Materialize User Profile (MATUP)

Op Code (Hex) Operand 1 Operand 2

013E Receiver User profile

Operand 1: Space pointer.

Operand 2: System pointer or space pointer data object.

Bound program access

Built-in number for MATUP is 62. MATUP ( receiver : address user_profile : address of system pointer OR address of space pointer(16) )


The attributes of the user profile specified by operand 2 are materialized into the receiver specified by operand 1. (Operand 2 may refer to a materialization template that contains a system pointer to the user profile.)

The receiver identified by operand 1 must be 16-byte aligned in the space. The following is the format of the materialized information:

Dec Hex
Field Name
Data Type and Length
0 0
Materialization size specification
0 0
Number of bytes provided for materialization
4 4
Number of bytes available for materialization
8 8
Object identification
8 8
Object type
9 9
Object subtype
10 A
Object name
40 28
Object creation options
40 28
Existence attribute
Bit 0

1 = Permanent

40 28
Space attribute
Bit 1

0 = Fixed-length
1 = Variable-length

40 28
Reserved (binary 1)
Bit 2
40 28
Reserved (binary 0)
Bits 3-12
40 28
Initialize space
Bit 13
40 28
Reserved (binary 0)
Bits 14-31
44 2C
Reserved (binary 0)
48 30
Size of space
52 34
Initial value of space
53 35
Performance class
57 39
Reserved (binary 0)
64 40
Reserved (binary 0)
80 50
Reserved (binary 0)
96 60
Privileged instructions

(1 = authorized)

96 60
Create Logical Unit Description
Bit 0
96 60
Create Network Description
Bit 1
96 60
Create Controller Description
Bit 2
96 60
Create User Profile
Bit 3
96 60
Modify User Profile
Bit 4
96 60
Bit 5
96 60
Terminate Machine Processing
Bit 6
96 60
Initiate Process
Bit 7
96 60
Modify Resource Management Controls
Bit 8
96 60
Create Mode Description
Bit 9
96 60
Create Class of Service Description
Bit 10
96 60
Reserved (binary 0)
Bits 11-31
100 64
Special authorizations

(1 = authorized)

100 64
All object authority
Bit 0
100 64
Load (unrestricted)
Bit 1
100 64
Dump (unrestricted)
Bit 2
100 64
Suspend object (unrestricted)
Bit 3
100 64
Load (restricted)
Bit 4
100 64
Dump (restricted)
Bit 5
100 64
Suspend object (restricted)
Bit 6
100 64
Process control
Bit 7
100 64
Reserved (binary 0)
Bit 8
100 64
Service authority
Bit 9
100 64
Auditor authority
Bit 10
100 64
Spool control
Bit 11
100 64
I/O system configuration
Bit 12
100 64
Reserved (binary 0)
Bits 13-23
100 64
Modify machine attributes
Bits 24-31
100 64
Group 2
Bit 24
100 64
Group 3
Bit 25
100 64
Group 4
Bit 26
100 64
Group 5
Bit 27
100 64
Group 6
Bit 28
100 64
Group 7
Bit 29
100 64
Group 8
Bit 30
100 64
Group 9
Bit 31

Note: Group 1 requires no authorization.

104 68
System storage authorization

The maximum amount of auxiliary storage (in units of 1,024 bytes) that can be allocated for the storage of objects owned by this user profile in the system ASP and basic ASPs

108 6C
System storage utilization
112 70
User profile status
112 70
Verify storage utilization
Bit 0

0 =

Storage utilization has been verified and is correct

1 =

Storage utilization has not been verified and may not be correct

112 70
Reserved (binary 0)
Bits 1-15
114 72
Identification flags
114 72
Reserved (binary 0)
Bits 0-1
114 72
User identification specified
Bit 2
114 72
Group identification specified
Bit 3
114 72
Reserved (binary 0)
Bits 4-7
115 73
Object audit level
115 73
Reserved (binary 0)
Bits 0-5
115 73
Audit object changes for this user
Bit 6
115 73
Audit object reads for this user
Bit 7
116 74
User audit level 1
116 74
Operating system defined
Bits 0-1

116 74
Security function auditing
Bit 2

0 = Security function auditing is not active
1 = Security function auditing is active

116 74
Operating system defined
Bits 3-6

116 74
Signal action auditing
Bit 7

0 = Signal action auditing is not active
1 = Signal action auditing is active

116 74
Operating system defined
Bits 8-31

120 78
User audit level 2
120 78
Program adoption auditing
Bit 0

0 = Program adoption auditing is not active
1 = Program adoption auditing is active

120 78
Reserved (binary 0)
Bits 1-31
124 7C
User identification
128 80
Group identification
132 84
Number of independent ASP entries
134 86 Output flags Char(1)
134 86 Format of counts of profiles Bit 0
0 = Counts as small numbers
1 = Counts as large numbers

134 86 Reserved (binary 0) Bits 1-7

135 87 Reserved (binary 0) Char(1)
136 88 User audit level 3 Char(8)
136 88 Operating system defined Char(8)

144 90 Counts of profile entries Char(64)
208 D0
Reserved (binary 0)
216 D8
Total storage utilization
224 E0
Individual independent ASP information
[*] Char(16)

(repeated once for each independent ASP, up to the number of independent ASPs supported (223))

224 E0
Independent ASP storage authorization
228 E4
Independent ASP storage utilization
232 E8
Reserved (binary 0)
234 EA
Specification flags
234 EA
Independent ASP storage authorization setting
Bit 0

0 = The value of independent ASP storage authorization is a default value.
1 = The value of independent ASP storage authorization was set to a specific value by MODUP or CRTUP.

234 EA
Reserved (binary 0)
Bits 1-7
235 EB
Status flags
235 EB
User profile extension existence flag
Bit 0

0 = This independent ASP does not have a user profile extension for this user profile.
1 = This independent ASP has a user profile extension for this user profile

235 EB
User profile extension damaged
Bit 1

0 = The user profile extension is not damaged
1 = The user profile extension is damaged

235 EB
Reserved (binary 0)
Bits 2-7
236 EC
Reserved (binary 0)

* *
--- End ---

The first 4 bytes of the materialization identify the total number of bytes provided for use by the instruction. This value is supplied as input to the instruction and is not modified by the instruction. A value of less than 8 causes the materialization length invalid  (hex 3803) exception to be signaled.

The second 4 bytes of the materialization identify the total number of bytes available to be materialized. The instruction materializes as many bytes as can be contained in the area specified as the receiver. If the byte area identified by the receiver is greater than that required to contain the information requested, then the excess bytes are unchanged. No exceptions (other than the materialization length invalid  (hex 3803) exception) are signaled in the event that the receiver contains insufficient area for the materialization and the receiver may contain a partial individual independent ASP information entry.

System storage utilization is the current amount of auxiliary storage (in units of 1,024 bytes) allocated for the storage of objects owned by this user profile in the system ASP and basic ASPs.

The verify storage utilization field returns either binary 0 or 1. If binary 0 is returned, the value returned in the total storage utilization field has been verified and it is correct. That is, all values returned in the system storage utilization and independent ASP storage utilization for varied-on independent ASPs have been verified and they are correct. If binary 1 is returned, the value returned in the total storage utilization field has not been verified and may not be correct. That is, at least one of the values returned in system storage utilization and independent ASP storage utilization for varied on independent ASPs have not been verified and may not be correct. The MATAUOBJ instruction can be used to correct all the values of storage utilization. After MATAUOBJ is issued to correct the storage utilization values, the MATUP instruction must be issued again to retrieve the corrected values.

Note: The storage utilization of independent ASPs that are not varied on is not verified.

The security function auditing field specifies whether an audit record is created for identified security-related functions. (See specific instructions for which security-related functions an audit record is to be created.)

User audit level 1, user audit level 2, and user audit level 3 specify the level of activity that is audited for this user profile.

The signal action auditing field specifies whether an audit record is created when a signal, that is not ignored, is delivered to a thread.

The program adoption auditing field specifies whether an audit record is created when authority is obtained through program adoption.

The number of independent ASP entries field is the total number of individual independent ASP information entries. 223 is returned even if number of bytes provided is not large enough to contain all of the individual independent ASP information entries.

Counts of profile entries refers to the total number of entries for each type of entry that a profile can have. This area can be formated in small or large format for the counts, and is controlled by the input bit, count format, in the materialization options of the materialization template. The output bit format of counts of profiles in the output flags identifies the format of the counts in the receiver.

The small format, as shown below, is used when the format of counts of profiles is binary zero.

Dec Hex Field Name Data Type and Length
144 90 Small counts of profile entries Char(64)
144 90 Ownership entries Char(8)
144 90 Number of used entries UBin(4)
148 94 Number of possible available entries UBin(4)
152 98 Authorization entries Char(8)
152 98 Number of used entries UBin(4)
156 9C Number of possible available entries UBin(4)
160 A0 Authorized user entries Char(8)
160 A0 Number of used entries UBin(4)
164 A4 Number of possible available entries UBin(4)
168 A8 Primary group entries Char(8)
168 A8 Number of used entries UBin(4)
172 AC Number of possible available entries UBin(4)
176 B0 Reserved (binary 0) Char(32)
208 D0 --- End ---

The large format, as shown below, is used when the format of counts of profiles is binary one.

Dec Hex Field Name Data Type and Length
144 90 Large counts of profile entries Char(64)
144 90 Ownership entries Char(16)
144 90 Number of used entries UBin(8)
152 98 Number of possible available entries UBin(8)
160 A0 Authorization entries Char(16)
160 A0 Number of used entries UBin(8)
168 A8 Number of possible available entries UBin(8)
176 B0 Authorized user entries Char(16)
176 B0 Number of used entries UBin(8)
184 B8 Number of possible available entries UBin(8)
192 C0 Primary group entries Char(16)
192 C0 Number of used entries UBin(8)
200 C8 Number of possible available entries UBin(8)
208 D0 --- End ---

Ownership entries refer to the entries created in the user profile due to owned objects.

Authorization entries refer to the entries created in the user profile due to objects to which this profile has been authorized.

Authorized user entries refer to the entries created in the user profile due to owned objects which have been authorized to other user profiles.

Primary group entries refer to the entries created in the user profile due to objects for which this profile is the primary group.

Number of used entries is the number of entries currently in the user profile for the specified type of entry.

Number of possible available entries is the number of entries which can possibly be added to the user profile.

The total storage utilization (in units of 1,024 bytes) field contains the sum of the system storage utilization (storage used on the system and basic ASPs) and all the independent ASP storage utilization of independent ASPs that are currently varied on.

The individual independent ASP information is an array of information for the individual independent ASPs. This array starts from the independent ASP 33 and increases sequentially to 255. As many entries as will fit in number of bytes provided will be returned up to a maximum of number of independent ASP entries. It is possible for a partial entry to be returned.

The independent ASP storage authorization field contains the maximum amount of independent auxiliary storage (in units of 1,024 bytes) that can be owned by this user profile. A value will always be returned in this field, even for an independent ASP that is varied off.

The independent ASP storage utilization field contains the current amount of independent auxiliary storage (in units of 1,024 bytes) allocated for the permanent objects owned by this user profile if the independent ASP is varied on. If the independent ASP is not varied on, 0 is returned.

The user profile extension existence flag field indicates whether or not the independent ASP has a user profile extension for this user profile. A user profile extension is stored on the independent ASP and contains information about the user profile.

If operand 2 is a system pointer, it identifies the input user profile object. If operand 2 is a space pointer, it provides addressability to the materialization template. The materialization template must be aligned on a 16-byte boundary. The format of the template is as follows:

Dec Hex
Field Name
Data Type and Length
0 0
Materialization template
0 0
Template version
1 1
Reserved (binary 0)
2 2
Materialization options
2 2
Materialize for given Licensed Internal Code release
Bit 0

0 =

Materialize data applicable to the current release

1 =

Materialize data applicable to the specified release

2 2 Count format Bit 1

0 =

Small counts used for counts of profile entries

1 =

Large counts used for counts of profile entries

2 2 Reserved (binary 0) Bits 2-15
4 4
Reserved (binary 0)
14 E
Target Licensed Internal Code release to materialize
14 E
Reserved (binary 0)
Bits 0-3
14 E
Bits 4-7
14 E
Bits 8-11
14 E
Modification level
Bits 12-15
16 10
User profile
System pointer
32 20
Reserved (binary 0)
64 40
--- End ---

The template version identifies the version of the materialization template. It must be set to hex 00.

The materialization options are options that control how the user profile data is presented in the receiver.

If the materialize for given Licensed Internal Code release bit is set to binary 1, then the operand 1 receiver will be filled in with values applicable to the Licensed Internal Code release specified by the target Licensed Internal Code release to materialize field. Fields that are not defined in the target release will be returned as hex zeroes.

The count format indicates whether the counts of profile entries are materialized in small or large format.

The target Licensed Internal Code release to materialize field is the target release specified when the materialize for given Licensed Internal Code release bit is set to binary 1. The earliest release that can be specified is Version 5, Release 1, Modification level 0. The latest release that can be specified is the current release. If an invalid release is specified, a template value invalid  (hex 3801) exception is signaled.

The user profile system pointer is the user profile to be materialized.

Authorization Required

Lock Enforcement


06 Addressing

08 Argument/Parameter

0A Authorization

10 Damage Encountered

1A Lock State

1C Machine-Dependent

20 Machine Support

22 Object Access

24 Pointer Specification

2E Resource Control Limit

36 Space Management

38 Template Specification

44 Protection Violation