krb5_auth_con_genaddrs()--Generate Local and Remote Addresses

 #include <krb5.h>

 krb5_error_code krb5_auth_con_genaddrs(  
     krb5_context     context,
     krb5_auth_context      auth_context,  
     int        fd,
     int        flags); 

  Service Program Name: QSYS/QKRBGSS

  Default Public Authority: *USE

  Threadsafe: Conditional. See Usage Notes.

The krb5_auth_con_genaddrs() function generates local and remote network addresses from a socket descriptor and places them in an authentication context.


No authorities are required.


context  (Input)
The Kerberos context.

auth_context  (Input)
The authentication context.

fd  (Input)
The socket descriptor to be used.

flags  (Input)
The address generation flags as follows:

Return Value

If no errors occur, the return value is 0. Otherwise, a Kerberos error code is returned.

Error Messages

Usage Notes

  1. The addresses generated by this routine can be retrieved by the application by calling krb5_auth_con_getaddrs() and krb5_auth_con_getports().

  2. The socket must have been created using the AF_INET address family. The socket must be in the connected state if the remote network address is to be generated.

  3. The Kerberos protocol runtime provides no concurrency control for the authentication context. If the application wants to use the same authentication context in multiple threads, it is the responsibility of the application to serialize access to the authentication context so that only a single thread is accessing the authentication context at any time.

API introduced: V5R1

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