Destroy Activation Group-Based Heap Space (DESHS)

Op Code (Hex) Operand 1

03B1 Heap identifier

Operand 1: Binary(4) variable scalar.
Bound program access

Built-in number for DESHS is 113. DESHS ( heap_identifier : address of signed binary(4) OR address of unsigned binary(4) )

Note: The term "heap space" in this instruction refers to an "activation group-based heap space".

Description  This instruction destroys and removes from the current activation group the heap space specified by the heap identifier in operand 1. Subsequent use of this heap identifier within the activation group will result in an invalid heap identifier  (hex 4501) exception. The heap identifier was returned on the Create Activation Group-Based Heap Space (CRTHS) instruction. An attempt to destroy the default heap space (heap identifier value of 0) will result in an invalid request  (hex 4502) exception.

Space pointer references to heap space allocations from a destroyed heap space will cause unpredictable results.

All heap spaces are implicitly destroyed when the activation group in which they were created is destroyed.

Operand 1 is not modified by the instruction.

Authorization Required

Lock Enforcement


06 Addressing

08 Argument/Parameter

10 Damage Encountered

1C Machine-Dependent

20 Machine Support

24 Pointer Specification

44 Protection Violation

45 Heap Space