Materialize Dump Space (MATDMPS)

Op Code (Hex) Operand 1 Operand 2

04DA Receiver Dump space

Operand 1: Space pointer.

Operand 2: System pointer.

Bound program access

Built-in number for MATDMPS is 83. MATDMPS ( receiver : address dump_space : address of system pointer )


The current attributes of the dump space specified by operand 2 are materialized into the receiver specified by operand 1.

The template identified by operand 1 must be 16-byte aligned in the space. The format of the materialization is as follows:

Dec Hex
Field Name
Data Type and Length
0 0
Materialization size specification
0 0
Number of bytes provided for materialization
4 4
Number of bytes available for materialization

(always 128 for this instruction)

8 8
Object identification
8 8
Object type
9 9
Object subtype
10 A
Object name
40 28
Object creation options
40 28
Existence attributes
Bit 0

0 = Temporary
1 = Permanent

40 28
Space attribute
Bit 1

0 = Fixed length
1 = Variable length

40 28
Bit 2

0 = Addressability not in context
1 = Addressability in context

40 28
Reserved (binary 0)
Bits 3-12
40 28
Initialize space
Bit 13
40 28
Reserved (binary 0)
Bits 14-31
44 2C
Recovery options
48 30
Size of space
52 34
Initial value of space
53 35
Performance class
57 39
64 40
System pointer
80 50
96 60
Dump space size
100 64
Dump data size
104 68
Dump data size limit
108 6C
128 80
--- End ---

The first 4 bytes of the materialization identify the total number of bytes provided for use by the instruction. This value is supplied as input to the instruction and is not modified by the instruction. A value of less than eight causes the materialization length invalid  (hex 3803) exception to be signaled.

The second 4 bytes of the materialization identify the total number of bytes available to be materialized. The instruction materializes as many bytes as can be contained in the area specified as the receiver. If the byte area identified by the receiver is greater than that required to contain the information requested, then the excess bytes are unchanged. No exceptions are signaled in the event that the receiver contains insufficient area for the materialization, other than the materialization length invalid  (hex 3803) exception described previously.

The dump space size field is set with the current size value for the number of 512-byte blocks of space allocated for storage of dump data within the dump space.

The dump data size field is set with the current size value for the number of 512-byte blocks of dump data contained in the dump space. This value specifies the number of blocks from the start of the dump space through the block of dump data which has been placed into the dump space at the largest dump space offset value. A value of zero indicates that the dump space currently contains no dump data.

The dump data size limit field is set with the current size limit for the number of 512-byte blocks of dump data which may be stored in the dump space. A value of zero indicates that no explicit limitation is placed on the amount of dump data which may be stored in the dump space. The machine implicitly places a limit on the maximum size of a dump space. This value of this limitation is dependent upon the specific implementation of the machine.

Authorization Required

Lock Enforcement


06 Addressing

08 Argument/Parameter

0A Authorization

10 Damage Encountered

1A Lock State

1C Machine-Dependent

20 Machine Support

22 Object Access

24 Pointer Specification

2E Resource Control Limit

32 Scalar Specification

36 Space Management

38 Template Specification

44 Protection Violation