Correcting Run-time Errors

The source section of the listing is also useful for correcting run-time errors. Many run-time error messages identify a statement number where the error in question occurred.

If OPTION(*NOSRCSTMT) is specified, the Line Number on the left side of the compiler listing corresponds to the statement number in the run-time error message. The source ID number and the SEU sequence number on the right side of the compiler listing identify the source member and record. You can use the two together, especially if you are editing the source using SEU, to determine which line needs to be examined.

If OPTION(*SRCSTMT) is specified, the Statement Number on the right side of the compiler listing corresponds to the statement number in the run-time error message. If the statement is from the main source member, this is the same as the statement on the left side of the compiler listing, and is also the same as the SEU sequence number.

If you have a /COPY member, you can find the source ID number of the actual file in the /COPY Member table at the end of the listing. For an example of a /COPY Member table, see /COPY Member Table.

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