gss_display_name()--Get Textual Representation of Internal GSS Name

 #include <gssapi.h>

 OM_uint32 gss_display_name(
     OM_uint32 *    minor_status,
     gss_name_t     input_name,
     gss_buffer_t   output_name_buffer,  
     gss_OID *      output_name_type); 
  Service Program Name: QSYS/QKRBGSS

  Default public authority: *USE

  Threadsafe: Yes

The gss_display_name() function returns the textual representation of an opaque internal name. The syntax of the text representation is determined by the mechanism that was used to convert the name.


minor_status  (Output)
A status code from the security mechanism.

input_name  (Input)
The internal name to be converted to a text string.

output_name_buffer  (Output)
Return buffer for the character string.

output_name_type  (Output)
The name type corresponding to the returned character string. The gss_OID value returned for this parameter points to read-only storage and must not be released by the application.

Return Value

The return value is one of the following status codes:

The provided name is not valid.

The internal name provided does not have an internal representation for any of the supported mechanisms.

The routine completed successfully.

The routine failed for reasons that are not defined at the GSS level. The minor_status return parameter contains a mechanism-dependent error code describing the reason for the failure.


Error Messages

Usage Notes

  1. Kerberos names are formatted as principal-name@realm-name.

    Not every coded character set identifier (CCSID) contains the '@' character; however, alternative CCSID values often are available. For example, instead of using Greece 423, run the job with a default CCSID of 875.

API introduced: V5R1

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