Find Relative Invocation Number (FNDRINVN)

Op Code (Hex) Operand 1 Operand 2 Operand 3
0543 Relative invocation number Search range Search criterion template
Operand 1: Signed binary(4) variable scalar.

Operand 2: Character(48) scalar or null.

Operand 3: Space pointer.

Bound program access

Built-in number for FNDRINVN is 124. FNDRINVN ( relative_invocation_number : address of signed binary(4) search_range : address OR null operand search_criterion_template : address )


It is recommended that you use search options 8, 9 and 10 for 8-byte invocation, activation and activation group marks, respectively, rather than search options 4, 5 and 6. 4-byte marks can wrap and produce unexpected results.


The invocations identified by operand 2 are searched in the order specified by operand 2 until an invocation is found which satisfies the search criterion specified in the operand 3 template. The identity of the first invocation (in search order) to satisfy the search criterion is returned in operand 1. If no invocation in the specified range satisfies the search criterion, then either an exception is signaled, or a value of zero is returned in operand 1, depending on the modifiers specified in the operand 3 template.

Operand 1 is returned as a signed binary(4) value identifying the first invocation found that satisfies the specified search criterion. It is specified relative to the starting invocation identified by operand 2. A positive number indicates a displacement in the direction of newer invocations, while a negative number indicates a displacement in the direction of older invocations. A zero value can either indicate that no invocation in the specified range matched the specified criterion, or the starting invocation satisfied the specified criterion, depending on the modifiers specified in the operand 3 template. Operand 1 is not modified in the event that the instruction terminates with an exception.

Note that a modifier in the operand 3 template determines if the starting invocation identified by operand 2 is to be skipped. If the starting invocation is specified to be skipped during the search then a result of zero in operand 1 indicates failure to find an invocation that satisfies the criterion. If the starting invocation is specified not to be skipped, then a result of zero indicates the starting invocation has satisfied the specified criterion. If the starting invocation is specified not to be skipped and no invocation is found that satisfies the search criterion, an exception will be signaled.

Operand 2 identifies the starting invocation and the range of the search. If operand 2 is specified as a null operand, then operand 2 is assumed to identify a range starting with the current invocation and proceeding through all existing older invocations.

Operand 3 is a space pointer to a template that identifies the search criterion and search modifiers for the find operation.

Operand 2

The value specified by operand 2 identifies the range of invocations to be searched. This operand can be null (which indicates the range which starts with the current invocation and proceeds through all existing older invocations), or it can contain either an invocation pointer to an invocation or a null pointer (which indicates a range starting with the current invocation).

Operand 2 has the following format:

Dec Hex
Field Name
Data Type and Length
0 0
Starting invocation offset
4 4
Originating invocation offset (ignored)
8 8
Invocation range
12 C
Reserved (binary 0)
16 10
Starting invocation pointer
Invocation pointer
32 20
Reserved (binary 0)
48 30
--- End ---

If a non-null pointer is specified for starting invocation pointer, then operand 2 must be 16-byte aligned in the space.


Requesting invocation

The invocation executing the FNDRINVN instruction. Note that, in many cases, this invocation belongs to a system or language run-time procedure/program, and the instruction is actually being executed on behalf of another procedure or program.

Starting invocation

The invocation which serves as the starting point for the search.

Field descriptions

Starting invocation offset
A signed numerical value indicating an invocation relative to the invocation located by the starting invocation pointer. A value of zero denotes the invocation addressed by the starting invocation pointer, with increasingly positive numbers denoting increasingly later invocations in the stack, and increasingly negative numbers denoting increasingly earlier invocations in the stack.

If the starting invocation pointer is valid or null, but the invocation identified by this offset does not exist in the stack, an invocation offset outside range of current stack  (hex 2C1A) exception will be signaled.

Originating invocation offset
This field is used by other instructions but is ignored by FNDRINVN.

Invocation range
Invocation range is a signed numerical value which specifies the direction of the search and the maximum number of invocations to be examined. The magnitude of invocation range specifies the maximum number of invocations to be searched exclusive of the starting invocation. It is not an error if this magnitude is greater than the number of existing invocations in the specified direction. If the sign of invocation range is positive (and non-zero), the search is performed in the direction of newer invocations, while if the sign is negative, the search is performed in the direction of older invocations.

Note that the bypass starting invocation modifier in operand 3 affects how the starting invocation is treated. If this modifier is binary 0, then the starting invocation is the first invocation examined. If invocation range is zero in this case then only the starting invocation is examined. If, on the other hand, bypass starting invocation is binary 1, then the starting invocation does not participate in the search, and, if invocation range is zero, no invocations are searched and a value of zero is returned for operand 1.

Starting invocation pointer
An invocation pointer to an invocation. If null, then the current invocation is indicated. If not null, then operand 2 must be 16-byte aligned in the space.

If the pointer identifies an invocation in another thread, a process object access invalid  (hex 2C11) exception will be signaled. If the invocation identified by this pointer does not exist in the stack, an object destroyed  (hex 2202) exception will be signaled.

Usage note: In cases where starting invocation pointer is null, operand 2 may be a constant.

Operand 3

The search criterion template identified by operand 3 must be aligned on a 16-byte boundary. The template is a 32-byte value with the following format:

Dec Hex
Field Name
Data Type and Length
0 0
Reserved (binary 0)
8 8
Search option
12 C
Search modifiers
12 C
Bypass starting invocation
Bit 0

0 = The starting invocation identified by operand 2 is the first invocation tested. An invocation not found  (hex 1E02) exception is signaled if the search criterion is not satisfied.
1 = The starting invocation identified by operand 2 is skipped and no exception is signaled if the search criterion is not satisfied.

12 C
Compare for mismatch
Bit 1

0 = The instruction identifies the first invocation (in specified search order) which matches the specified search criterion
1 = The instruction identifies the first invocation (in specified search order) which does not match the specified search criterion

12 C
Reserved (binary 0)
Bits 2-31
16 10
Search argument
32 20
--- End ---

Search option
Specifies the invocation attribute to be examined:


Routine type. Search argument is a one-byte routine type, left aligned. Allowed search argument values are:

Hex 01 = Non-Bound Program
Hex 02 = Bound Program Entry Procedure (PEP)
Hex 03 = Bound Program Procedure

Note: Bound program procedures are contained within bound programs, bound service programs, and Java™ programs. All discussion of bound program procedure semantics also apply to Java program procedures.


Invocation type. Search argument is a one-byte invocation type, left aligned. Allowed search argument values are:

Hex 01 = Call external
Hex 02 = Transfer control
Hex 03 = Event handler
Hex 04 = External exception handler (for non-bound program)
Hex 05 = Initial program in process problem state
Hex 06 = Initial program in process initiation state
Hex 07 = Initial program in process termination state
Hex 08 = Invocation exit (for non-bound program)
Hex 09 = Return or return/XCTL trap handler
Hex 0A = Call program
Hex 0B = Cancel handler (bound program only)
Hex 0C = Exception handler (bound program only)
Hex 0D = Call bound procedure/call with procedure pointer
Hex 0E = Process Default Exception Handler


Invocation status. Search argument consists of two four-byte fields, left aligned. The invocation status of each examined invocation is ANDed with the first field and then compared to the second field.


Invocation mark. Search argument is a four-byte invocation mark, left aligned. If the search is in the direction of older invocations, the result identifies the first invocation found with an invocation mark less than or equal to the search argument. If the search is in the direction of newer invocations, the result identifies the first invocation found with an invocation mark greater than or equal to the search argument. If invocation range is zero, then the search is satisfied only if the invocation mark of the starting invocation exactly matches the search argument, and this can occur only if bypass starting invocation is binary 0.

For this option compare for mismatch is ignored.


Activation mark. Search argument is a four-byte activation mark, left aligned. The activation mark of the program or module activation corresponding to each examined invocation is compared to search argument. Invocations with no activation (ie, the invocations of non-bound reentrant programs, and the invocation stack base entry) are considered to have an activation mark of binary 0.


Activation group mark. Search argument is a four-byte activation group mark, left aligned. The activation group mark of each examined invocation is compared to search argument. The activation group mark of each examined invocation is determined from the activation associated with the invocation. (Each activation belongs to a single activation group.) However,

  • if no activation exists for the invocation, or
  • if an activation exists and it belongs to an shared activation group owned by another process
then, the activation group mark for the examined invocation is taken to be,

1 for a system-state invocation

2 for a user-state invocation


Program pointer. Search argument is a system pointer to a program. The program corresponding to each examined invocation is compared to the program identified by the pointer.


Invocation mark. Search argument is an eight-byte invocation mark, left aligned. If the search is in the direction of older invocations, the result identifies the first invocation found with an invocation mark less than or equal to the search argument. If the search is in the direction of newer invocations, the result identifies the first invocation found with an invocation mark greater than or equal to the search argument. If invocation range is zero, then the search is satisfied only if the invocation mark of the starting invocation exactly matches the search argument, and this can occur only if bypass starting invocation is binary 0.

For this option compare for mismatch is ignored.


Activation mark. Search argument is an eight-byte activation mark, left aligned. The activation mark of the program or module activation corresponding to each examined invocation is compared to search argument. Invocations with no activation (ie, the invocations of non-bound reentrant programs, and the invocation stack base entry) are considered to have an activation mark of binary 0.


Activation group mark. Search argument is an eight-byte activation group mark, left aligned. The activation group mark of each examined invocation is compared to search argument. The activation group mark of each examined invocation is determined from the activation associated with the invocation. (Each activation belongs to a single activation group.) However,

  • if no activation exists for the invocation, or
  • if an activation exists and it belongs to a shared activation group owned by another process
then, the activation group mark for the examined invocation is taken to be,

1 for a system-state invocation

2 for a user-state invocation

Bypass starting invocation
If bypass starting invocation is binary 0, then the starting invocation specified by operand 2 is the first invocation examined. In this case, if the invocation range of operand 2 is exhausted without satisfying the search criterion then a template value invalid  (hex 3801) exception is signaled, with the search argument field of operand 3 identified as the erroneous field.

If bypass starting invocation is binary 1, then the starting invocation specified by operand 2 is skipped, and a failure to satisfy the search criterion is indicated by returning a binary 0 value in operand 1.

Compare for mismatch
If compare for mismatch is binary 0, then the search criterion is satisfied when an invocation is found whose attribute matches the search argument. If compare for mismatch is binary 1, however, then the search criterion is satisfied when an invocation is found whose attribute does not match the search argument.

Search argument
A value of between one and 16 bytes as described above. Unused bytes are ignored.

Authorization Required

Lock Enforcement


06 Addressing

08 Argument/Parameter

10 Damage Encountered

16 Exception Management

1C Machine-Dependent

1E Machine Observation

20 Machine Support

22 Object Access

24 Pointer Specification

2C Program Execution

2E Resource Control Limit

32 Scalar Specification

36 Space Management

38 Template Specification

44 Protection Violation