Copy Hex Digit Numeric to Numeric (CPYHEXNN)

Op Code (Hex) Operand 1 Operand 2

1092 Receiver Source

Operand 1: Numeric variable scalar or character variable scalar.

Operand 2: Numeric scalar or character scalar.

Description  The numeric hex digit value (rightmost 4 bits) of the leftmost byte referred to by the source operand is copied to the numeric hex digit value (rightmost 4 bits) of the leftmost byte referred to by the receiver operand. The operands can be either character strings or numeric. Any numeric operands are interpreted as logical character strings.

Authorization Required

Lock Enforcement


06 Addressing

08 Argument/Parameter

10 Damage Encountered

1C Machine-Dependent

20 Machine Support

22 Object Access

24 Pointer Specification

2E Resource Control Limit

36 Space Management

44 Protection Violation