programs are:
- Program Temporary Fix is called when a PTF is temporarily or permanently applied or removed with the Apply PTF (APYPTF) or Remove PTF (RMVPTF) commands.
- QLPUSER is called during the automatic installation process and can be used by central sites when they are distributing products to remote locations.
- Software Product Functions are specified when creating products that will be restored, deleted, saved, and checked with CL commands.
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