Materialize Journal Port Attributes (MATJPAT)

Op Code (Hex) Operand 1 Operand 2

05A6 Receiver Journal port or materialize template

Operand 1: Space pointer.

Operand 2: System pointer or space pointer data object.

Bound program access

Built-in number for MATJPAT is 84. MATJPAT ( receiver : address journal_port_or_materialize_template : address of system pointer OR address of space pointer(16) )


The following information is subject to change from release to release. Use it with caution and be prepared to adjust for changes with each new release.


This instruction materializes the creation attributes of the journal port specified by operand 2 and places the attributes in the receiver specified by operand 1.

The format of the materialization data is as follows:

Dec Hex
Field Name
Data Type and Length
0 0
Materialization length
0 0
Number of bytes provided by user
4 4
Number of bytes available to be materialized
8 8
Object identification
8 8
Object type
9 9
Object subtype
10 A
Object name
40 28
Object creation options
40 28
Existence attributes (binary 1)
Bit 0
40 28
Space attributes
Bit 1

0 = Fixed-length
1 = Variable-length

40 28
Initial context
Bit 2
40 28
Access group
Bit 3
40 28
Replace option
Bit 4
40 28
Bits 5-12
40 28
Initialize space
Bit 13
40 28
Bits 14-18
40 28
Use system storage
Bit 19

0 = System storage not used
1 = System storage used

40 28
Bits 20-31
44 2C
Recovery options
48 30
Size of space
52 34
Initial value of space
53 35
Performance class
57 39
64 40
System pointer
80 50
Access group
System pointer
96 60
Length of timestamp in prefix
98 62
Length of process name in prefix
100 64
Length of user profile name in prefix
102 66
Length of program name in prefix
104 68
Number of journal spaces attached to the journal port
106 6A
Journal entry force count
110 6E
Journal port flags
110 6E
Default journal port
Bit 0

0 = Not a default journal port for implicitly journaled objects.
1 = Default journal port for implicitly journaled objects.

110 6E
Journal port commit quiesce status
Bit 1

0 = No quiesce of all commit activity to a transaction boundary is in progress against this journal port.
1 = The quiesce of all commit activity to a transaction boundary is in progress against this journal port.

110 6E
Discard transient entries
Bit 2

0 = Do not discard transient entries in the permanent journal space.
1 = Discard transient entries in the permanent journal space.

110 6E
Remote journal port
Bit 3

0 = Not a remote journal port
1 = Remote journal port

110 6E
Bit 4

110 6E
Prevent objects from being journaled
Bit 5

0 = Objects are allowed to be journaled to this journal port
1 = Objects are prevented from being journaled to this journal port

110 6E
Standby mode
Bit 6

0 = Port is not in standby mode
1 = Port is in standby mode

110 6E
Caching mode
Bit 7

0 = Port is not in caching mode
1 = Port is in caching mode

111 6F
Default journal port ID
113 71
Remote journal attributes
113 71
Receiving environment attribute flags
113 71
Remote journal environment
Bit 0

0 = A remote journal receiving environment does not exist for this journal port
1 = A remote journal receiving environment does exist for this journal port

113 71
Delivery mode
Bit 1

0 = Synchronous delivery mode
1 = Asynchronous delivery mode

113 71
Reserved (binary 0)
Bits 2-7
114 72
Transport mechanism

Hex 01 = Bus transport
Hex 02 = SNA
Hex 03 = TCP/IP
Hex 04 = Data port services
Hex 05 = Sockets

115 73
Environment status

Hex 00 = Unknown
Hex 01 = Active
Hex 02 = Catch-up in progress
Hex 03 = Controlled end in progress
Hex 04 = Suspended
Hex 05 = Error

116 74
Number of remote sending environments
120 78
Number of journaled objects
124 7C
Fixed length data
124 7C
Include program context name and ASP number
Bit 0

0 = Program context name and ASP number will not be in journal entries.
1 = Program context name and ASP number will be in journal entries.

124 7C
Include system sequence number
Bit 1

0 = System sequence number will not be in journal entries.
1 = System sequence number will be in journal entries.

124 7C
Include remote address
Bit 2

0 = Remote address will not be in journal entries.
1 = Remote address will be in journal entries.

124 7C
Include thread ID
Bit 3

0 = Thread identifier will not be in journal entries.
1 = Thread identifier will be in journal entries.

124 7C
Include logical unit of work
Bit 4

0 = Logical unit of work will not be in journal entries.
1 = Logical unit of work will be in journal entries.

124 7C
Include transaction identifier
Bit 5

0 = Transaction identifier will not be in journal entries.
1 = Transaction identifier will be in journal entries.

124 7C
Reserved (binary 0)
Bits 6-7
125 7D
Quiesced Status

Hex 00 = Journal port is not currently quiesced
'S'= Journal port has been quiesced such that there are no current open commit cycles and no additional cycles are allowed to start (this is the quiesced state achieved in support of traditional Save While Active)
'R'= Journal port has been quiesced only to the point where no operations are in flux. This does not assure that commit cycles are closed. (this is the quiesced state achieved in support of Ragged Save While Active)

126 7E
Additional journal port flags
126 7E
Journal port object limit
Bit 0

0 = Up to 250,000 journaled objects can be simultaneously journaled to this port
1 = Up to 100,000,000 journaled objects can be simultaneously journaled to this port

126 7E
Minimal entry status
Bit 1

0 = Minimized entries will not be deposited.
1 = Minimized entries may be deposited.

126 7E
Minimal entry type
Bit 2

0 = Minimized entries are deposited without ensuring data space field boundaries
1 = Minimized entries are deposited with data on data space field boundaries

126 7E
Reserved (binary 0)
Bits 3-7
127 7F
Reserved (binary 0)
128 80
Journal spaces (0 to n)
[*] System pointer
* *
Sending environment templates (0 to m)
[*] Char(48)
* *
Minimal entry array
* *
Journal recovery ratio
start of change* * Reserved (binary 0) Char(108)
* * Receiving environment template (0 or 1) [*] Char(96) end of change
* *
--- End ---

The receiver must be aligned on a 16-byte boundary. The first 4 bytes of the receiver identify the total number of bytes provided by the user for the materialization and the next 4 specify the total number of bytes available to be materialized. If fewer than 8 bytes are available in the space identified by the receiver, operand 1, a materialization length invalid  (hex 3803) exception is signaled. The instruction materializes as many bytes as can be contained in the receiver's space. If the space of the receiver is greater than that required to contain the information requested for materialization, the excess bytes are unchanged. No exceptions are signaled in the event that the receiver contains insufficient space for the materialization other than the materialization length invalid  (hex 3803) exception described previously.

Each journal space currently attached to the journal port will be identified in the journal space list. This list has as many entries as are identified in the number of journal spaces attached to the journal port field.

The journal entry force count is the value which is used to determine how many journal entries are allowed to be deposited on the journal before forcing those entries to disk.

The discard transient entries value indicates whether entries of a transient nature, those used strictly for the recovery of objects at IPL time, should be permanently associated with the journal space.

The remote journal port field indicates whether this is a remote journal port. A remote journal port receives entries from another journal port via a remote journal receiving environment. No entries can be deposited to a remote journal port.

The default journal port ID will be zeros if the journal port is not a default journal.

The prevent objects from being journaled field indicates whether objects are allowed to be journaled to this journal port.

The standby mode field indicates whether the port is currently in standby mode. Those ports which are in standby mode allow only a small select subset of critical journal entries to be deposited into the journal space.

The caching mode field indicates whether the port is currently in caching mode. Those ports which are in caching mode do not immediately write all journal entries to disk. Rather, they allow most journal entries to linger within a main memory cache until the cache is nearly full.

The remote journal attributes fields indicate the status of the receiving environment for remote journal ports. The values in these fields only apply to remote journal ports and will be binary 0's for non-remote journal ports.

The remote journal environment field indicates whether a remote journal receiving environment exists for this journal port. start of change If remote journal environment contains a binary 1, then the receiving environment template is returned. end of change

The delivery mode field indicates how journal entries are sent to this journal port. A synchronous delivery mode means that journal entries are sent to this journal concurrently with the entry being deposited on the journal port on the source system. An asynchronous delivery mode means that journal entries are sent to this journal port at some time after entries have been deposited on the journal port on the source system. The delivery mode does not apply and will contain a value of binary 0 if a remote journal receiving environment does not exist for the journal port or the environment status field indicates that the environment is in a suspended or unknown state.

The transport mechanism field indicates whether bus-level support or communications-level support or data port services or sockets is being used to transport the journal entries. The transport mechanism field in the remote journal attributes section of the materialize template indicates the mechanism used by this remote journal port to receive entries from another source journal port. The transport mechanism field does not apply and will contain a value of binary 0 if a remote journal receiving environment does not exist for the journal port. The transport mechanism field in the sending environment template(s) indicates the mechanism used to send journal entries from this journal port to the remote journal port.

The environment status field indicates the current state of the remote journal environment. A value of hex 01 indicates an active remote journaling environment. A value of hex 02 indicates a remote journal port is currently in the process of catching up journal entries from a source journal port. The catch-up phase is considered complete when the transition is made to either synchronous or asynchronous remote journaling. A value of hex 02 in the environment status field in the remote journal attributes section of the materialize template indicates this remote journal port is currently catching up entries from another source journal port. A value of hex 02 in the environment status field in the sending environment template(s) indicates the remote journal port is currently in the process of catching up journal entries from this journal port. A value of hex 03 indicates that the remote environment is ending controlled. A value of hex 04 indicates that the environment has been suspended because the environment did not successfully transition to an active state following the catch-up phase. A value of hex 05 indicates that an error has been detected and the environment is waiting to be deleted. The environment status field in the remote journaling attributes section of the materialize template does not apply and will have a value of binary 0 if a remote journal receiving environment does not exist for the journal port.

The number of remote sending environments field indicates the number of remote journal ports that this journal port is actively sending journal entries to. Information about each of the remote journal ports is provided in the sending environment template(s) below.

The number of journaled objects field indicates the number of objects actively being journaled to this port. This includes both implicitly and explicitly journaled objects.

The fixed length data field indicates whether various fixed length data is in the journal entries. A value of binary 1 for any of the following fields indicates that that specific data will be included in each journal entry in the journal space attached to the journal port.

A value of binary 0 indicates that that specific data will NOT be included in those journal entries.

The journal port object limit field indicates whether the port can simultaneously journal up to 250,000 objects or 100,000,000 objects.

The phrase minimized entries used below refers to a technique by which the machine is able to sense that some but not all of the bytes within a database record have been altered. Upon sensing such a state, the machine may attempt to produce a journal entry that contains only the changes rather than a copy of the entire record. The resulting reduced-size image is referred to as a minimized entry since it generally consumes less space than a copy of the entire record. These resulting minimized entry images come in two forms: those that honor field boundaries and those that do not. The variety selected is determined by attributes associated with the journal port.

The minimal entry status field indicates whether minimized entries may be deposited. A value of binary 0 indicates that minimized entries will not be deposited. A value of binary 1 indicates that minimized entries may be deposited for at least one entry type.

The minimal entry type field is only valid for minimized entries deposited for data spaces. This field indicates whether minimized entries for data spaces are deposited with or without ensuring that an entire data space field is deposited into the journal entry if the particular data space field has been modified. A value of binary 0 indicates that the minimized entries are deposited without ensuring data space field boundaries. A value of binary 1 indicates that the minimized entries are deposited ensuring data space field boundaries.

The journal recovery ratio field indicates an upper limit regarding the preferred number of journal entries per journal port that will be processed following an abnormal IPL. A value of 0 (zero) signifies that a system determined value will be used.

The minimal entry array field is defined as an array of bits, numbered from 0 to 255, one bit per entry type. Each bit indicates that minimal journal entries may or may not be deposited to this port for the corresponding entry type. For an entry type N, minimal entry by entry type bit N = 0 indicates that minimal entries are NOT accepted for the entry type N. Minimal entry by entry type bit N = 1 indicates that minimal entries are accepted for the entry type N.

The entry type indicates the type of object which is having its change activity journaled. In most cases, the entry type corresponds directly to the object's MI type. However, some MI types are used to represent more than one flavor of object. For this reason, the entry type for Data Area's is hex A0. All other objects use the MI type.

start of change If the remote journal environment contains a binary 1, then the receiving environment template is returned as follows:

Dec Hex Field Name Data Type and Length
0 0 Receiving environment template Char(96)
0 0 Receiving environment statistics Char(48)
0 0 Timestamp when catch-up started Char(8)
8 8 Timestamp when transitioned to active Char(8)
16 10 Estimated 100ths of seconds behind UBin(4)
20 14 Maximum 100ths of seconds behind UBin(4)
24 18 Maximum 100ths of seconds behind timestamp Char(8)
32 20 Reserved (binary 0) Char(16)
48 30 Reserved (binary 0) Char(48)
96 60 --- End ---

The receiving environment statistics are reset to binary zero when a receiving environment is activated.

The timestamp when catch-up started indicates when catch-up was started.

The timestamp when transitioned to active indicates when the receiving environment went active.

The estimated 100ths of seconds behind is the amount of time from when a journal bundle has been written to disk on the source system to when the bundle arrives on the target system. This field only applies to asynchronous remote journal environments and will contain a value of hex 0 for synchronous remote journal environments.

The maximum 100ths of seconds behind indicates the maximum estimated 100ths of seconds behind recorded since the remote journal was activated. The maximum 100ths of seconds behind timestamp is when maximum 100ths of seconds behind was captured. This field only applies to asynchronous remote journal environments and will contain a value of hex 0 for synchronous remote journal environments.

end of change

The sending environment template is repeated for each sending environment. If operand 2 is a system pointer, or if operand 2 is a space pointer and extended sending environment template contains a value of binary zero, then the format of the sending environment template is as follows:

Dec Hex
Field Name
Data Type and Length
0 0
Sending environment template
0 0
Remote journal ID
10 A
Sending enviroment attributes
10 A
Delivery mode
Bit 0

0 = Synchronous delivery mode
1 = Asynchronous delivery mode

10 A
Checksum validity checking
Bit 1

0 = Checksum validity checking disabled
1 = Checksum validity checking enabled

10 A
Reserved (binary 0)
Bits 2-7
11 B
Transport mechanism

Hex 01 = Bus transport
Hex 02 = SNA
Hex 03 = TCP/IP
Hex 04 = Data port services
Hex 05 = Sockets

12 C
Environment status

Hex 00 = Unknown
Hex 01 = Active
Hex 02 = Catch-up in progress
Hex 03 = Controlled end in progress
Hex 04 = Suspended
Hex 05 = Error

13 D
Reserved (binary 0)
16 10
Priority of asynchronous sending task
17 11
Reserved (binary 0)
20 14
Timeout for synchronous sending environment
24 18
Timestamp of last change in number of dataport lines
32 20
Reserved (binary 0)
34 22
Number of active dataport lines
36 24
Reserved (binary 0)
48 30
--- End ---

If operand 2 is a space pointer and extended sending environment template contains a value of binary one, then the format of the sending environment template is as follows:

Dec Hex
Field Name
Data Type and Length
0 0
Sending environment template
0 0
Remote journal ID
10 A
Sending enviroment attributes
10 A
Delivery mode
Bit 0

0 = Synchronous delivery mode
1 = Asynchronous delivery mode

10 A
Checksum validity checking
Bit 1

0 = Checksum validity checking disabled
1 = Checksum validity checking enabled

10 A
Reserved (binary 0)
Bits 2-7
11 B
Transport mechanism

Hex 01 = Bus transport
Hex 02 = SNA
Hex 03 = TCP/IP
Hex 04 = Data port services
Hex 05 = Sockets

12 C
Environment status

Hex 00 = Unknown
Hex 01 = Active
Hex 02 = Catch-up in progress
Hex 03 = Controlled end in progress
Hex 04 = Suspended
Hex 05 = Error

13 D
Reserved (binary 0)
16 10
Priority of asynchronous sending task
17 11
Reserved (binary 0)
20 14
Timeout for synchronous sending environment
24 18
Timestamp of last change in number of dataport lines
32 20
Reserved (binary 0)
34 22
Number of active dataport lines
36 24
Reserved (binary 0)
48 30
Sending environment statistics
48 30
Sending environment activation timestamp
56 38
Catchup timestamp
64 40
Number of bundles
68 44
Largest bundle
72 48
Largest bundle timestamp
80 50
Number of 100ths of seconds behind
84 54
Maximum number of 100ths of seconds behind
88 58
Maximum number of 100ths of seconds behind timestamp
96 60
Number of entries behind
100 64
Maximum number of entries behind
104 68
Maximum number of entries behind timestamp
112 70
Super bundle count
start of change116 74 Socket IP information Char(44)
116 74 Local port number UBin(2)
118 76 Remote port number UBin(2)
120 78 Length of local IP address UBin(4)
124 7C Length of remote IP address UBin(4)
128 80 Local IP address Char(16)
144 90 Remote IP address Char(16) end of change
160 A0
--- End ---

The priority of asynchronous sending task field contains the priority of the task sending journal entries to the remote journal port relative to the priority of processes on the machine. This field only applies to asynchronous remote journal sending environments and will contain a value of binary 0 for synchronous remote journal sending environments associated with the journal port.

The timeout for synchronous sending environment field contains the maximum amount of time in milliseconds to wait for a response from the remote system when a response is required. This field only applies when the delivery mode indicates synchronous delivery mode. This field will contain a value of binary 0 when the delivery mode indicates asynchronous delivery mode for the sending environment attributes associated with the journal port. A value of zero for this field when synchronous delivery mode is configured indicates that the machine determines the timeout value to use.

The checksum validity checking field indicates whether a checksum (a sum derived from the data to be sent) is generated on the source system. If a checksum is generated then the checksum is validated when the data arrives on the target system to assure the data is free from errors or tampering.

The timestamp of last change in number of dataport lines indicates the last time the number of active dataport lines changed. If the transport mechanism is not Hex 04 Data port services, this field will be binary zero.

The number of active dataport lines indicates how many dataport lines currently are active to send data. If the transport mechanism is not Hex 04 Data port services, this field will be binary zero.

The sending environment statistics are reset to binary zero when a sending environment is activated. Also the sending environment statistics will wrap.

The sending environment activation timestamp indicates the date and time that the environment status transitioned from catch-up in progress to active.

The catch-up timestamp indicates the date and time that the environment status transitioned to catch-up in progress.

The number of bundles is the number of bundles of journal entries transmitted since the environment status transitioned to active.

The largest bundle is the largest number of bytes of a bundle of journal entries transmitted. The largest bundle timestamp is the date and time that the largest bundle was sent.

The number of 100ths of seconds behind indicates how far behind an asynchronous remote journal is compared to the current deposits to the journal. This field only applies to asynchronous remote journal sending environments and will contain a value of hex 0 for synchronous remote journal sending environments associated with the journal port.

The maximum number of 100ths of seconds behind indicates the furthest behind an asynchronous remote journal was compared to the current deposits to the journal at that time. A value of hex FFFFFFFF indicates that the sending environment was over 497 days behind. The maximum number of 100ths of seconds behind timestamp is that date and time that maximum number of 100ths of seconds behind was captured. This field only applies to asynchronous remote journal sending environments and will contain a value of hex 0 for synchronous remote journal sending environments associated with the journal port.

The number of entries behind indicates how far behind an asynchronous remote journal is compared to the current deposits to the journal. This field only applies to asynchronous remote journal sending environments and will contain a value of hex 0 for synchronous remote journal sending environments associated with the journal port.

The maximum number of entries behind indicates the furthest behind an asynchronous remote journal was compared to the current deposits to the journal at that time. Maximum number of entries behind timestamp is that date and time that maximum number of entries behind was captured. This field only applies to asynchronous remote journal sending environments and will contain a value of hex 0 for synchronous remote journal sending environments associated with the journal port.

The super bundle count indicates the number of times an asynchronous remote journal has gone into super bundle mode. Super bundling mode can be viewed as an overdrive behavior. As the quantity of unsent journal bundles begins to accumulate on the source side, the machine senses this growing set of unsent bundles and elects to combine together consecutive journal bundles into a longer combined string and sends the resulting super bundle across the communication wire as a single packet rather than sending each such bundle individually. This field only applies to asynchronous remote journal sending environments and will contain a value of hex 0 for synchronous remote journal sending environments associated with the journal port.

start of change The socket port information and socket IP information is returned for the sending environment if the transport mechanism is Hex 05 Sockets, otherwise these fields will be binary zero. The local port number returns the port number for the local connection. The remote port number returns the port number for the remote connection. The length of local IP address and length of remote IP address specify a length of 4 bytes for an IPv4 address or a length of 16 bytes for an IPv6 address. The local IP address returns the IP address of the local socket, and will be left-aligned. The remote IP address returns the IP address of the remote peer, and will be left-aligned. end of change

If operand 2 is a system pointer, it identifies the input journal port object. If operand 2 is a space pointer, it provides addressability to the materialize template. The materialize template is used to identify default journal ports by ASP and default journal port ID. Returned in the materialize template is a system pointer to the currently known default journal port with the specified ID. The format of the materialize template is as follows:

Dec Hex
Field Name
Data Type and Length
0 0
Materialize template
0 0
Char(2) +
2 2
Default journal port ID
Char(2) +
4 4
Template options
4 4
Extended sending environment template
Bit 0

0 = Do not use the extended sending environment format
1 = Use the extended sending environment format

4 4
Reserved (binary 0)
Bits 1-7
5 5
Reserved (binary 0)
16 10
Journal port
System pointer
32 20
--- End ---

Note: The fields marked with a plus sign (+) are input to this instruction.

The materialize template must be aligned on a 16-byte boundary.

The ASP field indicates the ASP on which the default journal port resides.

The default journal port ID uniquely identifies the default journal port on the specified ASP.

The extended sending environment template indicates which variety of sending template should be processed.

The journal port currently known as the default journal port of the specified ID and ASP is returned. If there is no known default port, a null pointer value will be returned.

Authorization Required

Lock Enforcement


06 Addressing

08 Argument/Parameter

0A Authorization

10 Damage Encountered

1A Lock State

1C Machine-Dependent

20 Machine Support

22 Object Access

24 Pointer Specification

2E Resource Control Limit

32 Scalar Specification

36 Space Management

38 Template Specification

44 Protection Violation