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Example: Construct an XML document with values from a single table

This example shows how you can construct XML values suitable for publishing from a single table with SQL/XML publishing functions.

This example shows how an XML document can be constructed from values stored in a single table. In the following query:
  • Each <item> element is constructed with values from the NAME column of the PRODUCT table, using the XMLELEMENT function.
  • All <item> elements are then aggregated, using XMLAGG, within the constructed <allProducts> element.
  • A namespace is added to the <allProducts> element, with the XMLNAMESPACES function.
                   XMLNAMESPACES (DEFAULT ''),
                   XMLAGG(XMLELEMENT (NAME "item",
FROM Product p
This query returns the following XML value. It is formatted here to improve readability.
<allProducts xmlns="http:⁄⁄">
  <item>Snow Shovel, Basic 22 inch<⁄item>
  <item>Snow Shovel, Deluxe 24 inch<⁄item>
  <item>Snow Shovel, Super Deluxe 26 inch<⁄item>
  <item>Ice Scraper, Windshield 4 inch<⁄item>

You can construct a similar XML document that contains a sequence of row elements by using the XMLROW function instead of aggregating the elements with XMLAGG. Item elements are also given a namespace prefix:

                   XMLNAMESPACES ('' AS "po"),
                   XMLROW(NAME AS "po:item"))
FROM Product

The resulting output is as follows:

<products xmlns:po="">
      <po:item>Snow Shovel, Basic 22 inch</po:item>
<products xmlns:po="">
      <po:item>Snow Shovel, Deluxe 24 inch</po:item>
<products xmlns:po="">
      <row><po:item>Snow Shovel, Super Deluxe 26 inch</po:item>
<products xmlns:po="">
      <row><po:item>Ice Scraper, Windshield 4 inch</po:item>
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