Retrieve User Information (QSYRUSRI) API

  Required Parameter Group:

  Default Public Authority: *USE

  Threadsafe: Yes

The Retrieve User Information (QSYRUSRI) API provides information about a user profile. This API provides information similar to the Retrieve User Profile (RTVUSRPRF) command or the Display User Profile (DSPUSRPRF) command when *BASIC is specified for the type parameter.

Authorities and Locks

User Profile Authority
*READ Start of changeor be authorized to the Database Administrator function of the IBM i through System i™ Navigator's Application Administration support. The Change Function Usage (CHGFCNUSG) command, with a function ID of QIBM_DB_SECADM, can also be used to change the list of users allowed to use the function. End of change

Required Parameter Group

Receiver variable

The variable used to return the information about the user. This variable must be at least 8 bytes long.

Receiver variable length

The length of the receiver variable. The variable must be 8 bytes long.

Format name

The name of the format used to return information about the user.

You can specify these formats:

User profile name

The user name for which information is returned. You can specify the following special value:

Error code
I/O; CHAR(*)

The structure in which to return error information. For the format of the structure, see Error code parameter.

Receiver Variable Description

The following tables describe the order and format of the data returned in the receiver variable. For detailed descriptions of the fields in the tables, see Field Descriptions.

USRI0100 Format

USRI0200 Format

USRI0300 Format

Field Descriptions

Accounting code.

The accounting code that is associated with this user. If the user does not have an accounting code, this field is blank.

Assistance level. The user interface that the user will use.

The field contains one of the following values:

Attention-key-handling program library name. The name of the library where the program is located. This field can contain the special value of *LIBL. If the program name is a special value, this field is blank.

Attention-key-handling program name. The Attention-key-handling program for this user.

This field may contain one of the following special values:

Block password change. Specifies the time period, in hours, during which a password is blocked from being changed following the prior successful password change operation.

This field may contain one of the following special values:

Bytes available. The number of bytes of data available to be returned to the user. If all data is returned, this is the same as the number of bytes returned. If the receiver variable was not big enough to contain all of the data, this is the number of bytes that can be returned.

Bytes returned. The number of bytes of data returned to the user. This is the lesser of the number of bytes available to be returned or the length of the receiver variable.

Character code set ID. The character code set ID to be used by the system f or this user.

This field can contain the following special value:

Character identifier control. The character identifier control for the user.

This field can contain the following special values:

Country or region ID. The country or region ID used by the system for this user.

This field can contain the following special value:

Current library name. This field contains the name of the user's current library. If the user does not have a current library, this field is *CRTDFT.

Date password expires. The date the user's password expires, in *DTS (System time-stamp) format. If the user's password will not expire (password expiration interval of *NOMAX) or the user's password is set to expire, then this field is blank.

Days until password expires. The number of days until the password will expire.

This field contains one of the following values:

Digital certificate indicator. Whether there are digital certificates associated with this user.

Possible values follow:

Display sign-on information. Whether the sign-on information display is shown when the user signs on.

The field contains one of the following values:

Group authority. The authority the user's group profile has to objects the user creates.

The field contains one of the following values:

Group authority type. The type of authority the user's group profile has to objects the user creates.

The field contains one of the following values:

Group ID number. The group ID number for the user profile. The group ID number is used to identify the user when it is a group and a member of the group is using the integrated file system.

Possible values follow:

Group member indicator. Whether this user is a group that has members.

Possible values follow:

Group profile name. The name of the group profile. If the user does not have a group profile, this field is *NONE.

Highest scheduling priority. The highest scheduling priority the user is allowed to have for each job submitted to the system. The priority is a value from 0 through 9, with 0 being the highest priority.

Home directory. The home directory for this user profile. The home directory is the user's initial working directory. The working directory, associated with a process, is used in path name resolution in the directory file system for path names that do not begin with a slash (/).

The structure for the home directory name returned is:

Independent ASP storage usage descriptors An array of descriptors that contains the name of the independent ASP, the maximum amount of auxiliary storage (in kilobytes) that can be assigned to store permanent objects owned by the user on the independent ASP Start of change(4-byte and 8-byte fields)End of change, and the amount of auxiliary storage (in kilobytes) occupied by this user's owned objects on the independent ASP Start of change(4-byte and 8-byte fields)End of change. If the user does not have a maximum amount of allowed storage on an independent ASP, the "Maximum allowed storage" field in the descriptor will be set to -1 for *NOMAX. Start of change The "Maximum allowed storage (long)" field in the descriptor will be set to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 (0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF) for *NOMAX.End of change

Start of changeIf the maximum allowed storage value or the storage used value is larger than 2,147,483,647 kilobytes (the maximum amount a 4-byte field can hold), the corresponding 4-byte field will contain -2. The "Maximum allowed storage (long)" or the "Storage used (long)" field should be used to get the actual value. End of change

The structure for the independent ASP storage usage descriptor is:

Initial menu name. The initial menu for the user. This field can contain the special value *SIGNOFF.

Initial menu library name. The name of the library that the initial menu is in. This field can contain the special value of *LIBL. If the menu name is *SIGNOFF, this field is blank.

Initial program name. The initial program for the user. If the user does not have an initial program, this field is *NONE.

Initial program library name. The name of the library that the initial program is in. This field can contain the special value of *LIBL. If the program name is *NONE, this field is blank.

Job description name. The name of the job description used for jobs that start through subsystem work station entries.

Job description library name. The name of the library that the job description is in. This field can contain the special value *LIBL.

Keyboard buffering. This field indicates the keyboard buffering value that is used when a job is initialized for this user.

The field contains one of the following values:

Language ID. The language ID used by the system for this user.

This field can contain the following special value:

Length of an independent ASP storage usage descriptor. The length (in bytes) of one independent ASP storage usage descriptor.

Length of home directory. The length (in bytes) of the home directory entry.

Length of locale path name. The length (in bytes) of the locale path name.

Limit capabilities. Whether the user has limited capabilities.

The field contains one of the following values:

Limit device sessions. Specifies if the number of device sessions allowed for a user is limited.

The field contains one of the following values:

Locale job attributes. The job attributes that are taken from the user's locale path name. If a particular job attribute is taken from the locale path name, the specific field is Y (yes). If not, the specific field is N (no).

The possible values follow:

Locale path name. The locale path name that is assigned to the user profile when a job is started. This field can contain a special value or a locale path name. If a special value is returned, the length of the value is 10 and the value returned is one of the following:

If the value returned in this field is not a special value, it is returned in the following format.

Local password management. If password is managed locally, this field contains a Y. If not, this field is N.

Maximum allowed storage. The maximum amount of auxiliary storage (in kilobytes) that can be assigned to store permanent objects owned by the user. If the user does not have a maximum amount of allowed storage, this field contains -1 for *NOMAX. Start of change If the maximum allowed storage value is larger than 2,147,483,647 kilobytes (the maximum amount a 4-byte field can hold), this field will contain -2. The field "Maximum allowed storage (long)" should be used instead of this field to get the actual value. End of change

Start of changeMaximum allowed storage (long). The maximum amount of auxiliary storage (in kilobytes) that can be assigned to store permanent objects owned by the user. If the user does not have a maximum amount of allowed storage, this field contains 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 (0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF) for *NOMAX.End of change

Message queue name. The name of the message queue that is used by this user.

Message queue library name. The name of the library the message queue is in. This field can contain the special value *LIBL.

Message queue delivery method. How the messages are delivered to the message queue used by the user. This field contains one of the following special values:

Message queue severity. The lowest severity that a message can have and still be delivered to a user in break or notify mode. The severity is a value from 0 through 99.

No password indicator. If *NONE is specified for the password in the user profile, this field contains a Y. If not, this field is N.

Number of independent ASP storage usage descriptors. The total number of independent ASP storage usage descriptors. The number of independent ASP storage usage descriptors will be 0 if the user does not own any objects on any independent ASPs.

Number of independent ASP storage usage descriptors returned. The number of independent ASP storage usage descriptors returned in the array. The number of independent ASP storage usage descriptors will be 0 if the user does not own any objects on any independent ASPs.

Number of supplemental groups. The number of supplemental groups. The number of supplemental groups will be zero if the user does not have any supplemental groups.

Object auditing value. The current user's object auditing value.

Note: The user must have either *ALLOBJ or *AUDIT special authority to retrieve the object auditing value.

The field contains one of the following values:

Offset to array of independent ASP storage usage descriptors. The offset from the beginning of the receiver variable to the start of the array of independent ASP storage usage descriptors.

Offset to array of supplemental groups. The offset from the beginning of the receiver variable to the start of the array of supplemental groups.

Offset to home directory. The offset from the beginning of the receiver variable to the start of the home directory entry.

Offset to locale path name. The offset from the beginning of the receiver variable to the start of the locale path name.

Output queue name. The output queue used by this user.

This field can contain one of the following special values:

Output queue library name. The name of the library where the output queue is located. This field can contain the special value *LIBL. If the output queue is *WRKSTN or *DEV, this field is blank.

Owner. This field indicates who is to own objects created by this user.

The field contains one of the following values:

Password change date. The date the user's password was last changed, in *DTS (System time-stamp) format.

Password expiration interval. The number of days (from 1 through 366) the user's password can remain active before it must be changed.

This field may contain one of the following special values:

Previous sign-on date and time. The date and time the user last signed on. The 13 characters are:

If the user has never signed on the system, this field is blank.

Print device. The printer used to print for this user.

This field can contain one of the following special values:

Reserved. An ignored field.

Set password to expire. Whether the user's password is set to expire, requiring the user to change the password when signing on.

This field contains one of the following values:

Sign-on attempts not valid. The number of sign-on attempts that were not valid since the last successful sign-on.

Sort sequence table name. The name of the sort sequence table used for string comparisons. The following possible special values can also be returned:

Sort sequence table library name. The name of the library that is used to locate the sort sequence table. This information is blank if the program does not contain any sort sequence information.

Special authorities. The special authorities the user has. If the user has the special authority, the field is Y. If not, the field is N.

This field contains the following fields:

Special environment. The special environment the user operates in after signing on.

This field contains one of the following special values:

Status. The status of the user profile.

This field contains one of the following values:

Storage used. The amount of auxiliary storage (in kilobytes) occupied by this user's owned objects. Start of change If the storage used value is larger than 2,147,483,647 kilobytes (the maximum amount a 4-byte field can hold), this field will contain -2. The field "Storage used (long)" should be used instead of this field to get the actual value. End of change

Start of changeStorage used (long). The amount of auxiliary storage (in kilobytes) occupied by this user's owned objects.End of change

Supplemental groups. The array of supplemental groups for the user profile.

Text description. The descriptive text for the user profile.

User action audit level. The action audit values for this user. If the user has a specific audit value, the field is Y. If not, the field is N. If the user is not allowed to retrieve the action audit level, the field is blank.

Note: The user must have either *ALLOBJ or *AUDIT special authority to retrieve the user action audit level.

This field contains the following:

User class name. This field contains one of the following special values:

User ID number. The user ID (UID) number for the user profile. The UID is used to identify the user when it is using the integrated file system.

User options. The options for users to customize their environment. This field contains the following fields:

User entitlement required. Whether a user entitlement is required for this user profile. This field should be ignored on systems that do not have feature 5052 installed.

Possible values follow:

User expiration action. The action that will occur when the user profile has expired.

This field may contain one of the following special values:

User expiration date. The date, in *DTS (System time-stamp) format when the user profile expires and is automatically disabled or deleted. If the User expiration interval field is not 0, the system generated the user expiration date using the specified interval. If the user profile will not expire, then this field is blank.

User expiration interval. The number of days (from 1 through 366) before the user profile is automatically disabled. If this field is not 0, the User expiration date field contains the date when the user profile expires and is automatically disabled. A user expiration date is generated by the system using the user expiration interval when a user profile is created or when an expired user profile is re-enabled. If the user profile does not have a user expiration interval, this field contains 0.

User profile name. The name of the user profile for which the information is returned.

Error Messages

API introduced: V2R2

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