The Create Bound RPG (CRTBNDRPG) command performs the combined tasks of the Create RPG Module (CRTRPGMOD) and Create Program (CRTPGM) commands by creating a temporary module object from the source code, and then creating the program object. Once the program object is created, CRTBNDRPG deletes the module object it created. The entire syntax diagram for the CRTBNDRPG command is shown below.

Job: B,I  Pgm: B,I  REXX: B,I  Exec
Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram>>-CRTBNDRPG---------------------------------------------------->
   |         .-*CURLIB/------.  .-*CTLSPEC-----.    |
   |             .-*LIBL/--------.  .-QRPGLESRC--------.    |
   |            .-*PGM--------------------.    |
   |            .-*PRINT-.    |
   |            .-10-------------------.    |
   |          .-*SRCMBRTXT----.    |
   |               .-*YES-.    |
   '-OPTION--(--| OPTION Details |--)-'
   |             .-*STMT---.    |
   |               .-*NONE-----------.    |
   |            .-*PRINT-.    |
   |              .-*NONE--.    |
   |            .-*NONE-----------.    |
   |            .-*NONE------------------------------------------------------.    |
                  '-*DATETIME-'  '-*GRAPHIC-'  '-*VARCHAR-'  '-*VARGRAPHIC-'
   |            .-*HEX-------------------------------.    |
   |            .-*JOBRUN-------------.    |
   |             .-*YES-.    |  |            .-*USER--.    |
   '-REPLACE--(--+-*NO--+--)-'  '-USRPRF--(--+-*OWNER-+--)-'
   |         .-*LIBCRTAUT--------------.    |
   |              .-*YES-.    |
   |            .-*NONE--------.    |
   |            .-*CURRENT-.    |
   |             .-*NO--------.    |
   |            .-*SNGLVL----.    |
   |            .-*NONE-------------------------------------.    |
                | .-*LIBL/--------.                         |
   |            .-*STGMDL---------------.    |
   |               .-*PEP-------.    |
   |            .-*NONE----------.    |
   |            .-*NOCOL-.    |  '-LICOPT--(--options--)-'
   |            .-*NONE-----.    |
   |             .-*NO----------------.    |
   |             |        .-*STMF---. |    |
   |              .-*NONE---------------------------------------------------------.    |
                  | '-*DFT-'                                                      |
                    +-+-------------+---+ +-+-------------+---+ +-+-----------+-+
                    | '-*RMVCOMMENT-'   | | '-*EXPINCLUDE-'   | | '-*NOSEQSRC-' |
                    '-+---------------+-' '-+---------------+-' '-+---------+---'
                      '-*NORMVCOMMENT-'     '-*NOEXPINCLUDE-'     '-*SEQSRC-'
   |                .-*CURLIB----------.                             |
   |               .-*PGM----------------------.    |
   |               .-*SRCSTMF----------------.    |
  1. All parameters preceding this point can be specified by position.
Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramOPTION Details:
   .-*XREF---.  .-*GEN---.  .-*NOSECLVL-.  .-*SHOWCPY---.
   '-*NOXREF-'  '-*NOGEN-'  '-*SECLVL---'  '-*NOSHOWCPY-'
   .-*EXPDDS---.  .-*EXT---.  .-*NOSHOWSKP-.  .-*NOSRCSTMT-.
   '-*NOEXPDDS-'  '-*NOEXT-'  '-*SHOWSKP---'  '-*SRCSTMT---'
   .-*DEBUGIO---.  .-*UNREF---.  .-*NOEVENTF-.
   '-*NODEBUGIO-'  '-*NOUNREF-'  '-*EVENTF---'

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